◇ Void ◇ Posted June 4, 2016 Report Share Posted June 4, 2016 IC Thread Opening: "Strength" by Abingdon Boys SchoolEnding: "Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot!)" by SPYAIR ~A Void Production~~Logo by: ◇ Void ◇~~Hosted by: ◇ Void ◇~ [spoiler= "Prelude! Chapter Zero: Beginning the Quantum Game" ] Aeons Ago… Deep within the young Yu-Gi-Oh! Multiverse, a distant, new-born star was being encircled by titanic construction: Arches of silver metal, being etched with organic surfaces on the sides facing it. Oceans where condensed from cyclones, flooding empty plains of freshly-ground sand. Grass was nurtured by incandescent light, drawn from strange humans with exquisite, mechanical wings upon their backs. Large bands and cords of metal stretched between the incomplete arcs, shadowing the ring-shape they would eventually form. On one of those artificial surfaces stood a simple, angled tower, etched with diagonal lines and circular script. The area around it was surrounded by other metal structures, housing many of the winged humans. They hauled and played with energy, channelling it into the energy-based Duel Disks on their wrists, before flying away to assigned tasks on the grand project they stood upon. Inside the tower, two distinctive humanoids sat opposite each other around a simple, round walnut table. In many respects, they were identical: Long, downward-spiked brunets with the same, carved but youthful faces, dressed in closed, shoulder-padded coats with luminescent etchings. Obviously related. The one on the left had darker tones to his appearance: His coat was dull and grey, emitting dark light from the etchings. The eyes where deep purple, like imperial velvet. His skin-tone was also less tonal, and blemished with faint purple veins close to the surface. A simple, black cloak was attached to the back of his coat, which spit off into 5 tails at the end. Mechanical wings where locked up, with pointed tips and an ominous shadow around the edges. Under the left eye was a tattoo of the Kanji symbol for DARK, though distorted from bags under the eyes. “You’re oddly silent about the matter Sol. No excuse?” The figure quipped to his brother. Sol was almost the complete opposite to his brother in the differences department. His coat was a pure white that pearlescent turned to chrome when exposed to glimmers of light from the windows. Eyes shun bright with a sky blue, complementing a skin tone blessed with more sunlight and care then his brother. The wings on his back where very ornate, constructed from two supporting bars and 4 plates of downward-curved electrum on each wing, etched with more angular patterns. Under his own right-eye was a similar tattoo: appropriately, the Kanji symbol for LIGHT. “I didn’t do anything this time. Reborn has taken all my attention, and you know it Darkmyre.” Sol and Darkmyre looked at the centre of the table, where a simple stone cube with one of the top corners sliced off. It was decorated with angled, cubic patterns, and in the sliced edge, the Eye of Wadjt. “It did not come from nowhere Sol.” Darkmyre would grab the item with his spindly fingertips, throwing it with a flick of the wrist to Sol, who caught it with two hands clasped together. He took the cube himself into his fingertips, examine it closely and twirling the sides around. It shimmered and sparked a deep yellow as Sol channelled a small piece of his own power into it, the kanji below his eye glowing appropriately as he did. “I won’t deny, I can feel it. There is a piece of me in this… what did you say it was?” Sol queried, raising an eyebrow at the cube. Darkmyre crossed his arms and lowered them below the table. “A Quantum Cube.” “Soothsayers spotted it when they identified some new clusters around the end of the core timeline. Two strands, crossing each other at the end of the circle. It has been causing disturbances amongst the mircoverses.” Clicking his fingers, a holographic map appeared before them: A complex symphony of lines and bubbles, stitched together by helixes and information bars. Darkmyre reached up with two pinched fingers, expanding them in the middle to expand the image. A swirling helix of parallel earths took centre, converting on a world glowing red. Around it the space bubbled purple, as thousands of micro-universes come into existence, before contracting. “The weakest point of the timeline… Someone else has interfered here. Father would have known if a Chronoarc did this.” “He is not even aware the cube exists. It took some dark magic to even get this trans-static simulacrum. I’m only sharing this with you since you have a blatant disregard for protocol.” The cube shimmered: the connection to the original was breaking up, reverting to a Solid Light projection. “I do not. I just disregard the bits that don’t apply to the situation.” He awkwardly replied. “As I just said. The cube is a part of both of us, and with it, can tip the scales of the multiverse. We cannot be outplayed.” Darkmyrer took the cube and crushed it in his hand, shattering it into shards of dark light. “Agreed. I don’t suppose you have a solution to propose?” Sol smirked. “Send in Flametar to burn it would...” Darkmyre was cut short by a suddenly-irate Sol, who sighed at the suggestion. “As always, you don’t think about the details. We can’t directly intervene. It may be at the end of the circle of time, but it is still part of it. Unless you want to unlock Paradox?” He retorted. Reaching up from his seat, he dragged the entire multiverse map from above them, clasping his hands around it and condensing the entire projection into an orb above his palm. “Influence is the only free option.” Sol slammed the orb down into the centre of the table, expanding into holographic gas. As it dispersed, the table was transformed into a games table, unlike a table top RPG. A grid was lain upon a circular, flat projection of the world, which began to zoom in on a familiar location: Domino City. “Senet? We haven’t played that since we were children!” Darkmyre gave a small chuckle. “Tell me, are you going to use those pitiful, poorly written characters we chose as children? Itsu, Kana… Protheus Maximus, oh those where stupidly funny! You though you could beat ME?!” Darkmyre went hysterical, remembering the poorly-written stories that they played with as children. “Give it a rest. I’ve grown up a bit, unlike you. Senet may be a game, but we can indirectly influence events without a paradox to ruin reality. I assume you have some Master Item to pick?” A bar would appear before Sol and Darkmyre, displaying a selection of Master Items: Items of power, able to change the course of events if given to the right person. “Fine… fine…” The two scrolled though the menus in silence, mentally weighting up their options. Darkmyre broke first, taping at a selection. Sol looked up as a burst of light popped at the side of the table, where an ancient leather tome, trimmed in gold, busted into existence. Darkmyrer took it, quickly flicking though the pages like it was a magazine in a dentist’s waiting lobby. “The Millennium Tome. Dangerous, to say the least.” “For countering a dangerous object.” Slamming the book shut with a single hand, Darkmyre tosses it underhand into the game board. It rapidly shrinks down, catching pace. Like a falling star, it cascaded down to the surface in a shimmering ball of fire. “Your choice?” Sol’s eyes widened as he scrolled along, noticing. It slid past due to his pace, returning back and tapping quickly before it got away. Another light emerged onto the time, revealing a single, gold doubloon. One side was etched with the Dark Magic Circle, and as he picked it up, revealed the other side to be a Magician’s Rod. “Magician’s Ascent? Don’t you think that is a bit unoriginal, considering they just had Yugi and Atem?” Questioned Darkmyre, raising a smirk and an eyebrow. “Said the demi-god who just gave them back the Millennium Items.” There was an awkward silence between the two. “Touché.” Using his thumb, Sol flipped the coin into the board, sparking into nothingness as it made contact. As it did, the lights in the room went out, leaving the only sources being the long godrays from the open window slits, along with a single spotlight above them. 5 cards appeared before them in golden light, face down. Each one reached for the centre card, which was trimmed with gold, and flipped it over. Darkmyre showed his. It was of one of the local inhabitants from the world they were now playing with, named Tomoya. Sol revealed his own card up. They both had their eyes widen, as it was also Tomoya. They each looked over to the other side, noticing the slight differences in the artworks. Darkmyre’s was appropriately darker, and had an amulet around his neck. Sol’s looked more innocent, and flanked by other, unknown figures. “Looks like we have a Deuteragonist. Think you can handle it?” Darkmyre taunted. “I won last time. And this is not just for fun. Try to remember that.” Sol sternly spoke, not raising his eyes from his Tomoya character card. “SENET DUEL!” the two declared. The fate of this world, and the Quantum Cube, was now in their hands. Aboard KaibaCorp Orbital Platform… “Mr. Kaiba, can you hear me?!” Cried the thick bearded technician from his operations room, which overlooked the single simulation capsule in the engineering bay alone. Set sat motionless, face bolted into a VR headset. In the armrest to the right was the real Quantum Cube, spitting out sparks of arcane light from the socket it sat within. Sirens began to ring within the chamber, following by the flashing of rotating red lights. “Scott, what the hell is going on?!” Mokuba exclaimed, barging in from the sliding doors. He would nudge him aside, taking in the ridiculous statistics that went up and down: Much like KaibaCorp’s daily stock value. “It just started going haywire. I warned Mr. Kaiba about this and he refused to listen!” Flustered, he tapped on the cubic keyboard in front of him, which flashed various colours as he attempted an emergency shutdown, but to no avail. Cracking sounds began to fill the room, followed by sparks. “It’s gonna blow! Evacuate the control centre!” Scott barged past, scooping up Mokuba in his right arm by force, who feebly tried to push himself free. The sparks exploded into oxygen-rich fires, before being drenched in a thick cloud of automatically-dispensed foam. The engineering bay grew dark as the lighting failed, leaving only the sun to illuminate from the large glass pane at the end of the chamber. The rainbow spectrum from the VR fading as the power began to fail. Seto himself began to convulse and shudder as the simulation failed suddenly; His mind relenting to the emergency shutdown. Two men began to pry open the security doors to the bay with a thick crowbar, calling though a small gap “Mr. Kaiba, we’re here! Can you hear us!?” Bursting though, Mokuba squeezed past the engineers and rescue crew, climbing onto the simulation pod. With both hands, he kneeled down and put his force upwards, managing to forcefully pull the VR Panel off Seto’s face, which was paralyzed in a state of violent shock. “Big Brother, can you hear me!? Please wake up!” Mokuba cried, grabbing Seto’s collar. He would take a step onto his chest, putting his weight down to prevent him collapsing onto the floor. “A-Atem….” Seto murmured, now only shuddering. The medical crew knocked Mokuba away, rushing to give their patent an oxygen mask. Turn away, Mokuba whimpered a little, trying to hold the emotions in. Light began to shimmer around the Quantum Cube, which was patterned with circular script and angled lines. The cube rattled and shook, releasing itself from the armrest’s socket, before bursting into nothingness. Nobody noticed with the commotion around Seto. Outside Domino City… Laughter and waves of chatter could be heard a distance away from the World Kaiba Corp Resort; that was why the Staff Condominiums at the Lake Pegasus Centre Park where toughly soundproofed. The main door clanked as Tomoya slid his key in, while also managing to keep several polyurethane shopping bags and a suit cover from falling onto the floor via his wrists; his face frowning from the strain. The door slid open across the beige carpet, and bags where deposited onto the nearby kitchen counter. Giving a slight sigh, Tomoya kicked the door behind him, hooking the suit cover with the hanger onto the nearby coat rack. Unpacking the bags into the cupboards and small fridge, Tomoya withheld a back of salted tortilla chips and opened them, taking a few and shoving them into his mouth every few items he put away. Finishing off the packs, the bag of chips was swiftly moved and deposited onto the computer desk, besides the sliding doors to a simple railing balcony. Tomoya took the same set of keys and unlocked the glass door, sliding it across. The ambient sounds of the park flooded into his Condominium: Birds chirping, light chatter and the occasional PA announcement. The view from the balcony was impressive: A direct look at most of Lake Pegasus, which was encircled with various informative, culinary and merchandising attractions. At the very end of the lake stood a gated chateau, banners across the archway. It was Pegasus’ last residence before his death; now a public museum to the causes that Industrial Illusions contribute to. Tomoya took a simple breath of the fresh, slightly scented air. “So good to get a few days off once in a while.” He thought to himself, lurching himself over to his desk. Collapsing into the embrace of a large leather lounge chair which had been repurposed into a computer chair, he pressed the power button on the sleek tower computer that he had built. The monitor flashed to life, and after tapping in the 12-character password, logged into his desktop. The desktop was of 3 aeroplanes, based off the Pokémon Kyogre, Latias and Latios, flying above fields of grass. Icons where layered atop the left-hand side. Tomoya clicked though, popping up windows for his E-Mail. Very few had arrived: Mainly automated messages about his Paypal and Steam transactions the last few days. A few more torteas left the packet and into his mouth, just before a Skype Message popped up, ringing up though his headset. “GEKKO TENMA, I2 MANAGEMENT” It read. Slipping the headset over his long, edge-spiked hair, he hit Enter and initiated the call. “Well nice to hear from you Gekko. I literally just got back from the market.” “Good job I did not miss you then. Are you going to be ready for tonight soon?” Tomoya took a second to take another chip from the bag and into his mouth, munching it down quickly. “Uh, sure. Suit is back from the cleaners. Is everything ok; you sound kind of panicked?” “You would not believe it. Kaiba and Mokuba are not going to attend tonight, so I have the press office being hounded.” “Ughhhh, you’re kidding?! What happened to Mokuba? He was my ticket tonight.” “I don’t know. I just had the KaibaCorp permanent secretary call up to say they aren’t coming.” “Don’t think your Brother scared them off, did you?” “He isn’t coming either: Something to do with the Board of Directors. The ungrateful…” “Ok, I get the picture. I’m guessing them we’re going to Plan B?” “Aye. You’re doing the keynote speech tonight, I’m afraid.” “Fine. No worries. I’ll be on the podium with the autocue. You owe me one for this though.” “I don’t owe you anything apart from your pay check your arse.” Gekko chuckled. “Alright. I’ll see you in one hour in the staff room.” “Good. See you then. Bye!” Gekko disconnected abruptly, not leaving Tomoya time to say bye himself. “How rude.” Tomoya commented, swirling his chair around to the coat-rack where his tuxeuo was hanging up. “Showtime I guess.” He pondered, rising up and taking a stretch of his arms. [spoiler= Introduction]It has been a few weeks since the grudge match between Yugi and Kaiba, and the schools have just broken up for the summer holidays. Domino City begins to see an influx of tourists as the annual tournaments around the city begin, along with a surge of attendance for the World Kaiba Land Resort.Meanwhile, you are attending an evening, black-tie gala at the Maximillian Chateau, situated in the neighbouring Lake Pegasus Centre Resort: Either as a ticket holder, or the guest of one. The event is to show off the Domino City National Museum’s newest collection of artefacts from the Valley of the Kings in Egypt, along with some fundraising to continue its operations.The event is going ahead, despite the cautions from police, following the resurgence in Rare Hunters, who are no longer content with the harassment of duellists for shiny cards, but Industrial sabotage and artefact trade. Industrial Illusions has even seen some of its security vans struck, with prototype Synchro and XYZ cards now leaking onto the grey market. [spoiler=Timeline Setting]It has been 2 months since the events of “Yu-Gi-Oh! The DarkSide of Dimensions”. As DSOD prioritises manga events, the events of “Yu-Gi-Oh! R” are canon in this universe, and for timeline sakes, takes part after the events of the Doma/Waking the Dragons arc. Yu-Gi-Oh: Pyramid of Light and Yu-Gi-Oh: Bonds beyond Time are non-canon.Synchro monsters have just been introduced into circulation by KaibaCorp (who won the full rights to Duel Monsters from Industrial Illusions following a lengthy court case over counterfeit cards), but are still rare and valuable.Prototypes of XYZ cards have also managed to enter circulation in Domino City following Rare Hunter hijacking, but do not function currently on the KaibaCorp Duel Network; So they can only be played either with a “jailbroken” Duel Disk while off the grid, or in a Shadow Game. Number cards however do not exist in this universe. [spoiler=Database] WARNING: The Database may contain spoilers for Codex of Shadows and other RPs related to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Mutiverse created by TheFinalFan and Merciful Idiot. Read at your own peril. [spoiler=Concepts] The MutiverseThe Mutiverse is the collective existence of all universes and timelines in Yu-Gi-Oh! The structure of the multiverse is described to a tree, with the main canon timelines being the trunk, while alternative worlds form the branches and leaves. It is also broken up into 5 distinct Epochs: The Millennium Era, the GX Era, the 5Ds Era, ZeXal era and the ARC-V era. The VoidThe Void is a metaphysical, non-dimensional plain that exists outside conventional physics. Scientifically, it is a mathematical solution to the theory how the multiverse works, as a ‘buffer space’ between the theoretical limits of each universe’s time-space, allowing virtual particles to come into existence and collide to create new universes. It can be physically accessed, either by entering a wormhole as the singularity expands beyond its Schwarzschild radius due to hawking radiation, or through a zero-point field. When observed, the Void is an infinite, white absent space that is populated with sparsely-spaced bubbles that represent a universe’s time space in its entirety. While humans might find the conditions of the void habitable, with breathable ‘air’, temperature and gravity, exposure to virtual particles within the Void will annihilate conventional matter in time unless protected by a zero-point energy field. Zero-Point Energy FieldsZero-Point Energy Fields are an Endr-D powered energy field that are generated by Synchro Drives and by some deities. They allow traditional matter, including sentient beings and duel spirts, to travel between universes and alternative timelines by ‘stacking’ the interference pattern of force carrier particles to produce impossible results. They can also be used to protect such matter from annihilation from the Void’s virtual particle field. RetroarcThe Retroarc is a term used by the deity Kana to describe an impending threat to the Codex of Shadows universe. It has some link to the “Gentle Darkness”. SenetSenet is an ancient board game that was invented and played in Ancient Eygpt for thousands of years. It is considered to be a precursor to Chess. Chronoarcs sometimes play “Senet”, though the games are not identical. Chronoarc Senet sees 2 or more competitors control the events of a real world, influencing the non-player characters to fulfil their victory conditions. Sol and Darkmyre initiate such a game on the Codex of Shadows universe to secure the Quantum Cube. [spoiler=Entites] The Gentle DarknessThe Gentle Darkness is a cosmic power that represents the Attribute of DARK across the multiverse. Powerful entities, such as Yami Tomoya, are aware of its existence and seek to appease it though their actions. It was also known to have bestowed power onto The Supreme King in the GX era. The Light of DestructionThe Light of Destruction is a cosmic power that wages war with the Gentle Darkness, and was responsible for the possession of Sartorious and the Society of Light in the GX era. It represents the Attribute of LIGHT in the multiverse. Sol is nicknamed after the being. KanaKana is a Transcendental Deity who is observing the events of Codex of Shadows. Taking the physical form of a young man in cyberpunk attire, he has demonstrated the ability to use the Quantum Cube to perform a Shining Draw and temporarily pull individuals from their respective timelines and into the Void. Kana claims to be the original “Sol”, with the one playing the Senet game to be a fake. Chronoarc EmperorsThe Chronoarc Emperors are the ruling six deities of the Chronoarc Prime Caste, as equal Heads of State for the Empire. They are all biological brothers, each assigned to one of the six elements, they rule with absolute authority and power. Their bodies store inconceivable amounts of duel energy, allowing them to warp reality to a strong degree. They have ruled for millions of years, surviving by transferring their souls and energy between willing hosts. The six Emperors are Sol (LIGHT), Darkmyre (DARK), Flamtaer (FIRE), Gaius (EARTH), Abysmal (WATER) and Stratos (WIND). Ancient legend also suggests there was a seventh Emperor that was their father, known as Sephiroth (DIVINE). [spoiler=Objects] Synchro DrivesSynchro Drives are teleportation devices, primarily developed in the Return of Yiliaster universe, during the 5D’s era. By using large concentrations of Ende-D, they generate Zero-Point Energy Fields to allow travel across the multiverse. Synchro Drives vary greatly in size, travel radius and energy efficiently: The smallest drives being wrist-mounted devices for personal use, while starships can have such drives Intergrated into their main reactor system. Quantum CubeThe Quantum Cube is a golden cube with the power to create and degenerate parallel pocket universes, along with being a Duel Disk. It was used by Aigami in The Dark Side of Dimensions in an attempt to gain revenge on Yugi Muto, before being gifted to Seto Kaiba, who used it in a modified VR pod to transport his mind to the Egyptian Afterlife, in an attempt to duel Atem again.The Chronoarcs however used the power of the Senet game to displace it into Seto’s office in KaibaCorp. After harming Yami Tomoya, Kana used it to produce a new Card of Legend, giving them both to Emfur. [spoiler=History] Paradox WarsThe Paradox Wars, also known as the First Great Multiverse War, was a protracted series of conflict in the 5Ds Era that lasted for approx. 5000 relative years. Its two main factions was the Paradox Army, led by the War Paradox, and the Continuum Conservation Collective (C3), led by Itsu Solace. The conflict begun as the War Paradox, an entity that was created during the Oblivion Crisis distant future, seeks to reshape creation in his own image by discovering the Door to Orgin, recruiting thousands of villains from parallel worlds to fight in his name. C3 however was assembled by the Legendary Heroes and Itsu Solace to counter it. It is lost to time on how War Paradox was defeated, though some Chronoarcs falsely claim they killed him. The war’s devastation continues to have repercussions on the Mutiverse, with thousands of pre-Zexal worlds either devastated, erased or left uninhabited. Neo Chronoarc EmpireThe Neo Chronoarc Empire is a Sovereign Federation, ruled by an Absolute Monarchy with pseudo-parliamentary democracy, with the Chronoarc Emperors as equal Heads of State. Their territories include the capital ecumepolis known as Oblivion, Dyson Ring Reborn and multiple universes: artificial and natural. The Empire is classed Tier IV on the Kardashev scale, being able to harness entire universes energy output, travel between universes and timelines and even create artificial pocket universes. The Neo Chronoarc Empire population are inducted into the religious belief of ZEXAL, where they believe by absorbing vast amounts of duel energy, they can ‘Rank-Up’ into transcendental beings. The Empire’s military attempt to fulfil this by mass infiltration of Chronoarcs across the multiverse to absorb such energy. [spoiler=Rules]YCM House Rules.The following people are Game Moderators (GMo). Under I, the Game Master (GMA), have my authority to enforce both YCM House Rules and this RP’s own rules. There expected duties include card ruling judgements, maintaining a healthy RP post flow and ensuring everything fits towards the Grand Design. They will also be expected to be discrete, as they will be issued a copy of the Game Master Rulebook. Appointment is by the Game Master only.N/AHouse Duel Rules:It is STRONGLY advised that players must agree in private discussion the technical details of how their duel will be conducted. This includes the duel length, winner and the protocol for counter-moves.Players start with 4000 LP each.No Pendulum Monsters.By association, no cards that are support, anti-support or directly related to Pendulum monsters.Each character can only have TWO Synchro monsters for the entire RP. You can only change this by either trading IC with another character.You can appeal to the GMA if you want more than two, but you will have to make a case for it.Each character can only have ONE, NON-NUMBER Xyz for the entire RP, AND you must have a good, IC reason for possessing such a card.Only the GMA can give permission for a second.Duels must not last longer than 15 turns.Anime & Manga exclusive cards can be used with discretion. Obviously OP choices without reason can be overruled by GMo/GMA.Custom-Created cards can be used, but will require prior approval by GMos or GMAs before their first appearance.You have to disclose the reason for them: Especially if it is a replacement for a XYZ, Synchro or Pendulum card. [spoiler=Application]Remove anything in brackets when you fill this Application. Name: (Obvious)Gender: (Obvious)Age: (Obvious)Team: (Quantum for the Good Guys, Rare Hunters for the Bad Guys)Physical Description: Spoiler this section. This part should consist of an image, AND at least one paragraph that allows the reader to visualise your character. You can not use a image if you want, and if so, you need TWO Paragraphs.Personality: (Spoiler this. Should be two paragraphs describing how your character acts, reacts, and lives through life.)Biography: (This must be in a spoiler as well. This section should have at the least, two paragraphs describing the past and present lives of your character. I’d recommend three to four paragraphs if you have that much to say about your character.)Deck: (Start with a headline title for your deck, then one or two sentences on how it works.)Misc. Information: (This is for anything that does not fit anywhere else on the application form, such as battle themes, likes, dislikes and etc.) [spoiler=Characters][spoiler= "Tomoya Yagi" - ◇ Void ◇ ] Name: Tomoya YagiGender: MaleAge: 22Team: N/A Physical Description: Tomoya stands at exactly 6’0”, with lighter than normal skin (due to a lack of outdoor activity) and is slightly overweight. His brunet hair is fairly long and develops into long curls along the side, which he tames with a mixture of products into 3 upwards spikes each side. Dark Blue eyes with slight under shadowing due to late nights give Tomoya a default uninterested stare, or when he wants, an intimidating ‘death stare’. His casual attire consists typically of a plain dark green shirt, dark blue or black loose jeans with belt, a pair of black and red Vans shoes, and when needed for the weather, either a grey hoodie or a felt-like short trench coat. For work, he often chooses a maroon turtleneck over a tonic long-sleeved shirt, plain black trousers and smart shoes, with the same felt coat for bad weather. Personality: Tomoya could be described as a “physical isolationist”, who prefers the company of faceless voices on a computer instead of physical interaction, will put on a brave face of confidence, professionalism and humour when needed, but slow to pick up subtle details in conversation. Knowledgeable in several fields, such as computers and ancient history, Tomoya however becomes anxious and frustrated easily when confounded. When provoked enough, Tomoya can his internal struggles and grief into himself, either into self-doubt, passive-aggressive comments or aggressiveness at anyone around him, before burning out those emotions and becoming exhausted. Tomoya can also be a pessimist when the odds are against him. Biography: Tomoya was born in the fishing town of Kumanokawa; an hour’s drive from Domino City. Nothing extraordinary happened there, and apart from his diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome, had a normal childhood of being bullied, hating exams and card games. Tomoya took on a keen interest with computers from a young age, and shaped his later education when he took a course in Computer Engineering at the local college. Tomoya was also a keen duelist, who soon adopted the Gravespires as his archetype after years of netdecking. He even aspired to take on one of the tournaments in Domino City, until the accident at the dockyards. Tomoya had a best friend: Lorenzo. The son of an Italian Fisherman who immigrated to live and work with his Japanese Wife. One day, they decided to participate in an unofficial tournament with the other college students, which was being held at the dockyards. Matched against Lorenzo by straws, the duel got intense, and Tomoya got too engrossed. A storm began to blow in, which made everyone else abandon the dockyards for shelter. He convinced Lorenzo to stay, and the two where eventual swept into the sea by a crashing wave. Tomoya only survived by catching onto nearby fishing nets, while Lorenzo drowned and washed up on the other side of the bay. Tomoya was emotionally shattered, along with being treated harshly by the townspeople for his actions, though the coroner report concluded that he was not responsible, as Lorenzo had the opportunity to withdraw at any time. Being supportive of their son, Tomoya’s parents paid for counselling in Domino City, which led to Tomoya meeting Gekko Tenma. Gekko was there with his brother, Yako, to sort out their differences following Pegasus’ death. Tomoya and Gekko started a healthy friendship that gave some comfort to Tomoya. Following his graduation with a Degree in Computer Engineer, Gekko offered Tomoya a job at the Lake Pegasus Center Resort as a technical advisor and specialist, and accepted it. It has been 3 years since, and Tomoya has permanently moved into a condominium at the Centre, now promoted as Co-Manager of the Maximillian Chateau alongside Gekko. He has not duelled much since, though continuing to trade and build decks in his spare time. Deck: Gravespire Infection: Focusing on the custom “Gravespire” architype, where the DARK, Fairy-Type monsters gain ATK power for each of their brethren that infest the Opponent’s Graveyard. He bolsters this with additional Gravespire Themed support, such as the field spell “Gravespire Necropolis” and “Painful Gravespire Extraction”. Tomoya has access to 1 Synchro Monster, obtained from the Grey Market, and 1 XYZ Monster from Gekko after winning a bet on which venue in the park would make the biggest loss. Misc. Information: Tomoya is also a bit of a Pokémon Fan: He thinks Sinnoh was the best region, and that The Rise of Darkrai is the best film in the series. Hirai Ichiro - SpasmicUnitato - [iNACTIVE]Toshiro Mitsue - DovaEmfur Sherman - Fushi No ToriFlint Ge'em - Fushi No ToriYochi Nagata - EpicBoss99 - [iNACTIVE] [spoiler=Events so far...] Prelude 2 Chronoarcs (deities) known as Eternal Sol and Darkmyre have identified the Quantum Cube (the strange artefact that Aigami uses in the DarkSide of Dimensions) as being an unauthorized creation using stolen portions of their powers by something yet unknown, and identify it as a threat to the multiverse-spanning empire they rule over. However they cannot agree on the course of action, so decide to implement a game of Senet (which is similar to the Shadow RPG, but with it working on a real world, in real time), with the world where the cube is as the playing field, and guiding the mortals on that world to collect the cube for one of them. Seto Kaiba, who acquired the cube and used it to create a machine to let his mind travel to the Egyptian Afterlife and duel Atem again, is left comatose (again!) after the machine malfunctions when the Senet game displaces the cube from time-space. Chapter 1: Party Crashers A gala event is hosted at the Lake Pegasus Centre (Imagine Epot, but with more duel monsters), where Tomoya Yagi and Gekko Tenma (The hero introduced in Yu-Gi-Oh R) run the chateau where Pegasus lives, and also where the event is held. An elderly Pegasus and a shaken-up Mokuba arrive for the keynote speech, but the event is ambushed by Rare Hunters. They take Tomoya hostage and steal the headline display: Six of the Millennium Items, and the Codex of Shadows (known better in canon as the Millennium Spellbook or Tome: the book that contained the ritual to make the items). Tomoya is brought to the Rare Hunters HQ, in an old foundry in Domino City’s abandoned dockyards, to face their leader PaniK (the eliminator from Duellist Kingdom) and how to open the Codex. The Codex however is possessed by a malevolent spirit, who allows Tomoya to open the Codex and release him, fusing together to become Yami Tomoya. Yami Tomoya challenges PaniK for control of the Rare Hunters in a Shadow Game, defeating him and crushing the remainder of his mind with a penalty game. Yami Tomoya then persuades the Rare Hunters to serve him, revealing his plan to recreate the Millennium Items (which were left powerless when returned to the stone) and continuing what Zorc failed to accomplish, with them as kings and queens of a new “dark age”. Agreeing, Yami Tomoya arranges a plan to heist thousands of blank cards from KaibaCorp Tower’s underground research facility, so he can use them to collect souls for the ritual. Chapter 2: Materialization (Ongoing!) The Quantum Cube rematerializes into time-space on Seto Kaiba’s desk. Mokuba and Emfur are driven to KaibaCorp so they find where Tomoya went, by using the GPS locators on the Duel Disk network. However, as Toshiro arrives to collect information regarding the Rare Hunters from contact (before murdering him), Yami Tomoya throws himself out from a car. Sensing an unknown power from the tower, he diverts from the plan and pretends to be a normal Tomoya who has just been released by the Rare Hunters. He is assisted by Emfur and a security guard, taking him to Seto’s office to administer alcohol and calm him down. Meanwhile, behind KaibaCorp, the Hunters use Tomoya’s ID to infiltrate the R&D facility, stealing several cases of rare cards and the case of blanks that Yami Tomoya required. They escape during the commotion. Yami Tomoya breaks his cover as he finds the Quantum Cube, but his attempt to snatch it backfires due to the eldritch power it contains, causing a visible explosion that damages Seto’s office and the upper sections of KaibaCorp tower. In the aftermath, Emfur takes the cube and is gifted with the presence of a deity named Sol. He uses his tremendous power to slow down time, informing Emfur of the danger that he and his world was now in, before gifting him with a powerful card created using the power of the Quantum Cube. With that, Yami Tomoya and Emfur flee into the Executive Lobby, beginning a Shadow Game to recover the cube. Despite a valiant start by Emfur, Yami Tomoya quickly overpowers him with the use of the Gravespires. Sol urgently echoes words into Emfur’s head, allowing him to realise the power of the Quantum Cube and break the Shadow Game. Blinding Yami Tomoya for precious moments, Emfur is able to climb to the roof and escape with Mokuba on Dragon 1: Seto’s fighter jet. Toshiro sneaks in and discovers Yami Tomoya, and after tense moments, the two come to a mutual arrangement and sneak away from the chaos, back to the Rare Hunter HQ in the abandoned foundry. There, Yami Tomoya displays his strength by killing one of the low-lifes and infusing the blank cards with his Miasma, so they will transform into the wielder’s desired card at the cost of energy. With that, Yami Tomoya orders Toshiro to locate gold for the ritual. Emfur Sherman has the Quantum Cube, at the Kaiba Dome. Also at the Kaiba Dome is Maximillian Pegasus and Mokuba, who have gotten into a fight, with Gekko Tenma watching. Yami Tomoya has ordered the Rare Hunters to distribute the tainted blank cards across Domino City and the Kaiba Land World Resort. He is now resting at their secret headquarters in the abandoned foundry. Toshiro has returned to his office, so his staff can begin to source the gold Yami Tomoya’s plan, while also try to locate Emfur. [spoiler= Support Us!] Want to see more RPers join Codex of Shadows? Then please place this banner in your signature, hyperlinked to the OOC thread! http://i.imgur.com/UZyabhx.png Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Naidraug Posted June 5, 2016 Report Share Posted June 5, 2016 So... does this mean that Mokuba owns KC now? [spoiler= Oe Reijiro] Name: Oe Reijiro Gender: MaleAge: 24Team: Quantum Physical Description: https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/6CXd-Wtf7btsH3q1g4iAKFSyiVHzY62pR2fTAqWYoUSvRz-o35ixF5fXYYBC6wE73_AZuTFOe594Rn4o5vT4dgS8pwmsPZIS6PPVYQHQRlaTH-eS7H3IVXh8lZ81Z9ZVO49WUCzU Personality: Remains calm during some of the most stressful situations, dueling or not. He doesn’t tend to easily make friends, despite being a great duelist. He does however have great skills when it comes to making “friends”, friends being some higher ups in both KC and I2. I guess you could say he's like Rich boy Kaiba, except a little less of the "Rich" aspect. Biography: He is currently a renowned duelist; Some officials even speculate he may be 1 of the top 10 in Domino City. Famous for his Hellborg deck and playstyle, KC offered to create a Tuner and 1 Synchro monster for him as part of their campaign to show off and advertise this latest innovation in Duel Monsters. He would go on to even greater successes throughout the next week or so. He then received an invitation from I2 to attend an event at the Maximillion Chateau. Oe Reijiro’s early life was quite easy compared to most other people as both of his parents had fairly decent positions at KC, affording them a little above average income. Oe has a passion for the latest dueling tech to be introduced, and as such, has heard about these Xyz monsters, but with little physical evidence left of them in terms of how they’re summoned, nobody's completely sure how they work. Most speculate them to be from the Extra Deck, but again, their isn’t a whole lot to go on. The only ones who really know are the men that utilize them. Not one that likes being out of the loop of the game, Oe Reijiro’s goal is to collect at least one Xyz monster, even if he won’t use it, as it would be illegal at this time, at least on a standard Duel Disk. Deck: Hellborg/Machination:Fiend-type monster that send Machine-Type Union monsters to the graveyard to activate their effects. They currently have 1 Tuner available that’s a Fiend. They are mainly Fusion based, but also have 1 Synchro monster available who is currently their boss monster.Misc. Information: Battle Theme Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 5, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 5, 2016 Ha. No. Not for another few years at least.And I cannot accept your application in its current state Naidraug. I would like to see you make the following changes before I reconsider: Your personality section is way too short and generic. I need to see at least 2 paragraphs at least, and it needs to give Oe some more emotional flaws and weaknesses. Try to flesh out how he makes his “friends”, for example. Please also put this into a spoiler tag.You need to have a paragraph of text describing you character alongside the image, which should also be in a spoiler tag: Especially with the image you provided only showing a face. How tall is he? Is he fat or slim? What clothes does he wear? You need to flesh him out (literally!)I don’t like the idea of you being one of the top 10 duelists in the city, as that would put you in the same league as Yugi, Kaiba and Joey. I would not mind a semi-professional player, but I’ll say no pros.No “I’m so good, KC made me cards” in any form, even if your parents work there. They are a company; not a charity. At best, they might give you some Booster Packs.Most of Oe’s backstory is just an explanation of XYZ monsters in this world. Everyone want to know about Ob’s life: Where was he born? Where did he attend school? What is his job? Did he have any friends? Hobbies? I want to see some good work here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
SpasmicUnitato Posted June 6, 2016 Report Share Posted June 6, 2016 [spoiler='App (Completed)']Name: Hirai IchiroGender: MaleAge: 20Team: Rare Hunters Physical Description:[spoiler=''PD'']Hirai has brown eyes with dirty blonde hair, along with semi-pale skin. He is mostly seen with a white shirt and a black vest with a black bowtie. He wears black dress pants along with black dress shoes. While dueling, he likes to wear black gloves. His height and weight are average for someone his age. His ethnicity is japanese. Personality: [spoiler='Per]Hirai is a rich, snobby brat that always got what he wanted. He is used to being given everything that he doesn't know what it's like to earn anything using experience or hard work. He treats his servants as disposable objects, and when he feels they did one little thing wrong, he gets rid of them no questions asked. He would make them do humiliating acts or things against their own morals, just to amuse Hirai. They were under the influence of the money his parents were paying them, but it didn't help that they were fired when Hirai decided they did something wrong. As a child, he wasn't much better. He acted like the king of the playground and made the other kids do what he wanted. He would say things like "Get me my juice box!" or "Give me my cookie!" to the other kids and if they didn't do it, he would 'punish' them, and by punish I mean he took away their snack time. The teachers didn't do anything as they were under the influence of Hirai's parents money, so they couldn't do anything... well, unless they wanted Hirai's parents to get the owner to fire that specific employee. Biography: [spoiler=''Bio"] 3 months after Hirai was born, his parents moved to England for business reasons. He had lived there for 14 years of his life, and then they moved back. It was hard for Hirai to fit in as he was used to the England way of doing things. Although he ends up fitting in, becoming the snot, bratty person he is now. Although he was one as a kid, he couldn't use the same tactics here as the Duel School wouldn't accept money to manipulate their workers, and as someone who had trouble fitting in, people in his Duel School would tease him and pick on him for how he did things. During his 3rd Year at his Duel School, he was accustomed on how everything worked and he found it easy to manipulate people with money, this lead to him thinking anything he wanted could be bought with money, even someones morals. He thought he could buy it all and change it to his needs, he ended up bribing the teacher rather than the school, and they accepted, doing whatever he wanted. He would always cheat on tests, beat up others in supervision, and do much more crazy things. Hirai liked his new life, he was enjoying it... way to much. Hirai graduated the school that year, and came back to his home town. He ended up moving into his old house, as his parents moved into a new house when they came back from England. Hirai obtained an Xyz Monster from a seller on EBAY. It's price was pretty large; $799.99, pretty large, although Hirai didn't care, he bought it. All that came to his doorstep was a 1 card, it had a black border, an Xyz monster no doubt. Hirai looked at its name, which was "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" Deck: Misleading Fluffals---A deck Hirai liked because of how cute, little animals turned into ferocious, scary looking "animals". They look all cute on the outside, but when they get into their good fusions, you'd be done in the blink of 5 attacks. The archetype's playstyle is an OTK playstyle, although it doesn't have to be. It relies on its fusions to deal mind blowing damage after one turn. Misc. Information: N/A Finally finished! Curse you writers block! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 7, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 7, 2016 Just a quick bump to remind the world that we are still looking for roleplayers to apply, so spread the word people! SpasmicUnitato, your application is looking great so far. Once you have your full biography section up, I’ll review it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bellringer Angel Posted June 8, 2016 Report Share Posted June 8, 2016 Interest noted. Also, before I enter, I need approval of a custom archetype: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/351475-written-1515-hyperset-archetype-flip-monsters-on-steroid/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 8, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 8, 2016 I've had a quick glance, and I don't see anything objectively wrong with them. Just remember to justify where you got your XYZ monster from in the Bio section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 9, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 9, 2016 On 6/6/2016 at 12:48 AM, SpasmicUnitato said: [spoiler='App (Completed)']Name: Hirai IchiroGender: MaleAge: 20Team: Rare Hunters Physical Description:[spoiler=''PD'']Hirai has brown eyes with dirty blonde hair, along with semi-pale skin. He is mostly seen with a white shirt and a black vest with a black bowtie. He wears black dress pants along with black dress shoes. While dueling, he likes to wear black gloves. His height and weight are average for someone his age. His ethnicity is japanese. Personality: [spoiler='Per]Hirai is a rich, snobby brat that always got what he wanted. He is used to being given everything that he doesn't know what it's like to earn anything using experience or hard work. He treats his servants as disposable objects, and when he feels they did one little thing wrong, he gets rid of them no questions asked. He would make them do humiliating acts or things against their own morals, just to amuse Hirai. They were under the influence of the money his parents were paying them, but it didn't help that they were fired when Hirai decided they did something wrong. As a child, he wasn't much better. He acted like the king of the playground and made the other kids do what he wanted. He would say things like "Get me my juice box!" or "Give me my cookie!" to the other kids and if they didn't do it, he would 'punish' them, and by punish I mean he took away their snack time. The teachers didn't do anything as they were under the influence of Hirai's parents money, so they couldn't do anything... well, unless they wanted Hirai's parents to get the owner to fire that specific employee. Biography: [spoiler=''Bio"]3 months after Hirai was born, his parents moved to England for business reasons. He had lived there for 14 years of his life, and then they moved back. It was hard for Hirai to fit in as he was used to the England way of doing things. Although he ends up fitting in, becoming the snot, bratty person he is now. Although he was one as a kid, he couldn't use the same tactics here as the Duel School wouldn't accept money to manipulate their workers, and as someone who had trouble fitting in, people in his Duel School would tease him and pick on him for how he did things. During his 3rd Year at his Duel School, he was accustomed on how everything worked and he found it easy to manipulate people with money, this lead to him thinking anything he wanted could be bought with money, even someones morals. He thought he could buy it all and change it to his needs, he ended up bribing the teacher rather than the school, and they accepted, doing whatever he wanted. He would always cheat on tests, beat up others in supervision, and do much more crazy things. Hirai liked his new life, he was enjoying it... way to much. Hirai graduated the school that year, and came back to his home town. He ended up moving into his old house, as his parents moved into a new house when they came back from England. Hirai obtained an Xyz Monster from a seller on EBAY. It's price was pretty large; $799.99, pretty large, although Hirai didn't care, he bought it. All that came to his doorstep was a 1 card, it had a black border, an Xyz monster no doubt. Hirai looked at its name, which was "Dark Rebellion Xyz Dragon" Deck: Misleading Fluffals---A deck Hirai liked because of how cute, little animals turned into ferocious, scary looking "animals". They look all cute on the outside, but when they get into their good fusions, you'd be done in the blink of 5 attacks. The archetype's playstyle is an OTK playstyle, although it doesn't have to be. It relies on its fusions to deal mind blowing damage after one turn. Misc. Information: N/A Finally finished! Curse you writers block! Accepted SpasmicUnitato. Also, I’ll only consider starting when we have at least 5 people, with an even split between Team Quantum and the Rare Hunters. So if you know anyone else on YCM that might be interested, please spread the word. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted June 10, 2016 Report Share Posted June 10, 2016 Interest noted. I'll start an app. I'm assuming Pendulums aren't a thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 10, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 10, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 11:29 PM, Dova said: Interest noted. I'll start an app. I'm assuming Pendulums aren't a thing. On 6/4/2016 at 8:16 PM, ◇ Void ◇ said: House Duel Rules:It is STRONGLY advised that players must agree in private discussion the technical details of how their duel will be conducted. This includes the duel length, winner and the protocol for counter-moves.Players start with 4000 LP each.No Pendulum Monsters.By association, no cards that are support, anti-support or directly related to Pendulum monsters.Each character can only have TWO Synchro monsters for the entire RP. You can only change this by either trading IC with another character.You can appeal to the GMA if you want more than two, but you will have to make a case for it.Each character can only have ONE, NON-NUMBER Xyz for the entire RP, AND you must have a good, IC reason for possessing such a card.Only the GMA can give permission for a second.Duels must not last longer than 15 turns.Anime & Manga exclusive cards can be used with discretion. Obviously OP choices without reason can be overruled by GMo/GMA.Custom-Created cards can be used, but will require prior approval by GMos or GMAs before their first appearance.You have to disclose the reason for them: Especially if it is a replacement for a XYZ, Synchro or Pendulum card. Pendulums are banned. They don't exist yet in this timeline. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted June 10, 2016 Report Share Posted June 10, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 11:32 PM, ◇ Void ◇ said: Pendulums are banned. They don't exist yet in this timeline. Heh, somehow missed that. May I use these custom cards?: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/344674-agm-zord-high-level-unions-with-classic-fusions-1515/ I can use real cards if you would prefer, but that's just a preference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 10, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 10, 2016 On 6/10/2016 at 11:37 PM, Dova said: Heh, somehow missed that. May I use these custom cards?: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/344674-agm-zord-high-level-unions-with-classic-fusions-1515/ I can use real cards if you would prefer, but that's just a preference. Hmm. I'll allow it. A balanced mix of custom and real cards is what I'd advise, but not a requirement. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted June 10, 2016 Report Share Posted June 10, 2016 Yeah, I won't run pure of them, but that's the base archetype I'll use. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted June 11, 2016 Report Share Posted June 11, 2016 [spoiler=App]Name: Toshiro MitsueGender: MaleAge: 25Team: Rare Hunter[spoiler=Physical Description:] Toshiro prefers to wear monochrome clothes, and, as he has low tolerance for cold, generally dresses thicker than most other people. Other than colour, he doesn't really have a preference when it comes to what kind of clothes he wears, normally trying to fit the scenario. He is short for his age, and just looks younger than he actually is. Average weight for his size, and doesn't normally keep his duel disk on hand, which just happens to be black with white highlights. [spoiler=Personality:]Toshiro is a practiced manipulator, and very stubborn. While having a large business mind and experience in many sorts of sales, he is still quick to make decisions, no matter the importance. He believes that people can accomplish more by working together, in the sense that they all follow the greater one in the group, and so tries to get people to trust him in order for him to use them to advance himself. Skilled in logic and psychology, this man knows how to get people to come to him without them realizing it. He is rather lacking when it comes to morals, and doesn't have a sense of right and wrong, at least when it comes to his own actions or choices. Having never failed in his life, his confidence is extremely high, which is one of the reasons he chooses to follow his own logic wherever others disagree. While one might think that this would've been Toshiro's downfall in the past, somehow it caused him to always come out on top, getting him closer to his goal of power.[spoiler=Biography:]Toshiro grew up as an only child in a relatively wealthy family, and was pushed by his parents to rise up above the rest. While being more trained than pampered, his parents still gave him a large amount of freedom, allowing him to realize that because they thought of him so highly, they wanted to do what was best for him. Following this logic, at high school he started to manipulate his fellow classmates by starting a sort of a black market on the premises, managing to obtain what anyone wanted, slowly increasing their opinion of him. By the end of his final year of school, he had built up a customer base of more than half the school, including some teachers, most of which were willing to do many things in return for his services, helping him get things he himself had trouble getting to. At this point, it was difficult for the more moral side of the school to not notice the suspicious going-ons in the school, and, while they managed to nab many of the customers, none of the victims ever threw any suspicions onto Toshiro, allowing him to eventually graduate with what looked like a clear record. When he had left his education, Toshiro started to use his skills on the wider city, forming a small black market on his own that eventually became a larger part of the underworld the city had. While doing little of the actual work himself, he twisted what corruption in the town he could to be more suiting to him. As Duel Monsters grew in prevalence, he started to dabble a little in their market, and found that many more customers were drawn to him, as Synchro and Xyz monsters were rare enough in the outside world. Eventually learning the game, he was naturally skilled, yet he saw it as little more than a sport. His parents guessed that whatever their son did during the day was probably less than moral, but refused to let those thoughts tarnish their image of him, as at home was still the successful angel they had seen since Toshiro's childhood. And now, he was at the exhibition at the Maximillian Chateau. Toshiro had decided to come to scout the place out, and see how easily one could break in. In all honesty, he was surprised the event was going ahead, but going ahead it was, so all the better for him. And besides, where better to find potential customers or targets than among the rich?Deck: Zord:Machine-Type monsters that work by fusing specific creatures together to create larger threats. Prefer to Normal Summon over Special Summon, and very graveyard oriented. Every monster in the archetype has the ability to form a Union with every other monster, boosting their strength and the strength of the deck as a whole. Chosen because of Toshiro's like for combined strength.Misc. Information: Main Theme: Torvus Bogs SubterraneanBattle Theme: Perfect Cell Runs Submitted! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 11, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2016 On 6/11/2016 at 1:32 AM, Dova said: [spoiler=App]Name: Toshiro MitsueGender: MaleAge: 25Team: Rare Hunter [spoiler=Physical Description:] [spoiler=Personality:]Toshiro is a practiced manipulator, and very stubborn. While having a large business mind and experience in many sorts of sales, he is still quick to make decisions, no matter the importance. He believes that people can accomplish more by working together, in the sense that they all follow the greater one in the group, and so tries to get people to trust him in order for him to use them to advance himself. Skilled in logic and psychology, this man knows how to get people to come to him without them realizing it. He is rather lacking when it comes to morals, and doesn't have a sense of right and wrong, at least when it comes to his own actions or choices. Having never failed in his life, his confidence is extremely high, which is one of the reasons he chooses to follow his own logic wherever others disagree. While one might think that this would've been Toshiro's downfall in the past, somehow it caused him to always come out on top, getting him closer to his goal of power. [spoiler=Biography:]Toshiro grew up as an only child in a relatively wealthy family, and was pushed by his parents to rise up above the rest. While being more trained than pampered, his parents still gave him a large amount of freedom, allowing him to realize that because they thought of him so highly, they wanted to do what was best for him. Following this logic, at high school he started to manipulate his fellow classmates by starting a sort of a black market on the premises, managing to obtain what anyone wanted, slowly increasing their opinion of him. By the end of his final year of school, he had built up a customer base of more than half the school, including some teachers, most of which were willing to do many things in return for his services, helping him get things he himself had trouble getting to. At this point, it was difficult for the more moral side of the school to not notice the suspicious going-ons in the school, and, while they managed to nab many of the customers, none of the victims ever threw any suspicions onto Toshiro, allowing him to eventually graduate with what looked like a clear record. When he had left his education, Toshiro started to use his skills on the wider city, forming a small black market on his own that eventually became a larger part of the underworld the city had. While doing little of the actual work himself, he twisted what corruption in the town he could to be more suiting to him. As Duel Monsters grew in prevalence, he started to dabble a little in their market, and found that many more customers were drawn to him, as Synchro and Xyz monsters were rare enough in the outside world. Eventually learning the game, he was naturally skilled, yet he saw it as little more than a sport. His parents guessed that whatever their son did during the day was probably less than moral, but refused to let those thoughts tarnish their image of him, as at home was still the successful angel they had seen since Toshiro's childhood. And now, he was at the exhibition at the Maximillian Chateau. Toshiro had decided to come to scout the place out, and see how easily one could break in. In all honesty, he was surprised the event was going ahead, but going ahead it was, so all the better for him. And besides, where better to find potential customers or targets than among the rich? Deck: Zord:Machine-Type monsters that work by fusing specific creatures together to create larger threats. Prefer to Normal Summon over Special Summon, and very graveyard oriented. Every monster in the archetype has the ability to form a Union with every other monster, boosting their strength and the strength of the deck as a whole. Chosen because of Toshiro's like for combined strength.Misc. Information: Main Theme: Torvus Bogs SubterraneanBattle Theme: Perfect Cell Runs Submitted! You just need to add 1 paragraph to the physical description section before I can accept your application Dova. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted June 11, 2016 Report Share Posted June 11, 2016 Updated. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 11, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2016 On 6/11/2016 at 10:49 AM, Dova said: Updated. Accepted. I have also updated the application text a tiny bit so that people don't forget to add that paragraph in future. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dova Posted June 11, 2016 Report Share Posted June 11, 2016 Actually, I underestimated my other priorities. I'll withdraw for now, but I might come back in the future. Sorry. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 11, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 11, 2016 On 6/11/2016 at 10:33 PM, Dova said: Actually, I underestimated my other priorities. I'll withdraw for now, but I might come back in the future. Sorry. I'm very sorry to hear that, and I hope you can return before or just as we start. Until such a time, I will keep your application on ice in the accepted character section. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sluggaholic Posted June 12, 2016 Report Share Posted June 12, 2016 [spoiler=Emfur Sherman]Name: Emfur ShermanGender: Male-arooAge: 17Team: Quantum[spoiler=Physical Description] Emfur's not exactly a huge guy. As a matter of fact, he got his dad's genes, in that he's quite lanky. Though he's been trying to work out for the past few years, it hasn't done him much good. However, it has toned him up, giving broader shoulders than what you see in the picture an dmore defined traps and deltoids and all those other "-oids". His neck's stayed thin, but he thinks it's good for him since it draws more attention to his face and perfect (exaggeration) jawline. He shares his father's pointed jaw and hard nose but mother's soft lips and rounded ears. His brows are thin and sharp and eyes are a mix of determined and languished. He's 5'6" and tops out at 120 lbs, which isn't so bad, but he wished he was bigger. His legs are pretty long, but so are his arms, making him seem much more lanky than he is, along with giving others the impression of him being spider-monkey-like. It's taken many years, but he's finally figured out how to seperate his salt-and-pepper hair in a way he likes. (White on top, black in the back. Oh god what the f*** have I just written.) His hands are pretty normal, besides slightly longer than normal fingers and nails bitten down far, far back. It's pretty natural to see him with his arms crossed, trying to intimidate his opponent to make himself look bigger than he usually is. He dresses business casual with a half-buttoned polo, a black belt (which sometimes holds his deck box for him) and brown pants. He either wears dress shoes or boots. It's rare to see him in sneakers, unless he's hanging with his friends, in which case you'll more likely see him in any combination of ratty jeans and a shirt with one of any of his favourite bands. [spoiler=Personality]The son of a large business executive, as you can expect Emfur's a tad bit eccentric, like his father. Though he takes others' responsibilities seriously, whether it involves himself staying out of their way, or them needing his help to complete it, when it comes to his own, he's an absolute mess. At first glance, the teen seems way too aloof to handle the job of taking over his father's company ever since his... accident, but truth be told he's simply acting immature. He knows full well what he has to do, but he prefers to defer it to someone he feels is actually ready for the position. He feels since he isn't a man yet, he can't handle all the responsibility attributed with holding up a great company like his father's, and thus tosses off responsibility from his shoulders as soon as he can. However despite this, because of his mother (he believes) he has a deep-set sense of justice, and it's this same sense that's made it impossible for him to run away from the big, scary "R" word. His father's work in the military is one of dire importance (every army needs its Explosive Artillery, right?) but it's also a tentative one. This sense of justice has led Emfur to wish to dissolve his father's pact with the military, but his inability to see how ready he is for such a task has made it difficult for him to follow through, despite overwhelming support from his mother (who is traveling abroad) and from the company itself, which has been ransacked over and over again for their military knowledge. Along with this sense of justice comes a hot head that gets upset whenever it sees someone doing another someone injustice. It's this reason he hangs with the bad crowd instead of the one his father wishes for him to stay with- he feels his place is better suited in the shadows as a vigilante than on the boardroom table as a true hero. Though these "vigilantes" haven't done anything besides go to concerts and waste Emfur's money. Speaking of which, we come to another of Emfur's problems. Even though he's a pretty smart kid, he's just too willing to hand out freebies. Sure, he knows that his friends are more or less taking advantage of his kindness for those less fortunate than him, but he just can't say no. It's inherent to him, he supposes, to give. His father was a charitable person at heart (even if he did create weapons of war) so it makes sense his son would be too. Still, perhaps he's too charitable. Along with this, he's keen on making others comfortable with his presence, so when he's headed out (unless it's to go to somewhere formal) he'll often dress down, and look the most rag-tag of the group. Traits: Kind, Charitable, Heroic, Hot-Headed, Immature, Doormat, Insecure, Intelligent [spoiler=Biography]Emfur lived a relatively boring life when his father was alive all those years ago. Boring, yet fun. His father would often be gone on business, but Emfur- even at that young, delicate age- knew that his father's work was important- much, much more important than spending much time with either him or mother, and that was okay with him. It was okay, because his father always kept his promise of being home for the important days- graduation from middle to high school, his birthdays, Christmas- the works. Even if his father had an important diplomatic meeting with a foreign partner that wanted to buy his military gear, he'd spend that day at home with Emfur and his Mother because he loved them. However, one Christmas, he didn't come home. Up until that point, Emfur had been home schooled by his mother, who had once been a private school teacher at one of the most prestigious schools in the country, so it made sense that she'd teach her own son all that he needed to know in order to run his father's business, along with the proper social etiquette of the business world. However, by January, Emfur was enrolled in that same private school in which his mother used to work. This was done in secret, outside of his mother's knowledge, and by the time she'd found out, it was already too late. She cried and begged him to stay, but he couldn't. His mother couldn't take care of him, even with all the maids, and was neglecting her lessons. And no matter how much Emfur loved his mother, he couldn't be her cry pillow all his life. It's not what she wanted, and it wasn't what his father wouldn't have wanted. Of course, this was more of a dual-sided lie- it let his mother have the time she needed to recover from the shock of her husband's death, and it let Emfur live his life happily, away from the stress of that life. Or, so he thought. No matter where he went, no matter what friends he made, his father's business always loomed over him. He was always a smart kid, but he wasn't anything extraordinary at that private school, and had to work hard to just keep up with the other kids. This led to him falling in with a... less than savory crowd, who liked to call themselves "vigilantes". Though he'd much rather be a hero, Emfur had, after his father's death, the pain that trying to be a hero could bring. Even still, he stuck by his morals, and tried to get the kids to actually start "vigilante-ing", to no avail. His life was stagnant. He was languishing in the fruits of his father's labor. And he hated it. A feeling of worthlessness settled over Emfur, drilling home the impression that school and exposed life had begun showing him already: that he was unfit to run his father's delicate business. Two years passed, and just like that, Emfur was 17, on the cusp of becoming a man. And on the cusp of truly taking over his father's company- a thought he'd long dreaded. He was still, in his eyes, unprepared. If he took to the throne, he'd be destroyed immediately. So, he devised a plan. If he couldn't handle it now, he'd change it! But, to what? Protecting countries like his father did was too much for him to handle. So, what else could he try? This was about the time Emfur picked up Duel Monsters for the first time. It was introduced to him by a friend of a friend at a concert for his favourite band, hosted by none other than Maximillion Pegasus himself. (Though the man was nowhere to be seen at the event, unfortunately.) And he loved it. The strategy, the art, the lore, the everything. He absolutely adored the game. And what he noticed was how much more popular it was becoming. And what else he noticed was how much money it was making. And most importantly, the final note he took, was how popular it was with the younger crowd. He realized something in his office one day, staring down his favourite card- Legendary Dragon Vanquisher. That there was more than one way to be a hero. And now it was his job to find out that way to be a hero. To be a hero, not to the masses, but to the little people. His father's facotries, their equipment, and their people- as of now, though they were still working, they'd recently hit a low point, given how little interaction they'd had with foreign countries. Perhaps the heir could... refurbish them? After all, how different could mass-producing cards be from mass-producing missile heads? And it was then that Emfur knew what he wanted to do with his company. He would be his own kind of hero. He'd make sure all people could play this beautiful game of Duel Monsters, rich or poor, smart or stupid. He'd be a hero to the kids around the world, since he couldn't be a hero to the countries around the world. Which brings us to present day. Hoping to get a conference with Maximillion Pegasus himself, Emfur has attended another one of these... parties which he'd grown accustomed to. Black shoes, black jacket, black tie. White shirt. And of course, black pants. He was ready. The day his company would be reborn would be today! Watch out Maximillion, you may just get steamrolled by this new-and-improved Sherman! Deck: Warrior Dai Ryu - This Deck is a Deck surrounding the card Warrior Dai Grepher and the custom cards I made to go along with it, which include mostly a few effect and Fusion monsters and spells. Along with that, an assortment of Normal, Fusion, Dragon, and Warrior support has gone into the deck to help its speed and versatility, from classics like RotA and Dragon Shrine to things like Fusion Sage and Unexpected Dai. ExDeck Check: Synchros: [0/2], Xyzs: [0/1], Fusions: [6/13] (Ones provided + Ryu Senshi and First of the Dragons) [spoiler=Custom Cards] - - - - -MONSTERS- - - - - [spoiler=Card Art] Crimson Hearth RyuFIRE - Dragon-type - Level 3 [union] Monster1400/200"When this card is Special Summoned: you can add 1 "Inquisition" Spell Card from your Deck to your Hand. Once per turn, you can: Target 1 "Warrior Dai Grepher" you control; equip this card from your hand or that you control to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. A monster equipped with this card destroys monsters with higher ATK than it before damage calculation. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)" Lightning Sky RyuLIGHT - Dragon-type - Level 4 [union] Monster1700/200"If this is the only monster on your side of the field when it's Normal Summoned: you can Special Summon one "Warrior Dai Grepher" or "Dark Blade" from your Deck to the field. Once per turn, you can: Target 1 "Warrior Dai Grepher" you control; equip this card from your hand or that you control to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. If a monster equipped with this card has less ATK than the monster with the highest ATK on the field: its ATK doubles. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)" Celestial Spirit RyuWIND - Dragon-type - Level 4 [union] Monster2000/200"When this card is Summoned: target 1 "Dark Blade" or "Warrior Dai Grepher" in your Graveyard; Special Summon that target. This card cannot attack directly. Once per turn, you can: Target 1 "Warrior Dai Grepher" you control; equip this card from your hand or that you control to that target, OR: Unequip this card and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. A monster equipped with this card can attack your opponent directly. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, destroy this card instead.)" Legendary Dragon VanquisherLIGHT - Warrior-type - Level 4 Monster1700/1000"When this card is Normal Summoned, you can Special Summon one Warrior-type monster from your Deck to the field and send one Dragon-type Union monster from your Deck to the Graveyard OR: Special Summon one Dragon-type Union monster from your Graveyard and shuffle one Warrior-type monster from your Graveyard into your Deck. When this card is destroyed, draw one card." - - - - -FUSION MONSTERS- - - - - [spoiler=Card Art] Valor Ryu SwordsmanFIRE - Warrior-type - Level 6 [Fusion] Monster2200/1200"Warrior Dai Grepher" + "Crimson Hearth Ryu""Must first be Fusion Summoned. During either player's turn, when a Monster Effect is activated: you can pay 1000 LP; Negate that card's effect and if you do, destroy it. You can only use this effect once per turn. Negate the effects of Trap cards that target this card." Hue Ryu SwordsmanLIGHT - Warrior-type - Level 6 [Fusion] Monster2500/1200"Warrior Dai Grepher" + "Lightning Sky Ryu""Must first be Fusion Summoned. During either player's turn, when a Trap Card is activated: you can pay 1000 LP; Negate that card's effect and if you do, destroy it. You can only use this effect once per turn. Negate the effects of Spell cards that target this card." Underspire Ryu SwordsmanWIND - Warrior-type - Level 6 [Fusion] Monster2800/1200"Warrior Dai Grepher" + "Celestial Spirit Ryu""Must first be Fusion Summoned. During either player's turn, when a Spell Card is activated: you can pay 1000 LP; Negate that card's effect and if you do, destroy it. You can only use this effect once per turn. Negate the effects of Monster cards that target this card." Black Lightning GrepherEARTH - Warrior-type - Level 7 [Fusion] Monster2800/1300"Warrior Dai Grepher" + "Dark Blade""Must first be Fusion Summoned. While this card is face-up on the field, its name is treated as "Warrior Dai Grepher". This face-up card can't be destroyed by your opponent's card effects. If this card destroys a monster by battle, you can Special Summon one Warrior-type monster from your Graveyard to your field." - - - - -SPELLS- - - - - [spoiler=Card Art] Inquisition of SpiritQuick-Play Spell Card"Fusion Summon 1 "Ryu Swordsman" by sending the required materials from your hand or field to the Graveyard. A card Fusion Summoned by this effect gains 800 ATK and DEF. During your turn, except for the turn this card was sent to the Graveyard, you can banish this card: add 1 Dragon-type Union Monster from your Deck or Graveyard to your hand." Inquisition of StandingContinuous Spell Card"When this card is activated: you can add 1 Dragon-type Union monster from your Deck to your hand. While this card is face-up on the field, you can Fusion Summon using equipped Union Monsters. You can send this card from the field to the Graveyard: equip 1 face-up "Warrior Dai Grepher" or "Dark Blade" with an appropriate Union monster from your Deck." [spoiler=Other]THEMES: Main/Battle! Theme: Taknight/Vs! Emfur! - Tank Man (Megaman Unlimited OST - [blast Processed] BlastProcessed)Temperance!OW Theme: Explosive Artillery - Tank Man Stage (Megaman Unlimited OST)Turn it Around! - Never Turn Back - Never Turn Back (Shadow the Hedgehog OST - Crush 40)Victory Is Mine! - Ready, Aim, FIRE! - What I'm Made Of... (Sonic Heroes OST - Crush 40)Defeat... - Bloodied Tears - Bloody Tears (Castlevania OST - [Cover] Washi981) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Durandamon Posted June 12, 2016 Report Share Posted June 12, 2016 Noting interest, will edit this post with app later. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 15, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 15, 2016 How is everyone’s applications coming along then? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sluggaholic Posted June 16, 2016 Report Share Posted June 16, 2016 I've still got some kinks to work out, but I'm nearly done with the important bits. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
◇ Void ◇ Posted June 18, 2016 Author Report Share Posted June 18, 2016 I’d like to see this RP start soon as so to attract more people, so can I kindly ask people to accelerate the production of their applications please. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sluggaholic Posted June 20, 2016 Report Share Posted June 20, 2016 Almost done with Emfur. I've finished up the Physical Appearance and the Personality. Gonna finish up that Biography later on. Busy as of now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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