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So Naturias can actually do a thing [Traptrix Naturia]


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Monsters (21):

x3 Maxx "C"

x3 Naturia Bamboo Shoot

x3 Naturia Cherries

x3 Naturia Cliff

x1 Naturia Cosmobeet

x1 Naturia Fruitfly

x2 Naturia Marron

x2 Traptrix Dionaea

x3 Traptrix Myrmello



Spells (7):

x2 Magic Planter

x2 Moon Mirror Shield

x1 Raigeki

x2 Twin Twisters


Traps (12):

x1 Bottomless Trap Hole

x3 Gozen Match

x3 Naturia Sacred Tree

x1 Quaking Mirror Force

x1 Solemn Strike

x1 Solemn Warning

x2 Time-Space Trap Hole


Extra deck (15):

x1 Armades, Keeper of Boundaries

x1 Black Rose Dragon

x1 Black Rose Moonlight Dragon

x1 Clear Wing Synchro Dragon

x1 Goyo Guardian

x1 Naturia Barkion

x2 Naturia Beast

x1 Naturia Landoise

x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

x1 Castel, the Skyblaster Musketeer

x1 Daigusto Emeral

x1 Gagaga Cowboy

x1 Number 106: Giant Hand

x1 Traptrix Rafflesia


So yeah, I've found this to be the best working. The deck is pretty efficient, and can make use of dead cards. i run 3 Maxx "C" for maximum chance of drawing it since it helps me draw into stuff that I need during the opponents turn, but if it starts clogging I can swap it out for p much any plant I want since its an earth insect and Sacred Tree likes that. Furthermore, Planters make use of Gozen if it isnt working, giving me a +2 cards in hand. Better yet, Planter on Sacred Tree lets me draw 2 and search a Naturia card. The deck is a large amount of floaters, and can usually hold out long enough for me to drop bamboo and protect him with the holes searched from the Traptrix, or the Moon Mirror shield that makes him impossible to run over. If planters/TT are dead in my hand, Landoise comes into play. Being earth he can coexist with Bamboo Shoot under Gozen Match, and locks down effects by disposing of planters/Twin Twisters.


Takes some time to set up, but with all its consistency it is a pretty damn good deck, and efficient to boot. I've tested a few times, but it has a great match up against any pendulum deck, good vs Kozmo because Gozen Match, and it creamed monarchs. I have lost to Infernoid, Kozmo, and Frogs in my various tests, but over all it seems to work pretty well considering its Naturias. Thoughts, opinions, and suggestions?

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What is the reason for losing to Infernoid and Frogs (!)? Also, since you both have won and lost against Kozmo, doen't it make them still good?

I was unable to stop Harmodik. I couldn't get Landoise out fast enough, so it kept floating and popping my Bamboo shoot. Also the Gozen didn't hurt them. Frogs was because i didn't know the match up. Kozmo is a 50 50. I have to open well and play carefully, or they'll get out big monsters. But if I can drop bamboo gozen and lay a trap hole, I got the match set.

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id personally play safe zone over moon shield, Zone protects it from a lot more as well as it can be used offensively. (also a target for planter)

needs trishula. Its relatively easy to make with the traptrix engine and it has great stun. 

Fruitfly is pretty ehhhhhhh. Like the steal is nice but overall it seems like a super dead card. id take it out for a trap hole, a strike or another quaking

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I don't like Maxx "C". It's really only good for a little while, and nets you maybe 1 card, except against Burning Abyss, who float enough not to care about taking the challenge.


Also, why Gozen Match? I don't know if you would be doing too much damage to many Decks. Kozmo and Monarch only ever use 2-3 attributes. Light Imprisoning or Shadow Imprisoning may be better, unless you're concerned about Dracopals.

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