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my deck please give suggestions...

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my deck has 50 cards, no side deck or fusion deck.



tribe infecting virus

tribe infecting virus

harpie lady 1

harpie lady 3


toon mermaid

manga ryu-ran

mobius the frost monarch

D.D. warrior lady

flame ogre

volcanic hammerer

slate warrior

toon summoned skull

electric virus

harpies pet baby dragon


exiled force

kahkki, guerilla of the dark world

volcanic blaster

harpie lad sisters

radiant spirit

electric virus

gilford the legend

levia dragon daedalus

harpie lady 2

ocean dragon lord neo daedalus

marauding captain



remove trap

rush recklessly

lightning blade

pot of greed

lightning vortex

fusion sword murasame blade

h - heated heart

horn of unicorn

swords of revealing light

different dimension capsule


toon world

hammer shot



compulsory evacuation device

dust tornado

icarus attack

trap jammer

call of the haunted

sakuretsu armor

magic jammer

xing zhen hu

magic jammer

trap jammer


please give suggestions on what cards to take out and what cards to put in...

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