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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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Unless a card has a specific timing, it can be activated any time that the activation would be legal. Trap Stun does not have a specific timing and its effect lasts for the duration of the turn.

Beautiful for Treeborn Frog... okay, thanx

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I'm ruining the 6666 here :/


Anyway, are Korean cards allowed to be used in TCG tourneys?


As long as you bring a translation and the TCG version is legal where you are, you can have any language card at a TCG tournament.

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As long as you bring a translation and the TCG version is legal where you are, you can have any language card at a TCG tournament.


I don't believe so. Only TCG cards are allowed at a TCG tournament. I believe Korean cards are part of the OCG and any cards from OCG territories you cannot use, regardless if there is a TCG counterpart or if you have translations, because the card backs are different.

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Just read some PDF on Konami's site. The answer is no, as people have said. What I said is true EXCEPT for cards printed in OCG territory. I find this terribly stupid, but this is Konami we're talking about.


Actually, there's a good reason.


The card backs are different between OCG and TCG.

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Some sleeves you can see the back of the card. Even if you can't, the fact it's that different could constitute as a marked card. Sleeves are recommended but not required. Therefore, someone else not having sleeves doing the same thing as you would have a marked card, and that's not fair that because he/she doesn't have sleeves, that a card is off-limits. Thus, it's off-limits to everyone.

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Some sleeves you can see the back of the card. Even if you can't, the fact it's that different could constitute as a marked card. Sleeves are recommended but not required. Therefore, someone else not having sleeves doing the same thing as you would have a marked card, and that's not fair that because he/she doesn't have sleeves, that a card is off-limits. Thus, it's off-limits to everyone.

So Can or can you not use sleeves in tournaments?

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So Can or can you not use sleeves in tournaments?

The point of that post was to say that OCG cards are not allowed because their backs are different, and some people don't bother to get sleeves. Allowing people with sleeves to play with OCG cards while those without sleeves have to use only TCG cards is unfair, so they just outright banned OCG cards in TCG tourneys to avoid problems.


That's what I took from it anyway.

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It's the same situation as the people who color their Colossal Fighters to look like Iron Man. As long as the original text, attribute, name, type, attack and defense are not covered, there shouldn't be a problem.


I asked on the official judge forum.


Using fan-art in any way is considered to be in violation of policy.

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