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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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If you tribute D.D. Survivor to summon Caius while Dimensional Fissure is face-up on your side of the field can you Special Summon D.D. Survivor during the End Phase of that turn ?



Thanks now I can legally own all n00bs that would dare to oppose my power' date=' to show my gratitude you shall recieve a reward.



News: That combo has had a deck called "macro monarchs" based on it for years. And yes, I suppose noobs are the only people it could own.

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Two questions;


-I know that Solemn Judgment can't be activated during the Damage Step or in response to, say, a monster Summoned with the effect of Monster Reborn. You'd have to negate Monster Reborn itself to negate the Summon. Does Torrential Tribute work the same way?


-If I attack with Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman and there are 3 Elemental Hero monsters in my Graveyard, making Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman's ATK 3400, and my opponent plays Shrink, what does the ATK of Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman become?

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Two questions;


-I know that Solemn Judgment can't be activated during the Damage Step or in response to' date=' say, a monster Summoned with the effect of [b']Monster Reborn.[/b] You'd have to negate Monster Reborn itself to negate the Summon. Does Torrential Tribute work the same way?


Torrential Tribute is activated in response to the Summon after the monster is successfully Summoned; it doesn't negate the Summon. Thus, you can use Torrential against a Cyber Dragon that Special Summons itself or against a monster Special Summoned by Monster Reborn. However, it cannot be activated in the Damage Step.


Incidentally, Solemn Judgment, being a Counter Trap, can be activated in the Damage Step.


-If I attack with Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman and there are 3 Elemental Hero monsters in my Graveyard' date=' making [b']Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman[/b]'s ATK 3400, and my opponent plays Shrink, what does the ATK of Elemental Hero Shining Flare Wingman become?


Shrink halves original ATK, not ATK.


Question -


My opponents field' date=' Tytannial.


My field, lonefire blossom.


I activate lonefire's effect, can tytannial negate lonefire?


Or does lonefire even target at all?



Lonefire Blossom's Tribute is a cost.

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  • Let's say I use Super Ancient Deepsea King Coelacanth and get Royal Swamp Eel, Ocean's Keeper, Oyster Meister and Fishborg Trooper. Since their effects are negated, I can brain control / reborn a Level 6 monster that's not a Water attribute and sync it with Fishborg, right? Or are the sync pieces sent and then does Fishborg's effect void it because he's not negated anymore?

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[*]Let's say I use Super Ancient Deepsea King Coelacanth and get Royal Swamp Eel' date=' Ocean's Keeper, Oyster Meister and Fishborg Trooper. Since their effects are negated, I can brain control / reborn a Level 6 monster that's not a Water attribute and sync it with Fishborg, right? Or are the sync pieces sent and then does Fishborg's effect void it because he's not negated anymore?


Its negated, you can sync with it on the field.

If my opponent controls a Field Spell and I SET one of my own' date=' is the one of the opponent destroyed?


(Mainly against Spellcaster Village)




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Haven't played in forever, so this may be obvious.


One player's got a King Tiger Wanghu out on the field. The turn player summons a lonefire blossom/exiled force/diamond dude. Can the turn player call priority and tribute the monster or check the top card, or would king tiger screw something up there?


What if the turn player is also the one who controls king tiger?

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I summon Lyla and use her effect. My friend activates BTH. He says that lyla's effect wont activate. Is that true?


Switching to DEF mode is part of Lyla's effect' date=' not a cost. Since BTH resolves first and removes Lyla from the field before she resolves, she won't be able to switch to DEF mode and her effect never resolves.



I just did that on WC09. Is that a bug in the game?

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