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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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Junk Synchron revives Tuningware.


Can Tuningware be used as a Level 2 even though it's effects negated?


No, because its effects are negated. Tuningware's level modifying effect would take place on the field, before the Synchro Summon would remove it from the field.


However, you will still draw a card.

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Skull invitation is face up on the field. A player synchro summons a monster. Do they take damage before or after the Synchro monster is special summoned.


A Continuous Effect card's effects are only applied (in most cases, but with some exceptions) whenever an effect or action is not resolving. For Skull Invitation's case, For Example:


A: Morphing Jar is flipped face-up. Both player's discard their hands first, then Draw 5 cards. The damage does not occur at the time of Discarding because Morphing Jar's effect is still resolving. The damage from Skull Invitation will happen after Morphing Jar completely resolves (after the cards are drawn).


B: Player A activates "Raigeki Break" and discards 1 card for its cost. Skull Invitation will inflict 300 Damage at this time, before a player can chain a card to "Raigeki Break". Cards are not resolving at this time, you are just activating cards to a chain.


C: Player A activates Fine, and then chains another Fine to it. Resolving backwards, during Chain Link #2, one Fine discards 2 cards. Before Chain Link #1 resolves, Skull Invitation will inflict 600 Damage. Then, the second Fine discards another 2 cards, then after that resolves, Skull Invitation inflicts the next 600 damage.


In your case, a player is performing a Synchro Summon. Since you are performing an action at this time, Skuil Invitation's effect is not applied until after the Synchro Summon is Successful. Skull Invitation will inflict damage with its effect BEFORE Trigger Effects that activate when a monster is Summoned (like Black Rose Dragon for example) activate.



^I'd also like to know the above, for this scenario:


Summoner Monk into Level 4 Tuner

Flip Skull

Blackfeather Dragon


what happens


In your case, since Black-Winged Dragon will be successfully Special Summoned by the time Skull Invitation can apply its effect, Black-Winged Dragon's Continuous Effect will be applied and will turn Skull Invitation's Damage into a Black Feather Counter.

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Update: If the Summon of a monster is INTERRUPTED by a card that can negate its Summon (such as Solemn Judgment, Solemn Warning, etc), then after that card becomes Chain Link #1, Skull Invitation will activate at this time and inflict the damage for the monster's sent to the Graveyard for the Summon, before either player can activate a Chain Link #2.


Probably should have guess that since the Summon is not longer Summoning being halted by a card activation like that... I did say it myself: "whenever a card or action is not resolving"


I'll test in Tag Force 5 later on with Blackwing Dragon to make sure its effect is applied (Blackwing Dragon is not in WC10, so cannot test until I get home from work). I'm fairly sure it is since it would be considered Successfully Summoned at this time if it wasn't interrupted, but it'll be good to make sure anyway, especially since you all are looking at this as an interesting combo.


Update 2: After testing, it did work as planned. So long as Black-Winged Dragon's Synchro Summon is not interrupted by a card that could negate its Summon, when Black-Winged Dragon is successfully Synchro Summoned, Skull Invitation will attempt to inflict Damage for the cards that were sent to the Graveyard for the Synchro Summon, which Black-Winged Dragon will turn into a Black-Feather Counter.

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Why is it that if I book darius the glad beast gets its effect, but if I book Debris Dragon then my lonefire blossom's effect is still negated?


Darius is linked to the monster Special Summoned by its effect, thanks to the "and it is returned to your Deck when this card is removed from the field." effect.


Because of this, Darius TARGETS the monster that it Special Summons, which links it to the destruction as well as the negation. If Darius is flipped face-down, then Darius is no longer targeting the Gladiator Beast, so it will no longer be destroyed if Darius is removed and it is no longer negated.


This also happens to cards like Il Blud and Doom Shaman. They also target the monsters they Special Summon so that they can be destroyed when Il Blud/Doom Shaman are removed from the field. If Il Blud/Doom Shaman are flipped face-down, they are no longer bound to them.


Debris Dragon does not have this effect and does not target the monster it Special Summons because of it.

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Pandemonium's effect to search activates when the monster hits the Graveyard, So, If a monster equipped with an Archfiend of Gilfer is destroyed then I can search an Archfiend monster with Pandemonium cuz Gilfer wasn't destroyed by battle... is this true?


Pandemonium's effect specifically states "Each time a player's "Archfiend" monster(s) is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, except by battle...".


If a monster is Equipped with "Archfiend of Gilfer" and it is destroyed, this Archfiend of Gilfer would be considered as an "Archfiend Spell Card" being destroyed and sent, not an "Archfiend Monster" being destroyed and sent, so Pandemonium would not activate.

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Pandemonium's effect specifically states "Each time a player's "Archfiend" monster(s) is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard, except by battle...".


If a monster is Equipped with "Archfiend of Gilfer" and it is destroyed, this Archfiend of Gilfer would be considered as an "Archfiend Spell Card" being destroyed and sent, not an "Archfiend Monster" being destroyed and sent, so Pandemonium would not activate.


but it says "and sent to the Graveyard..." wouldn't the Gilfer be treated as a Monster when it hits the Graveyard?

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Do I still draw with Tuningware if the Synchro Summon is negated by Solemn Warning?


No, you do not. If the Synchro Summon is negated, then Tuningware is considered to have been sent to the Graveyard for nothing as no monster was "Synchro Summoned". The game has no way of knowing if a card was used for something if the "something" didn't happen. The Synchro Summon, since it was negated, never happened.

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"A Side Deck is a collection of between 1 and 15 cards, separate from the Main Deck. The Side Deck is used in Matches between Duels, to alter the contents of the Main or Extra Deck. Previously, the Side Deck could not be used to alter the contents of the Extra Deck, though this has been changed.[1] This is done to better suit a strategy against an opponent's Deck. "



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