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And here is ANOTHER game for the sake of mass REP abuse - The Level Game

mr. waifu

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Welcome to The Level Game! This is a game to play if you enjoy REP abuse. The aim of the game is to reach a certain number - And lets say for example 25 - by adding OR subtracting your level to a current number that has been made from other peoples' levels in order to gain a REP. Here is an example. Lets say that the number we need is 20. Lets say that Mr Spaz added his level to the current number, which is now 0. He adds, so it becomes 4. And lets say other people keep adding to where it finally reaches 20. So he/she will say which number we add/subtract up/down to again, like 50, and then gains a REP from the next person to post. But the number has to be EXACTLY the number - can't be above or higher. So that is why we have subtracting. Lets say someone, like WurWulf, is going to post, and the current number is 22. So, instead of adding, he subtracts the current number by his level - 2 - so that he can gain the REP and number. Now, you don't have to start from 0... you can start from 500 or more or less, to where you subtract... or add if you want, to the current number. The number DOES have to be between 20 and 500, but besides that, there are no other rules... at least yet. So, if you have everything down, I'll start - The number will be 30. I post, and now our number is 3. Your turn.

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I agree that the last 1 was too OP, but the thing with that one was that it was not complicated to plaly - You just do it. I don't think anyone will actually post (besides you), but if 6 or more people actually do, then I will have to lower it down a notch.


And post.

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