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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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Can you make a card effect that only causes the cost when an effect is actually resolved?


Yes. That would be to have the "cost" as part of the effect, rather than as a cost. So instead of saying "discard a card to draw 2 cards" (example), you'd put "Discard a card and draw 2 cards".


it is confusing isn't it


Nope. I had a mistranslation. Should have checked it on Wiki.

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My opponent activates a non-targeting monster destruction effect that would destroy my Aquamarine. I use Gem-Enhancement to tribute Aquamarine and re-summon it. Then it's destroyed. Does it start a 2-link chain with itself? This happened in my WC11 game and I'm not sure whether or not it's a glitch, but if it works this way it would be... ah, what's the word...


That's legal. Its a Trigger Effect that doesn't miss the timing. The Trigger was tripped twice (once with Gem-Enhancement) and once with the destruction. Therefore, after the chain resolves, the effect of Aquamarine activates twice and chains together.

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Can you grab a 2nd Hydrogeddon if the first one is targeted by the Ryko it destroyed?


Hydrogeddon's trigger requires that the monster it destroys by battle be sent to the Graveyard and it must be face-up on the field to see this happen. If Hydrogeddon's not on the field when that happens because Ryko destroyed it with its effect before Ryko is sent to the Graveyard from battle, or because Hydrogeddon is also sent to the Graveyard from being destroyed by battle with a monster with equal ATK (as both monsters will be sent to the Graveyard simultaneously), then you will not get the effect to Special Summon another Hydrogeddon.

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Can you grab a 2nd Hydrogeddon if the first one is targeted by the Ryko it destroyed?




Hydrogeddon's Trigger is "destroy in battle AND send to the Graveyard". Flip Effects activate and resolve before the monster is sent to the Graveyard. By the time Ryko is sent to the Graveyard, Hydro was killed by Ryko's effect.


EDIT: Stupid internet flickering out when I first tried to post.

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If I Tribute Set Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast and set Beast King Barbaros (without tribute) and then use Shifting Shadows and then Flip Summon one of them, how much attack does it have?

1. You cannot Set Barbaros without tributing. You would have to Normal Summon it.

2. If you tribute set Fusilier, it would have it's regular attack since you tribute summoned it.

3. If you're trying to find a loophole, Book of Moon and such resets their attack.

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If I Tribute Set Fusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode Beast and set Beast King Barbaros (without tribute) and then use Shifting Shadows and then Flip Summon one of them, how much attack does it have?


Because Fusilier Dragon was Tribute Set, it would have its Original ATK/DEF. Beast King Barbaros will have its 1900 ATK. Using Shifting Shadows will not change this.


Considering the rulings for Shifting Shadows and Nightmare Wheel, in this situation, you may have to truthfully tell your opponent which monster is the one you did not Tribute Set, perhaps revealing the monster both before and after the switch. If not, it would be easy to lie about which one you Tribute Set or not.


I'm not saying you have to, as I don't know if you would or not, but if its about honesty, revealing the card before and after you shift them seems to be the only way to do it.


1. You cannot Set Barbaros without tributing. You would have to Normal Summon it.


Of course you can. It says so right on the card :o

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Where could I find a list of all Monster Cards that have weird stats? (Castle Of Dark Illusions, Reaper Of The Cards, etc.)

better yet here's the list

"Castle of Dark Illusions",

"King of Yamimakai",


"Dark Chimera",

"Reaper of the Cards"


all of which were used by Panik in the anime

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> I summon a Spirit monster

> Opponent Effect Veilers it

> I say it can still bounce to my hand during the End Phase

> They disagree.


Who is right?


As with any other effects that need to be resolved during the Standby, End of Battle Phase or End Phase, players choose the order in how their effects resolve. If both players have effects they need to activate/resolve, then the turn player has priority to resolve/activate those effects first. The turn player may pass priority to allow an opponent to resolve or activate a card effect. If the opponent chooses to pass priority back, then the turn player must resolve one of their effects.


In this case, you Normal Summoned your Spirit monster during your turn, (assuming no Ultimate Offering shenanigans), so you are the turn player. You can activate the effect of the Spirit monster to return it to the hand first (even though its still negated), or attempt to pass priority to the opponent. If you pass priority, this gives the opponent a chance to resolve Effect Veiler, removing its negation effect. If they don't resolve Effect Veiler and pass priority back to you, then you must resolve an effect, meaning you'll need to activate your Spirit Monster while its negated, so it will not return to your hand.

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I have been told on Dueling Network that if my Monsters Specialed by DEST are not on the field during my end phase, I take no damage from DEST's last effect, from how I read it, I broke it down to something like this.



Select 2 "Six Samurai" monsters from your Graveyard




and Special Summon them in face-up Attack Position.




Destroy them during the End Phase of this turn


They're not on the field, hence cannot be destroyed.


and take damage equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster(s).


So this doesn't happen.




Am I right? because if I am, that's amazing... Because DEST would become even more awesome.

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