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This sounds like a great development, but nothing has been said of its clinical trials. It may be effective on lab mice, but let's not forget the potentials for side effects that are yet to be explored or mentioned. Don't expect this to be publicly available any time soon.

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Maybe someone had the idea for a while, but it takes a long time to figure out the method to do so, conduct the initial experiments, and get the initial results published.


Anyway, I can confirm that the results of these investigations has been published. Abstract here for those interested.


The procedure has only been tested on triple-negative breast cancer. It may not necessarily work on other types of cancer.

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Saying this is a way to kill cancer as a whole feels quite misleading with how different one cancer type is to the other.


While it is still a good development, i am on the opinion that this Isn't as groundbreaking as the articles suggests.


Questionable source and article tone also contributes to this.

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This is far from anything new. There is an even more precise method being developed that uses cancer seeking nanomachines to inject nanoscopic traces of Gold into the cancer cells, then use Radio waves to, in a nutshell, cook the cancer cells alive without any damage to the body.


This isn't a cure for cancer. There will never be a cure for cancer. All we can do is continually make better and more reliable treatment options. It's a huge step forward that this is nearly commercially available, but it's far from a cure. Cancer is a condition born through chance. Will you cell have a mutation, and if so, will that mutation cause the cell to become cancerous? It's not a disease, per say. It's moreso a condition that creates a disease. Therefore you cannot cure it, but you can surpress and destroy it when it occurs.

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There's a number of different types of cancer.  Some of which actually can be cured.  Like most skin cancers.  And if caught in early stages, things like breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, and prostate cancer can be stopped and cured immediately.  As of today we don't have any definite answer to stop the division of cells which can lead to cancer.  But it's both true and false to say we can or can't cure cancer.


We've managed to cure types of cancer.  We haven't managed to cure cells. 

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Well, I already accepted that part of it. I guess my definition of cure is that of the impossible "general" cure, and I consider everything else to simply be various treatment options rather than actual "cures."


Also if you don't provide your reasoning then how can I even begin to accept your logic? It's not like I'm gonna shame you for saying something outlandish; I'd simply acknowledge it as such.

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You're right. I totally would. I'm a total scumbage who disrespects the oppinions of other people. Im glad you know me better than I do to realize my error.


Complete sarcasm there btw. I'm not gonna force you to share what you don't want to, however I generally don't care what people believe, so long as it is not factually incorrect. At which point I simply provide evidence to show why it is wrong, if possible. That's the truth.

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Hey man, I'm not one to argue fact vs faith. Stranger things have happened through zealous and disciplined prayer. Personally, I think such confidence is in fact producing a pseudo-placebo effect, where there is such affirmity in that believe that your body does everything in it's power to adapt to that reality. Combined with an effective drug and miracles like that can happen due to the body working overtime. One's own personal outlook on life has shown on several occasions to actually influence their physical condition, though you usually hear about this in a negative connotation. However, that means that the positive side must also exist, and it's why I believe religions activities can be extremely beneficial to one's mental AND physical wellbeing, regardless of whether or not it really was divine intervention.

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We're still talking about the Sun.  I've seen some light treatments do wonders for types of skin cancer, (UV treatments are actually common among light treatments for skin cancers) but full on tumors?  That's something I'd need to see verified by a more reliable source.  Keep digging.  I will too.

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