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Erebus the Underworld Monarch

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You can Tribute Summon this card by Tributing 1 Tribute Summoned monster. If this card is Tribute Summoned: You can send 2 "Monarch" Spell/Trap Cards with different names from your hand and/or Deck to the Graveyard, and if you do, shuffle 1 card from your opponent's hand (at random), Graveyard, or their side of the field into the Deck. Once per turn, during either player's Main Phase, if this card is in your Graveyard: You can discard 1 "Monarch" Spell/Trap Card, then target 1 monster in your Graveyard with 2400 or more ATK and 1000 DEF; add it to your hand.




Cause this can fetch back Volcasaurus, which is quite amazing in the mirror, esp. after a Zaborg wipe.

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This card has a decent 2800 ATK, which follows up the other Monarchs...

It also acts as a Foolish Burial of sorts, for Spell/Traps and allows the user to return 1 card back to the deck, which can help against insanely powerful monsters....

Plus it has an additional Graveyard effect that returns the dead Monarchs back to hand, at the cost of 1 spell, much like the God of Underworld...

Card art is awesome, one of the best in Monarchs

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