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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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If I successfully Fusion summon a Gladiator Beast Fusion, can it be revived by Darius etc?

I'm honestly surprised and impressed you managed to find this topic amidst the clutter. o_0


On-topic: Depends on the specific wording. It's the difference between a Nomi and a Semi-Nomi. I know Gyzarus is a Semi-Nomi. Not sure about Heraklinos, or all the other fusions that very, very few people bother to run.

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Gladiator Beast Tegale:

This card cannot be used as a Fusion Material Monster.


Summoning a Glad fusion isn't technically a Fusion Summon, no?


Gladiator Beast Fusions ARE NOT Fusion Summons. They are simply Special Summons, but since it is the only proper way to Special Summon them, they can be Special Summoned from the Graveyard so long as you Special Summoned them properly this way.


The monsters returned to the Deck for the Special Summon of a Gladiator Beast Fusion should still be considered as "Fusion Material Monsters", and Tegale cannot be used as a material for the Special Summon of them.

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So it can't be Instant Fusioned, but if it is successfully Fusion summoned it can be brought back as often as you like.


Correct. The only way to Special Summon a Glad Fusion from the Extra Deck is the way mentioned on the card. It is not considered a Fusion Summon, but it is considered "properly Summoned".



Gladiator Beast Tegale:

This card cannot be used as a Fusion Material Monster.


Summoning a Glad fusion isn't technically a Fusion Summon, no?


Not technically a Fusion Summon, but it is a Fusion Monster, and the cards mentioned on it are the Fusion Material monsters. This is why Prisma can still send the specific Glad mentioned. The same applies to the XYZ series or Armityle. They have Fusion Materials, and are Fusion monsters, but they are not Fusion Summoned, in place of an alternative method.

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Morphtronic Accelerator is used on my own Morphtronic Map.


A ruling confirms that the destruction and the draw are considered to happen at the same time so Map doesn't miss the timing to revive something. But do I pick what to revive before or after I get the chance to see what I drew? I'd presume after?

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Morphtronic Accelerator is used on my own Morphtronic Map.


A ruling confirms that the destruction and the draw are considered to happen at the same time so Map doesn't miss the timing to revive something. But do I pick what to revive before or after I get the chance to see what I drew? I'd presume after?


Accelerator destroys and you draw. You said it yourself, this is ruled to occur at the same time. Therefore the following actions are taken in this order.


-Morphtronic Map is destroyed and you draw 1 card. This is a single action.


-Morphtronic Map's effect activates, and you select the monster to revive. Opportunity to chain occurs here.


(If Map was to activate before you drew, it's interrupting a resolving effect, and that's not possible. That's why cards miss the timing; they'd otherwise activate during another card/chain's resolution.)

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This happen to me at a tournament today:


My Terrorking Archfiend was destroyed by Mirror Force, Pandemonium's effect activates and I chain my Desrook Archfiend's effect so I discard it to reborn my Terrorking Archfiend and then search 1 Level 3 or Lower Archfiend monster from my Deck...

My opponent said that I can't cuz Pandemonium would loose timming if I chained it...


Pandemonium's effect would be chain 1 and Desrook Archfiend would be chain 2 right?

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You can use them both in the same chain, because they have the same timing (Terrorking being destroyed and sent to the Graveyard).


Ruling: While "Pandemonium" is active, and you have "Desrook Archfiend" in your hand, and your "Terrorking Archfiend" is destroyed while on the field, "Pandemonium" is Step 1 of a chain , but you can use "Desrook Archfiend" as Step 2 of the chain. Then you would get to Special Summon the "Terrorking Archfiend" and select a Level 3 or lower Archfiend from your Deck.

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This happen to me at a tournament today:


My Terrorking Archfiend was destroyed by Mirror Force, Pandemonium's effect activates and I chain my Desrook Archfiend's effect so I discard it to reborn my Terrorking Archfiend and then search 1 Level 3 or Lower Archfiend monster from my Deck...

My opponent said that I can't cuz Pandemonium would loose timming if I chained it...


Pandemonium's effect would be chain 1 and Desrook Archfiend would be chain 2 right?


Both are effects that share the same timing of activation. Pandemonium and Desrook Archfiend both have a right to activate and both can do so, and will chain together. Pandemonium is the Trigger Effect, so it will be Chain Link #1, and Deskrook Archfiend, the Quick Effect, can be chained as Chain Link #2.

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I attack.

They Sakuretsu

I Seven Tools


Can they use Mirror Force?


No. First, Mirror Force is a Spell Speed 2, and cannot be chained to a Spell Speed 3 effect. Next, There is only one chain that occurs for attack declaration. Once completed, the monster's is considered to have successfully declared their attack if it wasn't stopped during that chain. Your opponent cannot start a second chain to your attack declaration.


After your chain resolves and Seven Tools of the Bandit negates Sakuretsu Armor, your monster's attack declaration is now considered successful. They cannot activate Mirror Force at this time.

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So why does it work differently with My Body as a Shield or something that they can chain both isn't the timing missed for one?


My Body as a Shield is Spell Speed 2, not Spell Speed 3 like Seven Tools of the Bandit.


To show what I'm talking about:


Chain #1 - Sakuretsu Armor vs Seven Tools of the Bandit.


Chain Link #1 - Sakuretsu Armor

Chain Link #2 - Seven Tools of the Bandit (negating Sakuretsu Armor).


Your opponent cannot chain Mirror Force here as Chain Link #3. Seven Tools is faster than Mirror Force as it is a matter of Spell Speed 3 vs Spell Speed 2. Once this chain goes through, it is too late to your opponent to flip Mirror Force face-up, so the attack goes through fine.



Chain #2 - Sakuretsu Armor vs My Body as a Shield.


Chain Link #1 - Sakuretsu Armor

Chain Link #2 - My Body As a Shield (negating Sakuretsu Armor)

Chain Link #3 - Mirror Force


Here, your opponent Chains Mirror Force to your My Body as a Shield. Mirror Force goes through and destroys your monsters, My Body negates Sakuretsu, and Sakuretsu does nothing.



The timing is correct for both Sakuretsu and Mirror Force, "When a monster attack is declared". If I wanted to, so long as you didn't counter with anything too fast, I could activate and chain Sakuretsu Armor, Mirror Force, Dimensional Prison, Draining Shield, and Magical Cylinder all to the same single attack if i wanted. There's no reason why you should, so you don't see people doing it, but it is possible.


Remember that two effects that share the same timing can both be activated and chained together. The same happens a lot for mandatory/optional trigger effects, which I see a lot of questions regarding whether or not they can activate both as well.

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Can I use White Elephant's Gift on Tuners with effects like Effect Veiler? It doesn't say it's an effect monster, only a Tuner. I'd assume so.


Effect Veiler's card frame is Orange. It is an Effect Monster. It doesn't have to explicitly say "Effect" on the card for it to be an effect monster, as many Sub-Types replace the word "Effect", such as "Spirit", "Gemini", etc. "Tuner" does as well, even though not all "Tuners" are Effect Monsters (i.e. Genex Controller).


In fact, if any card clearly has an effect or even just a condition on how to use it of any sort on it, then it is considered an Effect Monster for all purposes, regardless if it has "Effect" written on it or not.

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On that note, Synchros, Fusions, Exceeds and Rituals are 'effect monsters', regardless of their boarder colour.


Not entirely true:


Not all Fusions and Synchros are Effect Monsters. For Example, Synchro Monster "Gaia Knight, The Force of Earth" is not an Effect Monster and can be used with White Elephant's Gift. Many classic Fusion Monsters such as "Fusionist" can be used with White Elephant's Gift and with Backup Soldier.


Rituals are considered Effect Monsters, because they all have conditions on them.


All Exceeds so far are Effect Monsters, since they all have Effects which use their Exceed Materials.

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