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What Drives You?


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To fix my muck up from a couple of years ago. Currently I'm still behind compared to most people my age, though hopefully by the end of 2018 I'll be finished with courses and have a Duploma that is equivalent of 3 A-Levels in Business. After that properly the desire to travel a bit and get a job somewhere.

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My natural needs. My social needs. The belief that I can do better. The lack of knowledge beyond our 5 senses.


Basically, the sole reason of living. If it's not for it, I'd rather kill myself w/o being afraid or worried.

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My self-importance. Like not dicking around here. I want to accomplish so much with my life, that I know it will matter once I get to that point. I just have to get there, and I am willing to get there. But staying in bed isn't going to help. I actively try to consistently make an effort for things to give me value, and I try to give value off to other people.

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My girlfriend. Literally she gets me out of bed in the morning.


I contemplate suicide quite a bit but still haven't for some odd reason. Still trying to find that odd reason.


Me too, drowning in debt and not having much to look forward to aren't helping. Although the things that mostly stop me are my parents (it would kill them if I died) and I'm hoping to just live through all the current bullshit and push past to hopefully getting married and having kids and all that junk.

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I have very little motivation. i'm relatively laid back. thinking on it, it's probably other people who keep me moving. so i guess i'm motivated because if i'm not, the few people i care about won't be able to do what they need to in life.

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My burning curiosity drives me.


I want to know and experience everything.

The greatest happiness; the darkest sadness.

Vast realms of sensation not yet discovered.

The answers to questions not yet even dreamt up.


I can't acquire new knowledge if I am dead.


I must experience the total loss of curiosity and survive it.

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