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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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I have been told on Dueling Network that if my Monsters Specialed by DEST are not on the field during my end phase, I take no damage from DEST's last effect, from how I read it, I broke it down to something like this.


Correct, DEST must destroy the monsters with its effect in order to inflict damage.

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What sort of conditions would prevent Quasar from summoning Shooting Star Dragon?

Anything that removes it as a cost, eg: tribute, synchro summon, or birdman(example because you can't actually use Birdman on a synchro.)


And what happens if Quasar is hit by a Veiler? Does it lose its ability to attack?

I believe so, then during your next turn the multiple attacks come back.

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A destroyed card is always removed from the field, but a card removed fom the field isn't destroyed unless an effect says so. For an example, lets use Call of the Haunted. If I call my Honest and then tribute/synchro with it, Call stays meaninglessly. If I call Honest and it's attacked, it is now Destroyed be battle so call goes with it.


EDIT: I got ninja'd. Also what Miror B said is true.

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They should be sent to the Graveyard, the same way they would if the Xyz monster was destroyed.

I knew if it was destroyed they went to the grave, but I wasn't sure on bouncing, thank you though...


Can Apex Avian's effect be used during the Battle Phase?

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Is there a particular reason why half the Infernity cards don't resolve properly if you have a card in hand at resolution, but the other half do? Is there some kind of determinant in the card text I should be looking for to figure this out?

If not, could somebody make me a list of which cards will still resolve properly if you have a card in hand at resolution, and which won't? So far I only know Necromancer resolves still, but Archfiend loses his effect.

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Is there a particular reason why half the Infernity cards don't resolve properly if you have a card in hand at resolution, but the other half do? Is there some kind of determinant in the card text I should be looking for to figure this out?

If not, could somebody make me a list of which cards will still resolve properly if you have a card in hand at resolution, and which won't? So far I only know Necromancer resolves still, but Archfiend loses his effect.


In the old Yugioh card-lore format, most Trigger Effects had a particular format that was as follows:


1: Condition to activate: The conditions that need to be true when the Trigger hits to activate.

2: Trigger: What needs to happen for the effect to activate.

3: Condition to resolve: The conditions that need to be true when the chain link resolves.

4: Cost/Effect: The effect and its cost.


Let's take Infernity Archfiend's two effects:


Effect #1: When you have no cards in your hand and draw this card, you can reveal it to Special Summon it


1: Condition to activate: None

2: Trigger: "When you have no cards in your hand and draw this card"

3: Condition to resolve: None

4: Cost/Effect: "You can reveal it to Special Summon it"



There are no conditions to activate or resolve this card. It wont matter if there are other cards in the hand when you resolve the effect to Special Summon it.


Effect #2: When this card is Special Summoned, if you have no cards in your hand, you can add 1 "Infernity" card from your Deck to your hand.


1: Condition to activate: None.

2: Trigger: "When this card is Special Summoned"

3: Condition to resolve: "If you have no cards in your hand".

4: Cost/Effect: You can add 1 "Infernity" card from your Deck to your hand.


Here, there is a condition to resolve that's after the trigger and before the effect. If the Condition to resolve is not true at resolution, the effect will fail. For this effect, if you have a card in your hand when the card is resolving, it will fail to resolve.

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Is there a particular reason why half the Infernity cards don't resolve properly if you have a card in hand at resolution, but the other half do? Is there some kind of determinant in the card text I should be looking for to figure this out?

If not, could somebody make me a list of which cards will still resolve properly if you have a card in hand at resolution, and which won't? So far I only know Necromancer resolves still, but Archfiend loses his effect.


Infernity Archfiend: You can still Special Summon the card if your hand is not 0 when you draw it (or even if you drew multiple cards at once from a previously empty hand). This is because it only needs to have 0 cards to activate its effect by revealing it. However, if your hand is not 0 when it's Special Summoned, it cannot add cards to the hand. That's because its Trigger is to be Special Summoned when your hand is 0, and at resolution, it determines this to be false.


Infernity Avenger: Your hand must be 0. Like Archfiend, that's because its Trigger is no longer true if your hand is not 0 at resolution.


Infernity Barrier: It should resolve even if the Infernity or handlessness is lost, as those are just the requirements to activate.


Infernity Beast: Its effect is Continuous. Cards in hand nullify its effect.


Infernity Beetle: If not handless, you will not SS at resolution, even though you Tributed it as a cost.


Infernity Break: You only need to be handless to activate the card. Once activated, it will resolve regardless of hand count.


Infernity Destroyer: Same as most others; if the condition of being handless is no longer true at resolution, its effect will not apply.


Infernity Death Dragon: Could not find a ruling to confirm


Infernity Dwarf: Continuous Effect. Same as Infernity Beast.


Infernity Force: Same with Infernity Break, the activation condition is to have 0 cards, it will resolve regardless once activated.


Infernity Guardian: Continuous Effect.


Infernity Launcher: Could not find a ruling to confirm

Infernity Mirage: You will still Special Summon.


Infernity Necromancer: If it's effect was activated, it will resolve successfully.


Infernity Randomizer: You will not draw or deal damage.


So the conclusion I came to is this:


If the Infernity card says "while" or "when" you have no cards in hand, you must have no cards at resolution. The exception is Necromancer, which has a completely different method of gaining its effect (while handless, it has that effect), but the new effect doesn't disappear after activation because being handless is not a condition to resolving the effect, just to be to activate it. Note that under Skill Drain, Necromancer does not have the effect, regardless of hand count, because it has a Continuous Effect that gives it an Ignition Effect.


If the Infernity card says "If", you only need to be handless to activate the effect, and it will resolve regardless. Doom Dragon says "If", but I dont have a ruling source to confirm or deny. Based on the others, it should still resolve. Launcher is the other strange case, as the Spells and Traps just require handlessness to use the effects, but it says "While". Again, I didn't have a ruling source to say either way.

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That's a good point, evilfusion. Conditions of activation that use "While" seem to need to be true both before activation and during resolution, for example, Hyper Librarian must be face-up in order to Draw, both at activation and during resolution. If Book of Moon is chained to Hyper Librarian, you will not draw. This is the same for stuff like Infernity Beetle.

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