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Motorized Crowd Control [Metalphoes Bounzer]


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3 Metalphosis Volflame

3 Metalphosis Goldriver

2 Metalphosis Silvbird

2 Metalphosis Steeleren

3 Phantom Bounzer *

3 Hammer Bounzer

3 Blade Bounzer

1 Armageddon Knight

1 Zephyros

2 Vortex Troopers



1 Reinforcement of the Army

3 Supply Squad

2 Metalphosis Fusion

1 Recycle (pending to drop)



1 Torrential Tribute

1 Bottomless Traphole

2 Great Cocks Horn of Heaven

2 Storming Mirror Force

1 Bounzer Guard

2 Metalphosis Combination

1 Jar of Avarice


Extra Deck:

Number 39 Utopia Beyond

Gauntlet Launcer

Inzektor Exa-Beetle (pending to drop)


Number 39 Utopia

Back the Cook (pending to drop)


Zubaba General*

Daigusto Emeral

1 Metalphosis Orihulk

3 Metalphosis Adamante

1 Metalphosis Cardinal


*Combo Ideas



[spoiler=Deck Gist]So I feel the Metalphosis part should be pretty self explanitory to some of you. If not, then go play a Metalphosis Deck for awhile then comeback to this build. Now to the stuff I really want to talk about: Bounzers. While the Bounzer Archetype sadly has only 4 members, they at the very least have an amazing searcher being Phantom Bounzer who searches 2 other Bounzer cards upon destruction including himself. With that in mind I had this wacky idea of pairing them with Metalphosis who are good at destroying your face-up cards to search their stuff. The deck is alittle clunky at times, but when you have a good starting hand you can plus a lot. May favorite combo with this deck is to get out Zubaba General to equip a Phantom Bounzer so that 1 of your Metalphosis can pop the Phantom Bounzer.



Suggestions are welcome


Edited version coming soon: starting to see the deck in more consistent way

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