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Demise Harpies


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3x Channeler

3x Harpist

3x Queen

2x Dancer

2x Cyber

1x Zephyros

1x Pet Dragon


3x Hunting Ground

3x Demise

3x Sign

2x Swallow's Nest

1x Elegant Egostist

1x Soul Charge

1x Raigeki

2x Instant Fusion


3x Hysteric Party

2x Strike

1x Warning

1x Vanity's

1x Bottomless


1x Dweller

1x Castel

1x Emeral

1x Dire Wolf

1x Cowboy

1x 101

1x Giant Hand

1x Rhapsody

1x Rafflesia

1x Phantasmal Dragon

1x Chidori

1x Dracossack

1x Big Eye

1x Red-Eyes Flare

1x Norden


3x Veiler

3x System Down

3x Twin Twister

3x Stygian Dirge

3x Mask of Restrict


Just a build I'm playing round with, working decently well so far. Demise has beautiful interactions with Sign, Harpist and Party. IMO Harpies are as good as they've been since that time Jeff Jones and Billy Brake played them.



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I don't know Harpies very well, but could +3 Cupidity help?


Also for the Extra Deck, why no Utopias?


Might not need it exactly with Phantasmal?


And yeah, at least one Harpie Lady 1 is a good idea. Also, I'd run at least one Twin Twisters in Main, possibly 2, since there are a couple things that don't mind being in grave for it.

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