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BA for Regionals

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Got Regionals tomorrow so...


Monsters: 24

3 Scarm

1 Graff

2 Cir

3 Farfa

2 Libic

3 Rubic

1 Barbar

1 Calcab 

1 Tour Guide

3 Fiendish Rhino

3 Maxx "C"

1 BLS - EotB


Spells: 6

3 Twin Twisters

1 Raigeki

1 Foolish

1 Good & Evil


Traps: 10

3 Horn of Heaven

3 Solemn Strike

3 Breakthrough Skill

1 Solemn Warning


Extra Deck 15

3 Dante the Traveler

3 Beatrice

2 Virgil

Other Various Rank 3 filler

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I'm pretty sure this might be too late, but for future reference, here:


-1 Rubic

-1 BLS

-0-1 Farfa

-1 G&E

-0-3 Breakthrough Skill


+3 Speedroid Terrortop

+1-2 Speedroid Taketomborg

+1-2 Gameciel

+1 Kumongous

+1 Gadarla 

+1-2 Interrupted Kaiju Slumber


Not sure about the Rubics...Virgil is very good but it can falter against the Kozmo matchup. You could probably side one out but in my opinion I would run 2 for safety's sake. Opening multiple is a no-no lategame if you hope to have BAs in hand to trigger.

Not a big fan of BLS. He's pretty much winmoar and his only strength is against the BA matchup by banishing Dantes or Beatrices. And even then Beatrice can Farfa it. Dracopals and Monarchs are inbetween and Kozmos just laugh once more. It's strong but I don't think it's something you need to focus on. Opening one early game stinks, and what can you do if you mill it? At best it's only something to sack by normal draw or Maxx "C".


G&E only seems more fit for the traps, but since you're running none, it seems pretty meh. As a general card it's only worth it if you can dump it as soon as possible, and if you draw it and lack Twin Twist, you pretty much are pretty much -1 in hand advantage and even as a bait it can risk not giving your BAs the alt Summon option, but I can understand its use for Rubic I guess. Breakthrough is...okay. It works when it does, but again, Kozmos dgaf. You can neg Infinity and Dweller and big Monarchs, but for consistency's sake 2 is fine, and you can side out them later.


I really wish you did take the time to show off an Extra Deck. Are you running F0s? Are you running Break Swords? Both if you have any at all? Both are super important, especially F0 for the Kozmo matchup; you'll be making it a lot to get over big ships. How many Pilgrims do you run? 1 or 2? Do you even run the Giga Brilliant -> Corebage -> Gaia Dragon engine? Do you think Leviair was viable? Honestly I really hate it when I lack info like this just from laziness, but you get the idea. Side Deck is also an important thing to know as well.


As a final thing, I do recommend the Kaiju engine as it's the strongest variant out there. It makes your Kozmo matchups easier as you are able to tribute ships without worries of chains, as well as tribute opposing Beatrices or Ehthers/Erebuses under Domain/March and so on. Slumber works very good as an alt. Raigeki and works with Beatrice if you send Slumber during their turn. I highly recommend it if you have a hard time with your hardest matchups. You can trade out any traps like Horn of Heaven and Breakthroughs since going close to monster mash is pretty ideal now.

I'd suggest taking out maybe a BTS for a Torrential Tribute.


Torrential is horrendous in this format.


Kozmos just float down into lower levels. Big Ships like Fore or DD can make Dark Lady or Landwalker, and Landwalker exists to vanguard them anyway.

BA laughs as they can endlessly stack chains on chains and summon more monsters after the TT. You basically give them Pilgrims and free options with Dantes.

Dracopals and Monarchs can get disrupted but it can't stop most trigger effects happening which they can take advantage of.


tl;dr Traps are bad now; TT is slow, needs to be set prior, triggers only on a summon(s), and pops. 

At minimum

+3 Terrortop

+1 Taketomborg


But you could also 

+1-2 Tri-Eyed Dice

+0-1 Den-Den


 What about Trishula?


Top and Take are all you need. Rubic can only go into BA Synchros anyway. Adding additional Speedroids, even Illuminati dice can complicate your plays and would most likely clog your deck and playstyle.

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