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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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So, does this mean Gladiator Beast Tygerius can be used to Special Summon Gyzarus?




Even though Glad Fusions are not technically "Fusion Summons", they still use Fusion Material monsters, as it is a Fusion Monster card with listed materials.


The distinction between "Fusion Summon" and this type of Summon is like this:


Armityle, Glad Fusions, Neos Contact Fusions, and the VWXYZ Fusions are not "Fusion Summons". Instead, they are Fusion Monsters who perform a different action with their Fusion Materials, and do not require a Fusion card like Polymerization. In fact, because of this, you cannot use a Fusion card to Summon them. They are still considered Fusion Monsters that used Fusion Material monsters.


Fusions are Semi-Nomi by default unless stated otherwise (Ehero Fusions) and Fusion Summoning is the assumed method of properly Summoning them. The above Fusions are the exceptions, as their Summoning Conditions is not to Fusion Summon, but to perform the action listed on the card. This also prevents them from being Summoned by alternate methods such as Cyber-Stein.

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I use W Nebula Meteorite on opponent's turn. It flips Linx. End phase occurs. Who chooses the order the cards resolve in?


I'm inclined to say the user of Meteorite.


Only that player's effects are attempting to resolve during the End Phase. Turn Player only has priority over his or her own effects. If he or she also had effects attempting to resolve or conclude (like Mind Control), then the answer would be that the Turn Player can pass priority on Mind Control's resolution to give the opponent the option to resolve his effects (Linx, Meteor) first, or pass it back to force Mind Control to resolve first.


the level 8 or Higher fairy that Ultimate Temporal Machine God Sephiron can Special Summon each turn, does their ATK stay at 4000 after the End Phase?


Yes. Sephiron does not say "until the End Phase" or similar, so the attack modification is permanent for as long as the affected monster is face-up.

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Can I Synchro with Doppel Warrior and Sangan and gain both of their effects?


Yes, of course.


Their effects occur at the same timing (sent to Graveyard- Doppel as Synchro Material), so they will chain together. Sangan's mandatory effect will be Chain Link 1, and Doppel will be Chain Link 2.

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Yes, it is a SS so it does.


You're right for the wrong reason.


See, Solemn Judgment cannot negate Special Summons caused by the resolution of an effect, such as Mystic Tomato, Gorz, Monster Reborn, etc.


Hyperion's Special Summon seems to be an inherent Special Summon, the same as Machina Fortress, so it can be negated by Judgment.

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I don't think so but can you use Formula Synchron as a substitute for a required Synchro monster?


Lets say this card requires plaguespreader zombie, can you use formula Synchron instead?


My cousin thought you could and he has a valid point, but in my idea synchro material means the card listed.....


So could he?


I say no and am I right for saying he can't?

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I don't think so but can you use Formula Synchron as a substitute for a required Synchro monster?


Lets say this card requires plaguespreader zombie, can you use formula Synchron instead?


My cousin thought you could and he has a valid point, but in my idea synchro material means the card listed.....


So could he?


I say no and am I right for saying he can't?




Formula Synchron's effect is to be able to Synchro Summon during the opponent's Main Phase, using it as the Synchro Material. This just means it has to be involved in the Synchro Summon, not that it replaces Tuner requirements.


You are correct.

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I summon Battle Fader by its effect. Can I use it for Birdman?


Nope. Returning to the hand is a cost. Battle fader states if it would leave the field, instead it banishes itself. Hence, it returning it to the hand can't happen.

At least that's how it works on WC10.

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So, when I draw Infernity Archfiend, can my opponent Solemn Judgment it, or does the Special Summon happen as the resolution of its effect? (Inherent or By Effect?)


Also, for Card Destruction/Morphing Jar, are discarding and drawing considered to be simultaneous or happen one after the other? Looking at old UDE rulings, Peten The Dark Clown misses timing with Card Destruction, but I dunno if those rulings would be considered accurate.

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So, when I draw Infernity Archfiend, can my opponent Solemn Judgment it, or does the Special Summon happen as the resolution of its effect? (Inherent or By Effect?)


Also, for Card Destruction/Morphing Jar, are discarding and drawing considered to be simultaneous or happen one after the other? Looking at old UDE rulings, Peten The Dark Clown misses timing with Card Destruction, but I dunno if those rulings would be considered accurate.


1) No. Infernity Archfiend Special Summons itself by its effect. Solemn can't touch it. An easy way to tell in this example is that is has a Trigger: "When you have no cards in your hand and draw this card, you can reveal it to Special Summon it". This also occurs during the Draw Phase/whenever you drew it, so it's definitely an Effect.


2) No, they're not simultaneous. You aren't discarding your hand and drawing at the exact same moment. They occur one after the other, but as part as the same resolution. Cards like Peten will miss the timing because it's an optional Trigger Effect, and the last thing to occur in the resolution was players drawing cards, not Peten being discarded.

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How about Beckoning Light? Will that make cards miss the timing as well?


I'm fairly certain that all Dark Worlds and Fableds are effects that cannot miss the timing (some are mandatory (using When) and others are optional and use "If" so they cannot miss the timing). Beckoning Light discards as an effect, so it should work for Dark Worlds and of course Fableds.

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