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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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If I activate the effect of Crazy Box, my opponent doesn't respond to the activation, and then chain EEV to the effect and Tribute the Box, will Crazy Box's effect still go off even if it is no longer on the field after EEV resolves?

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Hamstrat is already considered "destroyed" by the time it can summon it's tokens, if flipped face-up by battle with a bigger monster. Thus it cannot save itself. Right?


That's correct. Hamstrat is similar to Flip Effects, in that it activates after Damage Calculation. It will already be considered "dead" by the time the Tokens show up.


If Maestroke has bottomless triggered to it, will its destroy prevention save it from being banished?


Yes. Zenmaines will do the same. If Bottomless did not manage to destroy the monster, it will not banish it.

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Can I tribute 2 Scapegoat tokens to set Dododo Gasser?


No. Even though Scapegoat Tokens say they "cannot be Tributed for a Tribute Summon", Tributing them for a Tribute Set is the same thing. They cannot be Tributed to fulfill a high Level monster's Normal Summon/Set requirements.


This is different from restrictions like Photon Sanctuary which just says you cannot "Summon" non-LIGHT monsters, which you can bypass by Setting a monster instead.


The combination of these rulings draw my attention to Fires of Doomsday, which say syou can't Tribute them for a Tribute Summon, except for DARK monsters (and also that you can't Summon the same turn you activate it), which won't let you use the Tribute Set loophole unless the monster you Tribute Set is a DARK monster.

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If the monster equipped with Heroic Retribution Sword is destroyed by battle, would the other monster still be destroyed? I'm just a bit hung up on how it says after damage calculations, which could mean after it is already gone.


Yes, it would.


Damage Calculation is the timing where Battle Damage is inflicted, and monsters are labeled "destroyed by battle". They have not yet been sent to the Graveyard, so the effect of Retribution Sword will apply.


The end of the Damage STEP is when monsters have already been sent to the Graveyard.

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Opponent MST's my set Quick Booster. I chain Quick Booster, returning Lance from Graveyard.


Will MST destroy Quick Booster, letting me use its second effect?

Yes. All cards stay on the field until the Chain resolves. This was the intended use of Quick Booster.


Koro: No. Plaguespreader is not banished if it's used as Material.

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Is there any occasion where Xyz Materials explicitly leave the field? For example, if I were to use a Plaguespreader summoned by its own effect as an Xyz Material and then detach it, would the banishing ever happen?


Nope. It's one of the best uses for Xyz Materials, because it's a loophole created by the Xyz mechanic. Xyz Materials did not leave the Field when Overlaid, but they are no longer on the Field, either. Cards like Chain Dog, Plaguespreader, Birdman, etc all get mileage from this.

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Kind of an odd question, but I think it belongs here.


Fusion Sage. Fusion Sage searches for any "Polymerization" card, which means it can search Polymerization, Super Polymerization, and, um...Mispolymerization. But why can't it search cards with "Fusion" in their names? Polymerization's Japanese name is "融合" (Yuugou), and Future Fusion's Japanese name is "未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン" (Mirai Yuugou - Fyūchā Fyūjon), so as far as I can tell it should be able to search Future Fusion.

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Kind of an odd question, but I think it belongs here.


Fusion Sage. Fusion Sage searches for any "Polymerization" card, which means it can search Polymerization, Super Polymerization, and, um...Mispolymerization. But why can't it search cards with "Fusion" in their names? Polymerization's Japanese name is "融合" (Yuugou), and Future Fusion's Japanese name is "未来融合-フューチャー・フュージョン" (Mirai Yuugou - Fyūchā Fyūjon), so as far as I can tell it should be able to search Future Fusion.


Bad wording on its part. It can only really search the card "Polymerization". It can't search any other card.

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Fusion Sage never got a wording update. It was printed at a time when the only "Polymerization" card was Poly itself. Eventually, the game started saying " 'X' card" only if it was adding a card with 'X' in its name, and not using the word "card" if it was the exact name of the card. For example, saying "Blackwing card" to search for any card with "Blackwing" in its name, and "Blackwing - Bora the Spear" if you could only search Bora.


It actually should be written "Add 1 'Polymerization' from your Deck to your hand". 

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Fusion Sage never got a wording update. It was printed at a time when the only "Polymerization" card was Poly itself. Eventually, the game started saying " 'X' card" only if it was adding a card with 'X' in its name, and not using the word "card" if it was the exact name of the card. For example, saying "Blackwing card" to search for any card with "Blackwing" in its name, and "Blackwing - Bora the Spear" if you could only search Bora.


It actually should be written "Add 1 'Polymerization' from your Deck to your hand". 

Odd. I could've sworn Fusion Sage could search Super Poly.
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Here's one:


Coach Captain Bearman AND Tenken = Me being able to Xyz Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon?


Activate Coach eff to make everyone level 8. Effect resolves. Activate Tenken on Coach Captain (negates the last sentence of the card until the end of the Main Phase 1).


So the only question is...is that last sentence a "condition" or an "effect"? If it's a condition, I suppose this wouldn't work.

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Here's one:


Coach Captain Bearman AND Tenken = Me being able to Xyz Summon Neo Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon?


Activate Coach eff to make everyone level 8. Effect resolves. Activate Tenken on Coach Captain (negates the last sentence of the card until the end of the Main Phase 1).


So the only question is...is that last sentence a "condition" or an "effect"? If it's a condition, I suppose this wouldn't work.


It's a Condition, so no, you can't.

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