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[TCG] Dracopals

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The basis for this variant is that since you aren't always guaranteed to go first every time, it's built in a way to go second. Angel Trumpeter and Dai give a somewhat consistent way to access Ignister without resorting to the Pendulum Summon. The additions of 3 Dai is honestly not bad, as your board will usually be clear if you use Trumpeter to make Diamond Dire or use it to make Ignister to shuffle itself if you happen to go first.


Maxx "C" and Veiler are obligatory handtraps replacing Ariadne. Veiler is searchable by Abductor.


Only 1 Eccentrick. I would run more but opening more than 1 is an issue and you usually search it at the end phase regardless.


Odd-Eyes Pendulum is meh.


1 Guitartle because it's awful to draw and you usually search it in your combos and don't want to draw into it.


Instant Fusion is obligatory free R4 / bait to out backrow or ships.


Silver Claw is my goto out for Kirin, while Lector is the easy out that you don't really want to draw.


Necrovalley because I needed an additional target for Terraforming and Necrovalley is quite useful in the non-mirror matches.

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