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4th of July (weekend)


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More of a Canada Day kind of person myself.  On the fourth of july I'll probably go to the beach or something if the weather is nice but just to chill.

Really? You celebrate Canada Day? Let me guess, you also celebrate White History Month and Hetero Pride Day? Just like a privileged hockey fan. Free health and maple syrup nub.

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Gonna spend it trying desperately not to lose my shirt.

I can help with that. ;)


OT: Will be going up to Vermont with my folks. Completely unrelatedly, though - Mom's job is changing and the benefits from her previous one include fantastic hotel rates, sooooo... do the math. P:

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Cleaning.  Because I have a roommate who's idea of cleaning is moving around a few pieces of paper and shuffling his feet.  And I'm so tired of living like this.  And at the same time, I'm tired of cleaning up after his lazy ass.

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1. Probably the usual stuff I do on a normal day (come on here, watch my anime, GFX, play Pokemon, etc.). Though I suppose I'll watch my neighbors light up fireworks on the street (or view the nearby ones from my room) tomorrow. Maybe parents will BBQ stuff, but I doubt it; might end up having to cook dinner. 


(Although we do have some guys who decide to light up fireworks early before they're actually supposed to)


2. I haven't thought about July 4th too much lately, but yeah because I live in the US, I should probably care about it to an extent. But yeah, it's still a holiday where I don't have to do too much. 



In terms of this weekend, I did the same stuff I normally do on ordinary weekends. 

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Why see fireworks tradition on July 4th? We should celebrate this country the way or ancestors did. Throw tea into the Boston Harbor, run through the streets screaming "The British are coming," ride along the river bank basking in the glory of George Washington. We need to let out our eagles and show America what freedom is.
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I went to a family reunion on Saturday. I got to see people I haven't seen in years or have never seen before. It was at some park I've never been too. Alot of white people lol. I went to a birthday party afterwards at my cousins house.


On the 4th I went to my cousins house again and we had burgers and hot dogs. We also set off some fireworks.

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