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This is what I got (had to write it down because I couldn't find a way to copy and paste)


I side with Bernie Sanders on most 2016 Presidential Election issues


Bernie 93%
On enviromental, social, domesticpolicy, economic, immigration, healthcare, electoral, and criminal issues


Hillary 83%
On enviromental, social, domesticpolicy, economic, immigration, healthcare, electoral, and criminal issues


Stein 89%
On enviromental, social, economic, immigration, healthcare, electoral, and criminal issues


Johnson 39%
On social and electoral issues


Trump 16% (this was a surprise)
on economic and healthcare issues. (really?)


Ideology calculated:
Left-Wing Authoritarian (What????)
Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Left-Wing and moderately Authoritarian on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to stand up and protect those who are oppressed or taken advantage of and believe the government should do the same.

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You are a: Objectivist Libertarian Nativist Moderate


Collectivism score: -83%

Authoritarianism score: -67%

Internationalism score: 0%

Tribalism score: 50%

Liberalism score: 0%



Explanation key:


Collectivism refers economic intervention, whether the society or state should intervene in the economy to redistribute wealth from the more to the less successful. The negative percentages indicate opposition to such intervention.


Authoritarianism refers to state power to control the actions of individuals to prevent them from harming others or themselves, and also to establish the will of the majority over society. Negative percentages indicate opposition to state power.


Internationalism refers to political involvement in other nations or global affairs, either via war, treaty or international organizations. Negative percentages indicate isolationist beliefs, and the belief in national sovereignty.


Tribalism refers to identity or nationalism, favoring your own nation over foreigners. Negative percentages indicate opposition to national or ethnic identity and oriented towards pan-humanism.


Liberalism refers to acceptance of historically illegal or immoral social practices or customs. Negative percentages indicate opposition to such acceptance.

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You are a: Right-Leaning Anti-Government Total-Isolationist Traditionalist

Collectivism score: -17%


I am generally against socialist programs especially healthcare.



Authoritarianism score: -33%


I prefer smaller government, giving several responsibilities to the states instead. (healthcare, education ect) I give little exceptions when it comes to legislature that violates the constitution.


Internationalism score: -83%


I am against government involvement in foreign affairs; drastically reducing foreign aid to Israel and avoiding any full scale confrontation in the middle east. I adhere to the philosophy of "we reap what we sow".



Tribalism score: 0%


I am against multiculturalism and illegal immigration but that's about it. I am indifferent to nationalistic ideals but believe that countries should generally have a dominant culture with minorities/ immigrants that assimilate within the dominate culture.



Liberalism score: -33%


I am mostly socially conservative. Pro-family, pro life (with rape and life threatening exceptions), indifferent to LGBT rights, and for the lack of a better word, a prude.

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You are a: Communist Pro-Government Interventionist Bleeding-Heart Progressive

Collectivism score: 100%

Authoritarianism score: 33%

Internationalism score: 33%

Tribalism score: -100%

Liberalism score: 67%



Explanation key: 


Collectivism refers economic intervention, whether the society or state should intervene in the economy to redistribute wealth from the more to the less successful. The negative percentages indicate opposition to such intervention. 


Authoritarianism refers to state power to control the actions of individuals to prevent them from harming others or themselves, and also to establish the will of the majority over society. Negative percentages indicate opposition to state power. 


Internationalism refers to political involvement in other nations or global affairs, either via war, treaty or international organizations. Negative percentages indicate isolationist beliefs, and the belief in national sovereignty. 


Tribalism refers to identity or nationalism, favoring your own nation over foreigners. Negative percentages indicate opposition to national or ethnic identity and oriented towards pan-humanism. 


Liberalism refers to acceptance of historically illegal or immoral social practices or customs. Negative percentages indicate opposition to such acceptance.



...Ya know, I consider myself to be a somewhat moderate liberal, but damn. Regardless, this is definitely not totally accurate. I'm certainly not interventionist, at least, and I'm not a communist.

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Did the 5 point thing yesterday, got 'Left-Leaning Libertarian Multilateralist Bleeding-Heart Liberal'.


Re-did it today and got humanist moderate instead of bleeding-heart liberal.


I don't really like the test anyway. An accurate result can't really be produced with the type of questions they asked (same goes for a lot political tests).

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