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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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thanks so will it also work with Debris Dragon?


No. Debris Dragon negates effects that activate or apply on the Field. Even though Orbital and Galaxy leave the Field as a cost, those effects still activated from the Field and will be negated.


Skill Drain operates differently, in that it only negates effects of monsters that are still faceup on the Field when their effects are resolving.

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Out of the Blue. When you target something from grave, it destroys itself. Then, the effect that activates when it destroys itself starts a new chain after whatever chain that targeted something resolves, right?

On the other hand, Dimension Gate will send itself in response to attack declaration, and the effect that activates when sent to the grave will activate before the battle and force replay, right?

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Out of the Blue. When you target something from grave, it destroys itself. Then, the effect that activates when it destroys itself starts a new chain after whatever chain that targeted something resolves, right?

On the other hand, Dimension Gate will send itself in response to attack declaration, and the effect that activates when sent to the grave will activate before the battle and force replay, right?


Out of the Blue will destroy itself after the effect which targets something in the Grave resolves. If your opponent activates Monster Reborn, then the monster targeted by Monster Reborn will be Special Summoned. Then Out of the Blue destroys itself and then its effect activates. So yes, it will be after the card that targeted in the Graveyard resolves.


Replays will occur so long as it is not the Damage Step when monsters on the opposing side have changed. Dimension Gate will cause a replay when the monster is Special Summoned during the Battle Step.

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If I use Garunix is Phantom Beast Plane Drago-sack dead? (he had 2 tokens out)

No, it is not. The tokens are face-up until the resolution of the effect, so the Phantom Beastcraft/Plane will not be destroyed by a field wipe when a token is destroyed by said wipe.

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So I have to know this. If you negate the activation of a card, but that's it what happens to the card. What if the effect only says negate the activation of a spell card. Does that spell card go to the grave. What if it is a continuous. Same thing for traps.


The card is not considered "destroyed" but the Spell or Trap card you played will still go to the Graveyard.

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can I assume that the beastcraft and the normal phantom beasts are not the same set and can not be mixed?





Phantom Beast Cross Edge's effect:





That's definitely the Kanji for "Phantom Beasts" and they both use "幻獣" in their card names for "Phantom Beasts" so I don't see why not.

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