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arc knights


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this archetype is based off of face-down attack postion (the card "darkness aproaches")

its not finished, and will be updated.





Arc knight of æther
level 4
Once per turn, you may flip this card into face-down attack position. If this face-down attack position card is flipped face up, inflict 800 damage to your opponent, then flip this card into face-down defense position. If this face-down defense position card is flipped face up, special summon an "arc knight" monster from your hand in face-down attack position.
1500 atk, 1000 def

arc knight of summon
level 4
Once per turn, you may flip this card into face-down attack position. If this face-down attack position card is flipped face up,special summon 1 " omegastorm token"(Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 0/DEF 2000), then flip this card into face-down defense position. If this face-down defense position card is flipped face up, special summon 1 "storm token"(Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 800/DEF 800).
1500 atk, 1000 def

Arc knight of war
level 4
Once per turn, you may flip this card into face-down attack position. If this face-down attack position card is flipped face up,you may tribute 1 "arc knight" or "storm token" monster you control. if you do, add 1 "arc knight" card from your deck to your hand, then flip this card into face-down defense position. If this face-down defense position card is flipped face up, special summon 1 "storm token"(Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 800/DEF 800).
2000 atk, 0 def

arc knight of carrion
level 6
Once per turn, you may flip this card into face-down attack position. If this face-down attack position card is flipped face up,special summon 1 "storm token"(Thunder-Type/LIGHT/Level 1/ATK 800/DEF 800), then flip this card into face-down defense position. If this face-down defense position card is flipped face up, add 1 "arc knight" card from your graveyard to your hand.
2000 atk, 1000 def




level 6



Once per turn, you may flip this card into face-down attack position. If this face-down attack position card is flipped face up,each creature your opponent controls loses 200 atk and def, then flip this card into face-down defense position. If this face-down defense position card is flipped face up, Gain 1000 life.

2500 atk, 1000 def


arc knight of life

rank 4


xyz, thunder

2 level 4 "arc knight" monsters
whenever a face-down attack position monster if flipped face-up, this card gains 800 atk and def. if this card would be destroyed, you may detatch an xyz material instead.
o atk, 0 def
quantum flux
continuous spell
This card is always treated as an "arc knight" card.
all "arc knight" monsters you control gain 300 atk and def.
once per turn, you may discard an "arc knight" card: draw a card
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