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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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Because of the ruling that the target(s) do not have to be on the field during the resolution of Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation, I assume that it's fine to activate multiples with only 1 Ninja on the field and get the effects of both (as long as they are of the Levels of the monster which is sent)?


I also assume that their effects still apply if Book of Moon is chained?

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Because of the ruling that the target(s) do not have to be on the field during the resolution of Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation, I assume that it's fine to activate multiples with only 1 Ninja on the field and get the effects of both (as long as they are of the Levels of the monster which is sent)?


I also assume that their effects still apply if Book of Moon is chained?


Yes, you can activate multiples targeting the same Ninja, though the Ninja's level will only count towards the first Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation that resolves in the chain.


Yes, the monster are still sent even if they aren't face-up during resolution.

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Barkion vs Bottomless on the Barkion's summon? assuming bottomless wins but just looking for confirmation.

On a related note, Bottomless vs. Forbidden Lance?

Why would Bottomless win? It's not faster. It's just like Stardust vs. BTH. BTH is dame dame against Barkion!


Whichever was activated first loses, as it resolves last.

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I have Inferno Tempest set and reckless greed's backlash in effect. Since the decks are empty and I can't draw, does that mean my opponent will be the one to lose due to a deck out?


What does Inferno Tempest being set have to do with your question? Also, using Inferno Tempest doesn't mean the decks will be empty =/ Your question makes little sense.


In any case, Reckless Greed skips your Draw Phase. Since you aren't forced to draw a card while your deck is empty, you will not lose the duel when you skip your Draw Phase.

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Hypothetical situation.

I have Void Ogre Dragon and no hand. My turn, Draw Phase. Can my opponent activate a card before I draw? And if I draw something like MST, can I use my turn player's priority to activate it before my opponent is allowed to activate anything?

Basically, if I draw a Quick-Play Spell, (assuming I have no Traps set), is that Spell the first thing in the turn that can be activated?

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Hypothetical situation.

I have Void Ogre Dragon and no hand. My turn, Draw Phase. Can my opponent activate a card before I draw? And if I draw something like MST, can I use my turn player's priority to activate it before my opponent is allowed to activate anything?

Basically, if I draw a Quick-Play Spell, (assuming I have no Traps set), is that Spell the first thing in the turn that can be activated?

Yes and yes.

Can "Trap Eater"s ss effect work when you or or opp. activate a normal trap?

No. Trap Eater is a Summoning Condition, it can't chain to anything. Also, it only targets the opponent.


I have Inferno Tempest set and reckless greed's backlash in effect. Since the decks are empty and I can't draw, does that mean my opponent will be the one to lose due to a deck out?

Darkwolf pointed out the monster issue but if you have Reckless's backlash you won't lose by deckout during the draw phase.

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Situation. My Opponent has LaDD on the field.


I Summon Minute Firestar - Ryushinshin, then follow by activating Firedance - Tensu.


How da fuq does the chain (if any) resolve?! O-o (I'm triggering Ryushin's effect).





I activate Firedance - Tenken while Minute Firestar - Ryushinshin is on the field. Can I chain Ryushin's effect so I get to search-set a Trap before it's effect gets negated?

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Hypothetical situation.

I have Void Ogre Dragon and no hand. My turn, Draw Phase. Can my opponent activate a card before I draw? And if I draw something like MST, can I use my turn player's priority to activate it before my opponent is allowed to activate anything?

Basically, if I draw a Quick-Play Spell, (assuming I have no Traps set), is that Spell the first thing in the turn that can be activated?


No, neither player can activate a card before a Draw Phase's Draw.


Yes, you can respond to your own Draw Phase draw first by activating a Spell Speed 2 effect, including a Quick-Play Spell you just drew.


This is a big reason why were so many issues with Trap Dustshoot on DN where people didn't seem to understand this ruling.


Darkwolf pointed out the monster issue but if you have Reckless's backlash you won't lose by deckout during the draw phase.


I answered the original question in my original response o.o


Situation. My Opponent has LaDD on the field.


I Summon Minute Firestar - Ryushinshin, then follow by activating Firedance - Tensu.


How da fuq does the chain (if any) resolve?! O-o (I'm triggering Ryushin's effect).


Chain Link #1: Firedance - Tensu

Chain Link #2: Light and Darkness Dragon




Chain Link #2: Light and Darkness Dragon negates the activation of Firedance - Tensu. Firedance - Tensu is sent to the Graveyard.

Chain Link #1: Firedance - Tensu's activation was negated.


I have an issue with the current wording of the card, but regardless of it, the situation would remain the same.


If "Minute Firestar - Ryushishin"'s first effect is a Trigger Effect, then it would need to say "If... you can", not "When... you can", otherwise it would miss the timing 100% of the time. Trigger Effects are Spell Speed 1 so you wouldn't have the right to activate it in chain to "Firedance - Tensu"'s activation, hence why it would miss the timing 100% of the time with the current wording, assuming its a Trigger Effect. If the wording became "If... you can", then you'd be able to activate "Minute Firestar - Ryushishin's" effect after the chain in which a "Firedance" Spell/Trap card has resolved, which if LaDD negates the activation will not happen.


If "Minute Firestar - Ryushishin"'s first effect is a Quick Effect, then it will need to chain directly to the activation of the "Flaming Dance" Spell/Trap Card. Since LaDD will automatically be Chain Link #2, you would not be able to activate "Minute Firestar - Ryushishin".


So in either scenario, depending on what the final translation of the wording is, you would not win against LaDD.


I activate Firedance - Tenken while Minute Firestar - Ryushinshin is on the field. Can I chain Ryushin's effect so I get to search-set a Trap before it's effect gets negated?


No. When you activate an effect that starts a chain, priority to respond shifts to the opponent. He'll get to activate an effect first in response to "Firedance - Tenken's" activation. In this case, LaDD will forcibly take that spot anyway, regardless of which player controls it.


Either way, Minute Flaming Star - Ryushishin is currently listed as a Trigger Effect, so it should probably say "If... you can". You would always need to wait for the chain where a "Firedance" Spell/Trap card was activated (and where the activation isn't negated) to resolve before you can activate "Minute Firestar - Ryushishin".

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Alright got it. And the second scenario didn't involve LaDD but even if I activated Tenken to "try and activate" Ryushinshin, Ryushinshin wouldn't resolve as it would "have to wait" for the resolution...correct?


Oh, i see. I suppose I didn't bother reading Tenken's effect since I thought it was related.


if you use Tenken to negate Ryushishin, you would still be able to activate the effect after Tenken resolved, but the effects would be negated (so long as Ryushishin remained face-up on the field before it resolves).

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Yo Darkwolf, I'm making a guide to writing Official Card Grammar and I'd like your assistance.


To the best (and most clear) of your abilities, explain the difference between "FLIP:" effects, and "flipped face-up" effects.


There's really not much different about them, but in any case:


FLIP Effects:


-FLIP Effects are always mandatory. They will always activate and start a chain when they are flipped face-up (or during the next available time where effects may be activated). This includes FLIP Effects whose effects may be optional, or do not appear to do anything when they are flipped face-up (such as Spear Cretin), though the resolution of this activation must resolve successfully for Spear Cretin to activate its effect when destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.


-FLIP Effects can be nullified by effects that state "(FLIP Effects are not activated at this time)", such as in the card "Ceasefire".


-Not all the effects written on a card may be part of the "FLIP" effect, such as the text in "Batteryman Micro-Cell", so even after using "Ceasefire" and "Batteryman Micro-Cell" flips face-up (while its Flip Effect may not have been activated), the effect which allows you to draw a card when its destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard is a seperate effect and will activate. You'll have to check specific card rulings about it but most wont have any issues.



"Flipped face-up" Effects:


-Treat these just like any other Trigger Effect where the trigger is "When this card is flipped face-up". They can be optional or mandatory based on the effect's text, just like all other Trigger Effects.


-These effects are unaffected by the card that state "(FLIP Effects are not activated at this time)", so can still activate after cards like "Ceasefire" resolve.

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Which reminds me that I wish W Nebula Meteorite said that FLIP effects weren't activated, but then most of the Archetype would be dead. Would make Xex-Yagan stronger, though. Don't have to worry about Rykos or Spies.


EDIT: Also, people don't seem to realize that you can't even attempt a Special Summon while Acid Golem is on the field, and try to use Zeph or some fusion card on it.

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Each player controls 2 Meltiel. I, the Turn Player, control The Sanctuary in the Sky and a face-up Skull Invitation.


I activate Lightning Vortex, discarding a card. My opponent responds with Dark Bribe.


Now. Assuming I choose to snipe both my opponent's Meltiels before they resolve. In what order would damage from Skull Invitation and heal-pop from Meltiel trigger, up until the end of all instances of both?

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Each player controls 2 Meltiel. I, the Turn Player, control The Sanctuary in the Sky and a face-up Skull Invitation.


I activate Lightning Vortex, discarding a card. My opponent responds with Dark Bribe.


Now. Assuming I choose to snipe both my opponent's Meltiels before they resolve. In what order would damage from Skull Invitation and heal-pop from Meltiel trigger, up until the end of all instances of both?


Skull Inventation and Meltiels are Continuous Effects. None of them start chains. Also, these effect will apply just like effects that would trigger and activate, meaning turn player's will occur first, then the opponent's, but unlike chains which activate in order and resolve in reverse order, these Continuous Effects will apply in order.


Therefore, it would look like this:


Turn Player activates "Lightning Vortex". 1 card is discarded to the Graveyard as the cost.

Turn Player takes 300 damage due to "Skull Invitation". (Turn Player's card that was discarded.)

Opponent activates "Dark Bribe" in response, to negate "Lightning Vortex".

No cards are then chained. Chain building ends and it begins to resolve.

"Dark Bribe" resolves. "Lightning Vortex's" activation is negated and destroyed (Lightning Vortex is sent to the Graveyard). Turn Player draws 1 card.

*Turn Player's "Meltiel A" is applied. Turn Player gains 1000 Life Points and must destroy a card. You destroy the opponent's "Meltiel C".

Turn Player's "Meltiel B" is applied. Turn Player gains 1000 Life Points and must destroy a card. You destroy the opponent's "Meltiel D".

**Turn Player takes 300 damage and Opponent takes 600 Damage due to "Skull Invitation". (Turn Player's "Lightning Vortex" and Opponent's "Meltiel C" and "Meltiel D".)

The chain involving "Dark Bribe" and "Lightning Vortex is complete". Dark Bribe is sent to the Graveyard.

Opponent takes 300 damage due to "Skill Invitation". (Opponent's "Dark Bribe").


* The successful activation of a Counter Trap occurred before a card was sent to the Graveyard. The "Meltiel's" will apply before "Skull Invitation" gets a chance to damage for "Lightning Vortex" being sent to the Graveyard..


** This damage occurs simultaneously, not to one player and then another, in which case, an event like this can result in a Draw if both players were brought down to 0 Life Points. Skull Invitation will have kept tabs on all cards sent to the Graveyard by both players until it had a chance to apply its effect, and then will inflict damage to both players at the same time accordingly when it is able to apply.


That should be it, hopefully.

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