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Concealed Carrier Stops Nightclub Mass Shooting Just Weeks After Orlando Attack

Halubaris Maphotika

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mmk. i know you know me as the pcsjw. but this is good, this is very good.


This is what we need more of, examples of people using guns to defend themselves. With frequent background checks, we can have more people like this, who can easily help defend others if the need be.


There are guns made to kill people and guns made to defend people. There are people who try to kill people and people who try to defend people. 

No matter how much we try to stop it, we will never put an end to shootings. Fortunately, we can take measures like these to deter them.


I'm sure many lives were saved this day.


CC is wonderful. But the fact remains most gun owners can shoot to save their life 


If we could have guns be like cars where you need to get a certain proficiency training before getting a licence I think the US would be a lot safer


But gl getting that passed 


Wondering if more people are killed by cars than guns a year.

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mmk. i know you know me as the pcsjw. but this is good, this is very good.


This is what we need more of, examples of people using guns to defend themselves. With frequent background checks, we can have more people like this, who can easily help defend others if the need be.


There are guns made to kill people and guns made to defend people. There are people who try to kill people and people who try to defend people. 

No matter how much we try to stop it, we will never put an end to shootings. Fortunately, we can take measures like these to deter them.


I'm sure many lives were saved this day.





Wondering if more people are killed by cars than guns a year.


Think it's cars, but the point still stands. Even one life saved by proper training is priceless

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...well, it is an argument for concealed carry in nighclubs, but it's also an argument for needing to pass a test for CC

"In South Carolina in order to get a concealed carry you must pass a course taught by a licensed instructor and perform a high percentage of shots w/your concealed carry weapon."

if that's a fact, then it provides the impetus for pushing more rigorous exams.


"Thompson (the shooter) is charged with four counts of attempted murder, possession of a weapon during the commission of a violent crime, and unlawful carrying of a weapon.

had this been a club that banned guns, the body count would have likely been higher.


on the other hand, we'll hopefully never have to find out.

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