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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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Is this card worded right? My intent is that you can discard 1 card to activate the second effect again, even if you already activated it before this turn or you can activate it during your opponent's turn. Also, the second effect is intended so that you can either target 2 cards with the same name in either Graveyard, 3 cards with the same name in either Graveyard OR 3 "Gusto" cards in either Graveyard.

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Once per turn: You can target up to 3 cards with the same name in either player's Graveyard or 3 "Gusto" monsters in either player's Graveyard; Add 1 target to the owner's hand and shuffle the rest into the Deck. During either player's turn: You can discard 1 card then target up to 3 cards with the same name in either player's Graveyard or 3 "Gusto" monsters in either player's Graveyard; Add 1 target to the owner's hand and shuffle the rest into the Deck. You can only use this effect once while this card is face-up on the field.

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CC question:

Once per turn: You can target 1 face-up monster; destroy that target, then change this card to Defense Position.”


Am I right in saying that if my target is no longer face-up during resolution it won't be destroyed? Or does the "destroy that target" part have to say face-up?


Another question, if I use Sishunder's effect, if that card is moved to my Deck or is face-down or in any way not accessible, will it still return to the hand?

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If the target is not faceup at resolution, it will not be destroyed, because the card says "destroy that TARGET", so if the target is invalid at resolution, it cannot resolve.


If the card banished by Sishunder is removed from the banished zone, even if banished again in the same turn, it will not be added to the hand.

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If the target is not faceup at resolution, it will not be destroyed, because the card says "destroy that TARGET", so if the target is invalid at resolution, it cannot resolve.


If the card banished by Sishunder is removed from the banished zone, even if banished again in the same turn, it will not be added to the hand.

but Sishunder doesn't say anything about targets, I thought that it didn't need to be in there for that to work. I guess I have gotten some infomation wrong at some point :/

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but Sishunder doesn't say anything about targets, I thought that it didn't need to be in there for that to work. I guess I have gotten some infomation wrong at some point :/

It's the same concept as Gold Sarcophagus and Eclipse Wyvern. If the cards are removed from the Banish Zone and put back, they weren't banished by those cards anymore so they don't add them.

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I'm always kind of confused on when an effect takes place.

When a monster changes control: You can attach this card to an Xyz Monster you control as an Xyz Material, and if you do, you it gains 700 ATK.

It will mean that this would take place after resolution and start a new chain right?

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I'm always kind of confused on when an effect takes place.

When a monster changes control: You can attach this card to an Xyz Monster you control as an Xyz Material, and if you do, you it gains 700 ATK.

It will mean that this would take place after resolution and start a new chain right?


Its as it says: "When a monster changes control".  It needs to have changed control first.  Once that happens, since the effect is "When" and "You can", changing control must have been the last thing to occur in the chain, otherwise it will miss the timing.


If changing control is the last thing to occur, then you can activate this effect.  Yes, it would start a new chain in this case.

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What about if the condition was met by a cost and it was an "If... you can..." does it start a new chain afterwards? For example, Tributing Sangan for a card effect.


Sangan isn't an "If... you can...".  Sangan is simply mandatory since it does not say "You can..."


If he used "If... you can" in the effect, then it could not miss the timing.

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-Update on Lava Golem's effect-

It says you cannot Normal Summoned or Set during the same turn you SS it

Is it only referring Setting a monster, OR Spell/Trap too?


Only monsters. If it's in one statement, ie, "Normal Summon or Set", then it's only for Normal Summon or Normal Setting.


If it says "cards" (Set Cards") or is unassociated with the phrase "Normal Summon", then it would refer to S/Ts. Such as with Rocket Arrow Express.

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I use Starliege Paradynamo to reduce the attack of, say, Crimson Blader to 0. I then attack Crimson Blader with Number 32: Shark Drake, and send it to the Graveyard. Would Shark Drake be able to revive the dead Blader, or not?


Asking because its ATK was 0 when it was destroyed so it can't lose 1000, but Shark Drake says "and sends it to the Graveyard" so it seems logical to assume it bases its revival on original ATK, not current.

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I use Starliege Paradynamo to reduce the attack of, say, Crimson Blader to 0. I then attack Crimson Blader with Number 32: Shark Drake, and send it to the Graveyard. Would Shark Drake be able to revive the dead Blader, or not?


Asking because its ATK was 0 when it was destroyed so it can't lose 1000, but Shark Drake says "and sends it to the Graveyard" so it seems logical to assume it bases its revival on original ATK, not current.

That wouldn't have mattered anyways since 1. if a monster was to lose more than it already had, it would simply go to 0, even if at 0, 2. the monster is no longer on the field, meaning it's go back to it's original stats and Level/Rank.

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As the above said, Shark Drake revives the monster and then reduces the ATK by 1000. When the monster affected by Starliege leaves the Field or is flipped facedown, its stats reset to the original. Shark would revive Blader and its ATK would become 1800.

Oh yes, I always forget to mention that if flipped down it will also get it's stats reset, but I might not have thought of mentioning it because it seemed like it wasn't needed as the question was about the Grave, but anyways, good that you mentioned it.

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The only justification I can think of, other than a blatant glitch, is if Crimson Blader destroyed a monster last turn, thus preventing you from Special Summoning monsters of Level 5 and up during that turn. You would be considered the player Special Summoning Crimson Blader, but you can't.

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