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Pokemon Ghinko: Rise Against the Vexus (Application Thread)(No spots left!)

Da Pokemon Lord

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[align=center]Mines is a group' date=' but I'll do the RP as if they where 1. It'll go in the order of Middle Left Right




Name: Scotty


Age: 16


History: Scoty is the Great Grand Son of Profeser Oak(You can kind of see the conection between him & Gary). Scotty didn't want to be like his father. He actualy wanted to be like his arch enemy, Ash, & like his Grampa. Every weekend, he would go to Pallet Town to help Oak. One day,he, alone, made a very special discovery. If you cross breeded 2 Pokémon, the baby would look like the 2 parents in one. He decided to call this Splicing. He opened a Pokémon Daycare Center for baby spliced Pokémon, or SP, for short, at the age of 10. At the age 11, ☺ 2 Girls came in with a Water SP & a Grass SP. One was a Splice of Turtwig & Bulbasaur, Blbatwig, & 1 a Toadadile & Mudkip, Mudadile. They waned to help. Scotty & the 2 girls, May & Winnie, became very good friends. Some people say that That May * Winnie have a liking for Scott(You'll find out in the RP's mid- end). Now the duo are


Personality: Loving(& ladys man XD) & caring. He has this urge to keep on Splicing.


Starter Pokemon: Charlyne


Number between 1 and 26: 12 (Please be Mew, oh please oh please oh please!)



Name: May


Age: 16


History: Look in Scotty's history where the ☺ is.


Personality: Loving & energetic.


Starter Pokemon: Petiray



Name: Winnie


Age: 16


History: Same as above


Personality: Same as above


Starter Pokemon: Twiglee[/align]


I'm sorry but I don't accept groups. I'll take Scotty, but not the other two. You are accepted, but you may only use Scotty as your main person. May and Winnie may be NPCs, but they do not get the starters. You develop their teams and they do not get legendaries. I'll try to tie them into the RP somehow. Like I said, accepted. Also, Mew is one I decided not to add to my list. It can learn every move and therefore too powerful and will let Team Vexus become invincible. There are a lot more I left out, but I don't feel like naming them. Also, Charlyne cannot be picked. I will have to force you to pick Twiglee, because I want 2 of each starter inthe RP. You will be forced to pick Twiglee (and between you and me, Twiglee is better than Charlyne. Twiglee is fast and strong, whereas Charlyne is only fast and doesn't gain powerful strength until it evolves into Syngat...^_^)


Your predetermined final team is:

  • Treeila
  • Heracross
  • Rhyperior


This is the order in which you will receive your Pokemon:

  • Twiglee (Starter)
  • Heracross (Received Second)
  • Rhydon (Received Third)


The legendary that you will catch is:



Have fun!

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