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Red-Eyes Insight-INOV

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  A weaker version of Dragon Shrine, but it has the benefit of searching some of the archetype's S/T cards.

  i) Activate this first, then Cards of the Red Stone to draw more efficiently.

 ii) Quicker access to Transmigration, faster use of Red-Eyes Fusion for a mean attack, Red-Eyes Spirit for later use.


  Overall, it gives some more consistency, but it does it at a medium pace, in my opinion.

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I mean just reading the card, it really does a lot. Sets up and searches Return in 1 card, which is super dope.

We all agreed to the mill part. :)


As per your reasoning, does it search Return simply because of the "Red-Eyes" inside the name?

Didn't know that. However, requiring another monster or to be destroyed by the opponent, doesn't make it comparable to Spirit?

Also, does the fact that Spirit can Special Summon REDMD make any difference?

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Great card that isn't what the deck actually wants. Search is great, but it doesn't solve the fact that the Fusion doesn't work with the Geminis etc.

But, the Fusion Red-Eyes monster does require an Archfiend Normal Monster to be Summoned (which the archetype already possesses). Also, Fusion uses Material from the Deck too. Even the effect damage can use the Red-Eyes Archfiends in the Graveyard.

What do you mean?

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But, the Fusion Red-Eyes monster does require an Archfiend Normal Monster to be Summoned (which the archetype already possesses). Also, Fusion uses Material from the Deck too. Even the effect damage can use the Red-Eyes Archfiends in the Graveyard.

What do you mean?

Geminis aren't Normal Monsters in the hand or Deck.

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Running this card at 3.


Mill and Search?


Makes using RE Fusion actually not so bad. I will admit I had very little hope for this card but konami did pretty good with it. I do want another card for RE though (preferably another xyz or fusion?)

Definitely a Fusion. I want the Meteor Dragons retrained.

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honestly, the only major issue with this is that it can't search Paladin's ritual... and maybe that it can't dump Black Metal, but meh.


the fusion is hardly a boss, anyway, jsut a glorified UtL, so i don't particularly see the part where this "isn't what they wanted".

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honestly, the only major issue with this is that it can't search Paladin's ritual... and maybe that it can't dump Black Metal, but meh.


the fusion is hardly a boss, anyway, jsut a glorified UtL, so i don't particularly see the part where this "isn't what they wanted".

I mean in the sense of tying their stuff together better, since thematically Red-Eyes is all over the place and impossible to play as intended.

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It's ok.

What's really amusing is that you can now thin your deck pretty hard by actually playing Paladin of Dark Dragon so that you can use the Ritual Spell to search this, then use this to search Fusion or one of the traps.  Pre-prep makes that type of build much more viable anyway.


Honestly I think a decent enough card to dump would be a sole copy of Red-Eyes Wyvern.  Wyvern is pretty dang garbage on it's own, but it's effect actually isn't too terribly shitty for use when you are about to be boned.  Might warrant a tech copy now that you don't have to burn a Dragon Shrine on it, but idek Red-Eyes aren't even that competitive anyway.

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But, the Fusion Red-Eyes monster does require an Archfiend Normal Monster to be Summoned (which the archetype already possesses). Also, Fusion uses Material from the Deck too. Even the effect damage can use the Red-Eyes Archfiends in the Graveyard.

What do you mean?


the archfiend normal monster you should have in red-eyes is summoned skull


no other choice

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Rituals are cloggy. And the level+attribute of Lord Of Red is Awkward for the deck


The Fusion is funking awful since it lowers your already strained ceiling


If you MUST play the Ritual. Junk Warrior+Black Metal Dragon = Herald + Search so that's something


Red Eyes have easy access to Omega cause of being lv7 and moderately easy access to Trish and Azure w/ Kinka.


Hint: Allure & Chaos & Wyvern, this card mills and searches revival traps


There are only two (maybe 3) cards searching like Armz noted (5 total) and those are the two revival traps and maybe the ritual spell. If you can work lights in to the deck, Light Loopsar is a nice addition (as he can summon most of the Red Eyes)


That being said, the deck still needs an something like Alternate or Ancient Stone, but maybe we'll get more support/?/


All in all, deck just seems too fragile and reliant on Black Stone early game to be all that good

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