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Suggestion: Allow Us to Tag Other Members


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If you mean what I think you mean, please yes we need this it would make so much sheet so much easier.
As for what I think you mean, you mean a system where you could do like


and it notifies them that they've been tagged, right? I used to hang out on another forum that had this kind of feature; it made things really easy when you had to get somebody's attention. That said, I know people here are gonna abuse the hell out of it and I'm not really sure what one would do to prevent that >.>

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If you mean what I think you mean, please yes we need this it would make so much sheet so much easier.


As for what I think you mean, you mean a system where you could do like


and it notifies them that they've been tagged, right? I used to hang out on another forum that had this kind of feature; it made things really easy when you had to get somebody's attention. That said, I know people here are gonna abuse the hell out of it and I'm not really sure what one would do to prevent that >.>



This is what I was referring to.

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If this has a plug in, it would save the Supers and YCMaker a lot of work.  Not to mention it's just a dope ass feature.



Please no I don't need to be tagged in three Misc threads a day.


That's why I think there should be an option to ignore tags.  Maybe turn em off in your settings.

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