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[spoiler=ULTIMATE DRAGON OF FIRE]5Rp9Zmy.jpg?1



2 Tuner monsters + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
When this card is summoned: destroy one monster on the field , the owner of that card takes damage Equal to it's ATK. When this card battle a Dragon-Type Monster it gain 500 ATK. All Fire-Attribute Dragons monsters on the field gain 500 Atk points while this card is on the field.



Still working on my S.B Warriors deck

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Ok as far as I can see this card can be Special Summoned outside Synchro Summoning so I can summon this card destroy an opponent's monster and inflict damage then if it gets destroyed I can use call of the haunted to revive it and use the effect again. I would suggest limiting the effect to Synchro Summoning or limiting Special Summoning to Synchro Summoning.

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2 Tuner monsters + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

When this card is Special Summoned: Destroy 1 monster on the field, then its owner takes damage equal to its ATK. When this card battles a Dragon-Type monster: It gains 500 ATK. FIRE Dragon-Type monsters gain 500 ATK.

I'd agree with the above that you really need to limit the effect to Synchro Summoning only; otherwise it can be repeated multiple times via CoTH and other revival (though it also blows itself up or one of your own monsters if opponent doesn't have anything). Most of the times you summon this, opponent will likely have a monster for you to blow up, though I don't see too many Decks that can make it or want to. I suppose there's Synchro Change, but why? If this were maybe 9 or 10, maybe you could slide this into RDA/Resonators, but its effects aren't worth the summoning requirements. (If I wanted to blow something up, I'd probably just use RDA Tyrant).


Right now, it's just a stat booster and lacks any form of protection from common removal (disregarding its on-summon forced nuke). There aren't too many FIRE Dragons outside of random generic stuff. I'd change its last two effects to something else besides stat boosting; chances are that you will not face another Dragon deck and its second boosting effect only pumps itself up.

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