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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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But the wording is that you tribute summon a monster that needs two tributes, not that you tribute 2 monsters. Therefore, since Totem dragon counts as 2, it should still work.


Still, no one actually knows this so I'll probably need to test it in WC10 first...


I answered this question already a few days back. Precious Cards from Beyond only activates if the summon required (1. to have need of; need) two or more Tributes. When you use Totem Dragon, you're monster required only 1 Tribute because it used a monster that was worth 2 Tributes. It did not need to use two Tributes. You will not draw for Precious Cards from Beyond.

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I answered this question already a few days back. Precious Cards from Beyond only activates if the summon required (1. to have need of; need) two or more Tributes. When you use Totem Dragon, you're monster required only 1 Tribute because it used a monster that was worth 2 Tributes. It did not need to use two Tributes. You will not draw for Precious Cards from Beyond.

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Question: "If... You can..." effects never miss the timing, right?

Madolce Chateu:

After activation: Shuffle all "Madolce" monsters in your Graveyard into your Deck. All "Madolce" monsters on the field gain 500 ATK. If a "Madolce" would be shuffled into the Deck, you can return it to your hand instead.

Pot of Avarice:

Select 5 Monster Cards in your Graveyard. Shuffle those cards into the Deck, then draw 2 cards.

Wiki says Avarice causes Chateu to miss the timing.

So either the wiki is being idiotic, or Konami is screwing over it's own rules, once again.

Either answer works, I'm just curious why this is, as Cheatu isn't a "When... You can..." effect.

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Can multiple Trigger Effects of Doppelwarrior be placed on the same Chain? i.e. Can I Special Summon more than 1 Doppelwarrior at a single time when I Reborn/CotH?


I think the answer is yes, but I just need clarification.

It's not. You cannot chain 2 trigger effects in the hand that would Special Summon a monster. It's the same reason you can't chain Trag to Gorz in one instance of damage.

Question: "If... You can..." effects never miss the timing, right?

Madolce Chateu:


Pot of Avarice:


Wiki says Avarice causes Chateu to miss the timing.

So either the wiki is being idiotic, or Konami is screwing over it's own rules, once again.

Either answer works, I'm just curious why this is, as Cheatu isn't a "When... You can..." effect.

I'm also pretty sure Continuous effects never miss timing.

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Question: "If... You can..." effects never miss the timing, right?

Madolce Chateu:


Pot of Avarice:


Wiki says Avarice causes Chateu to miss the timing.

So either the wiki is being idiotic, or Konami is screwing over it's own rules, once again.

Either answer works, I'm just curious why this is, as Cheatu isn't a "When... You can..." effect.


The effect "If a "Madolce" would be shuffled into the Deck, you can return it to your hand instead." is a Continuous Effect. It is not a Trigger Effect. There's no such thing as "Missing the Timing" for Continuous Effects.


If you apply "Madolce Chateau's" effect to add any of the 5 cards back to your hand, you will not draw 2 cards with Pot of Avarice.

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Destiny Board questions:


1. Under "normal" circumstances, the minimum number of turns to win with Destiny Board is 8, right?

- Turn 1 (your first turn): Set Destiny Board.

- Turn 2 (opponent's first turn): Flip Destiny Board. During the End Phase, play Spirit Message "I".

- ...Turn 8 (opponent's fourth turn, not fifth): Play Spirit Message "L". Win.

I'm asking because it just instinctively feels that Destiny Board requires 10 turns (5 per player) to win, not 8, despite the card's wording.


2. This question relates to WC 2007 for DS, which has a glitch that prevents the player from getting the S rank on the "Destiny Board" achievement since it requires a win in 5 turns and the minimum is actually 8.

However, given a ridiculous amount of luck and the "1 Forbidden Card allowed" unlockable banlist, wouldn't the following be possible?

- Turn 1 (opponent's first turn): Opponent plays Hand Destruction or whatever. Discard Makyura the Destructor and activate two Destiny Boards from your hand. During the End Phase, play Spirit Messages "I" and "N".

- Turn 2 (your first turn): Summon Jinzo using whatever method. Destroy one of your Destiny Boards using MST, etc. Because its effect is negated, the other Spirit Messages and the other Destiny Board will not be destroyed. Destroy Jinzo using whatever method.

- Turn 3 (opponent's second turn): During the End Phase, play Spirit Message "A".

- ...Turn 5 (opponent's third turn): During the End Phase, play Spirit Message "L". Win (?) in only 5 turns.

Is there any ruling that makes the above impossible?

Obviously, it requires more luck than an Exodia NTK, but it's still possible in theory.

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According to the rulings, only the letters themselves need to be played in the right order, regardless of what Destiny Board card was used to play them.


Even so, would this alternate solution work? It requires even more ridiculous luck, the opponent's cooperation, and a card that didn't exist in WC 2007, but it's still a way to win with Destiny Board in 5 turns:


Turn 1 (your first turn): Set Destiny Board.

Turn 2 (opponent's first turn): Opponent sets up an Arcana Force XXI - The World lockdown, therefore skipping all of your future turns. During the End Phase, play Spirit Message "I".

Turn 3 (opponent's second turn): Opponent continues the World lockdown. During the End Phase, play Spirit Message "N".

Turns 4 and 5: Play Spirit Messages "A" and "L". Win.

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Spirit Messages must always be played in order. You will not be able to use 2 Destiny Board to add "I" and "N" in the same turn, because each board needs to play I before they can play N, etc.


Cards whose effects activate within a period of time (instead of a pinpoint moment) will not chain together. The "End of the Turn" is a period of time, the same as that of the Standby and End Phases. If you have two Destiny Boards on the field, one will apply and add the I, then the other will apply and add the N. They will not chain together and both try to get Is.

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Cards whose effects activate within a period of time (instead of a pinpoint moment) will not chain together. The "End of the Turn" is a period of time, the same as that of the Standby and End Phases. If you have two Destiny Boards on the field, one will apply and add the I, then the other will apply and add the N. They will not chain together and both try to get Is.

Since the only thing that Destiny Board needs to win are placing the cards down in the proper order, not necessarily by which destiny board puts it there. You could very well place them in the improper order and not win with them. Am I getting that right?
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Since the only thing that Destiny Board needs to win are placing the cards down in the proper order, not necessarily by which destiny board puts it there. You could very well place them in the improper order and not win with them. Am I getting that right?


The card zones which they are played in do not matter. They just need to be placed onto the field in order.


If you activated F and its time to play a Spirit Message card, you must play an I. I don't believe you can purposely place them in the wrong order by choosing N, A, or L. You can only play I first.

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The card says you can place any "Spirit Message" card during the End Phase of your opponent's turn, and that "I", "N", "A", and "L" must be played in that order to win. Aggro is right; you're allowed to purposely play the cards in the wrong order and not win upon playing the last one.


I'm pretty sure the Makyura method on the previous page works.

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So I equip Inzektor Hopper to something and use its effect. Then I attack with the monster I used it on. Can I then use Hopper on another monster in the same turn? And if I can, I can't attack if I use it twice during MP1?


You can use the Hopper as many times as you want, but if you use it on more than 1 monster you won't be able to attack that turn.

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When a Fortune Lady's effect is activated and Light and Darkness Dragon negates it, is the effect that activates the only part that gets negated or does it's ATK and Def get negated, too?


Nags and Accelerator were dueling and didn't know, so I want to know about that.

LaDD negates the ACTIVATION of an effect. Not the effect itself, so no, it would not negate an continuous monster effect like that.
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I have a question about "Wind-Up Shark" and "Wind-Up Magician":


During a duel, I saw that the player activated the effect of "Wind-Up Magician" after he Special Summoned "Wind-Up Shark" with its own effect. Can you actually do this? I thought the Special Summon of Shark by its own effect is more of a Summoning Condition rather than an effect, similar to "Cyber Dragon" and "Dark Armed Dragon" Summoning Conditions, so it shouldn't activate Magician's effect.

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