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Blue-Eyes Alternate White Dragon

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LIGHT Level 8 Dragon Special Summon Monster
Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Can be Special Summoned (from the hand) by revealing 1 “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” in your hand to your opponent. You can only Special Summon “Blue-Eyes Alternative White Dragon” once per turn this way.
(1): This card’s name is treated as “Blue-Eyes White Dragon” while on the field on in the Graveyard.
(2): Once per turn: You can target 1 monster your opponent controls; destroy it. This card cannot attack the turn you activate this effect.


So TCG release got confirmed. Basically Blue-Eyes are gonna win worlds this year. Since OCG gutted Monarchs and BA and doesn't have Kozmo, and TCG killed everything else and doesn't have DDD or ABC

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oh sheet are we gonna perform /dng/ tier meme magic? inb4 PK Burning appears out of the woodwork or some meme Demise deck wins (I'm betting this coming from the US, but US can't win worlds, so faith in Aussies and Europe)


Looking at the deck, its interesting how the card is essentially a level 8 that can SS itself and one of the few cards that do this without a significant investment (lolguardianoforder). Obviously, existing at 6 copies sets it apart from other level 8s but it the SS clause is still unique to it.


This card gets around Dimenson Barrier pretty easily since fielding this gives you a choice between a Rank 8 or level 9 synchro, even then you can sometimes afford to sit on it if you have Gospel backing you up.

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This really doesn't deserve to exist. I don't even understand what it does. 


Like, really, it's a free summon of a level 8 monster with 3000 ATK that can destroy a monster on the field at no cost. Then you just Synchro Summon with it, so it doesn't even matter that it couldn't attack.


To say the least, Blue-Eyes are power-creeped cancer. It's almost as bad as Kozmo.

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To say the least, Blue-Eyes are power-creeped cancer. It's almost as bad as Kozmo.

I wouldn't go THAT far. Kozmo are really f***ing stupid. That said, I've faced Kozmos much more than Blue-Eyes, so I know the matchup better. 


Most of the Blue-Eyes decks I've played against are TCG, so I've never really had to deal with this guy. It's pretty annoying already I suppose, mainly because of whatever-the-f***-eyes synchro dude making everything nigh impossible to kill. And...I never really looked at this card closely enough to realize just how free and generic it is. Damn.

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I never understood the point of this card. It's so situational for summoning (at least from my view) and the effect personally isn't all that good (also in my view).

Uh, couple things


1) Kaiba needed a new dragon to feed his Dragon Boner

2) There needed be an easier way to get a free lv 8 out for Rank 8/lv9 synchs

3) More "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" names for Mirror to summon Ultimate and other Fusions

4) Spot Removal

5) Melody Exists

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Uh, couple things


1) Kaiba needed a new dragon to feed his Dragon Boner

2) There needed be an easier way to get a free lv 8 out for Rank 8/lv9 synchs

3) More "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" names for Mirror to summon Ultimate and other Fusions

4) Spot Removal

5) Melody Exists

Wait, I get 1-3, but I don't know what you mean by the ones in 4-5. Could you explain?

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Melody of Awakening Dragon, which is a card that should never have been printed in the first place (so's Gospel of Revival, by the way), lets you add both this card and BEWD to your hand at the same time, making it, if anything, overly consistent. Not to mention that both are targets for Trade-in, and I think all the other Blue monsters are targets for Cards of Consonnace.

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