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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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a) If I have multiple copies of Black Whirlwind activated, the effects stack, correct?

b) Does this create a chain?

c) What order do the effects activate if my opponent chains a card to the first Whirlwind?



d) Can I tribute a face down Winged Beast for Icarus Attack?



e) Is Ultimate Offering useful in Blackwing decks to abuse Whirlwind?

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a) If I have multiple copies of Black Whirlwind activated' date=' the effects stack, correct?

b) Does this create a chain?

c) What order do the effects activate if my opponent chains a card to the first Whirlwind?



d) Can I tribute a face down Winged Beast for Icarus Attack?



e) Is Ultimate Offering useful in Blackwing decks to abuse Whirlwind?



1) Yes, I believe so, and it works normally, they cannot chain to the first Whirlwind, only the last, and their effect activates first.


2) Yes


3) Typically, they have better cards to run

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I see no rulings that say that for 7 >_>;;

The way it is worded' date=' it DOES work with Sup-Poly, if they rule different, then I can't tell.



You can only activate the drawing effect when you have exactly three "7" on your field.[2]

This ruling says that it only interacts with "7"s and not "7" cards like the card says.


As for Fusion Sage' date=' no ruling was created, but the lolwikia says it can't be activated if you don't have any [i']Polymerizations[/i] in your deck. Perhaps it hasn't been updated?

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Here's a question; Apprentice Magician and Broken Blocker


Apprentice Magician's Effect special summons 1 lvl 2 or lower spellcaster type monster from your deck to the field face-down. Broken Blockers effect special summons to the field every copy of the destroyed monster from your deck to the field in defense position.


Can you chain the effects of the 2 cards together? If so, what effect would take place first, the Apprentice, or the Broken Blocker?

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I think Appretice effetc will activate first' date=' but then because of spell speed, broken blocker will chain, so it works first, I think.



So The Apprentices effect will activate first to special summon a monster face down, then broken blocker effect (Assuming there are more copies of the apprentice in the deck.) will special summon the rest of the apprentices afterwards, right?

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Is there any clearance about Junk Collector? I'm pretty sure that I don't have to pay costs' date=' but do conditions have to be met? Can I use it on Gottoms' Emergency Call? Does Huge Revolution still have to be during your Main Phase? Sauce?



Atem says that generalizations of Fake Feather rulings imply that costs and correct activation requirements are not bypassed, and that we should wait for an official ruling saying "Yeah, it's broken with Huge Revolution" before we start to panic.

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What exactly is the supposed combo that prevents Dewloren from being at three?


Relevant part is:


Symbol of Heritage, Revive Dewloren, bounce it, tribute for DSF, rinse and repeat.


That's the end of an FTK combo in Japan that end up with 3 Dewloren in grave, DSF on the field, and Symbol of Heritage in hand. I'll look for the link so you can see it for yourself.

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There we go.


In text form:


Using Subtitoad...Sacrifice 1 monster to get Des frog and synchro it with Fishborg Gunner

Summon Dewloren

Tribute it for Substitoad effect and Summon another des frog

Special Summon gunner and Synchro into 2nd Dewloren

Tribute it for the 3rd Des Frog

Special Summon Gunner again

Synchro into the third dewloren

Special Summmon Gunner

Synchro Dewloren and Gunner into Dark Strike Fighter

Activate Simbol of Heritage...and Loop till Death---

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