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Big Brother YCM Edition!

Face McShooty

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Alright ladies and gentlemen, I've decided I'm going to try to do this. If you've never watched Big Brother, not sure if it's the same in the US as it is in the UK or Canada, 16 strangers live together in a house and over the course of 3 months compete in competitions to win $500,000. Now obviously we can't compete for $500,000 on here yet, but we can compete just for fun. After all this is a test run to see if it will do well it will not be 3 months if everything goes right. Here is the basic format of how this game is played:

First day, all 16 participants will, in this case, make a card with either A) The same picture that I provide or B) Retrain the same card I provide, and whoever sends me their submission first becomes the first HoH of this groundbreaking YCM game. That HoH will then nominate 2 other participants to be "evicted" from the game, then we will do a Veto competition in which the HoH and the 2 up for "eviction" will each pick one other person to participate in another competition to make another card with one of the 2 requirements above. Whoever wins that competition will have the option to pull one of the two up for for eviction off the "block" and then the current HoH will have to name a replacement but cannot name the one who used the Veto or the one who was pulled off from the Veto for it. Then once the Veto ceremony is complete, we will wait a few days, then we will have each nominee for eviction give a speech on why they should say and then secretly the participants who aren't nominees or HoH will PM their vote to evict, and after the vote is tallied, who ever has the most number of votes will be evicted and no longer able to participate. HOWEVER, once the first 5 participants have been evicted, the next 9 will become our jury and THEY will eventually decide who wins the whole thing.

2nd week each participant other than the previous HoH will compete in another competition to decide who becomes the new HoH. This format will continue until we get to our Final 3, which will be a special event. Our Final 3 will compete in 3 competitions do decide which 2 participants will be competing in the 3rd competition to decide the final HoH and that HoH alone will decide who will be the final jury member and who will be joining them in the final 2. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me and I'll do my best to explain, and if you'd like to give it a shot, I need 16 people to PM me, and I will make list on who is in, whenever 16 people are in I will make the announcement in this thread and we will get underway as soon as all 16 check in.

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