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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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I'm sorry. I'm actually incorrect.


Barrel Dragon will have no effect UNLESS exactly 2 results are heads. I got it confused with Blowback Dragon.


The wording difference is this:


Barrel Dragon: "If 2 out of 3 results are heads..."


Blowback Dragon: "If at least 2 of the results are heads..."


Barrel specifically says 2, Blowback says "at least"

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Some cards are just a pain to determine when they're negated. Junk Synchron negates all effects that monster has that activates on the field, but doesn't negate effects that activate in the Graveyard (like Tuningware).


One ruling for Junk Synchron mentions Hand of Nephthys' effect will still be negated, and Hand of Nephthys' Tributes are costs. So based on this example, Mystic Piper's effect will also be negated.

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Some cards are just a pain to determine when they're negated. Junk Synchron negates all effects that monster has that activates on the field, but doesn't negate effects that activate in the Graveyard (like Tuningware).


One ruling for Junk Synchron mentions Hand of Nephthys' effect will still be negated, and Hand of Nephthys' Tributes are costs. So based on this example, Mystic Piper's effect will also be negated.

i win

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Am I correct in thinking that the reason for this is because such negation clauses negate effects that activate or apply on the field, regardless of where they resolve?


Yes. If a card state that "Its effects are negated" then they are negated while they are on the field and also if they activate on the field.


Except of course, Skill Drain which specifies face-up on the field.

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Can you use Mizuho's effect to tribute Shinai, destroy another Mizuho that you control and use Shinai's effect to get the destroyed Mizuho?


I activate Mizuho[A]'s effect, tributing my Shinai to destroy my Mizuho.


It resolves successfully, and my Mizuho is destroyed and sent to the Graveyard.


Shinai activates since it was Tributed, selecting Mizuho in the Graveyard to return to the hand.


It resolves successfully, and Mizuho is returned to the hand.



Yeah, I don't see why not. Shinai's effect is a Trigger Effect and is Spell Speed 1. If you tribute Shinai for Mizuho's effect, Shinai does not immediately chain and become Chain Link #2 where Mizuho is Chain Link #1. A Spell Speed 1 effect cannot chain to another effect. Therefore, Mizuho's effect (aka the current chain) must resolve first before Shinai can activate. Yes, you can recover the second Mizuho you destroyed by the first Mizuho's effect when tributing Shinai as the cost.

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Can a guy in Paraguay have Obelisk in his deck?


I will ask again. What is the state of legality outside of USA of the cards released with the Shonen Jump that are still without a worldwide reprint? I'm asking because all the tins now include some Jump cards with them and that seems strange...

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Once again, I ask a question that I am not entirely sure would fit this thread. But here it goes.


Can someone give me an Extra Deck list of just Generic Synchro / Fusion Monsters? I've always had trouble making a full Extra Deck of the Generic Synchro / Sometimes Fusion Monsters I need, so can anyone give me an example of some sort of what a Generic Extra Deck should look like? It'd be gladly appreciated. I also need help with Generic Side Decks, well, if a Side Deck could be generic that is. If not, just some basic cards in a Side Deck. I ask help on these 2 parts of a Deck for I am not really good at making Extra Decks or Side Decks.

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Once again, I ask a question that I am not entirely sure would fit this thread. But here it goes.


Can someone give me an Extra Deck list of just Generic Synchro / Fusion Monsters? I've always had trouble making a full Extra Deck of the Generic Synchro / Sometimes Fusion Monsters I need, so can anyone give me an example of some sort of what a Generic Extra Deck should look like? It'd be gladly appreciated. I also need help with Generic Side Decks, well, if a Side Deck could be generic that is. If not, just some basic cards in a Side Deck. I ask help on these 2 parts of a Deck for I am not really good at making Extra Decks or Side Decks.

Probably could have been a thread, but let me try it out:

[2]Stardust Dragon

[1]Colossal Fighter

[1]Scrap Dragon/Red Archfiend Dragon/Thought Ruler Archfiend

[2]Black Rose Dragon

[1]Scrap Archfiend

[1]Goyo Guardian

[2]Iron Chain Dragon

[2]Ally of Justice Catastor

[1]Magical Android

[1]Armory Arm

[1]Formula Synchron


Pretty much completely generic, without the need of specific levels.


EDIT: You could also use Mist Wurm, and a lot of people include Chimeratech Fortress Dragon in their Extra Deck in case they meet a Machine user.

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Probably could have been a thread, but let me try it out:

[2]Stardust Dragon

[1]Colossal Fighter

[1]Scrap Dragon/Red Archfiend Dragon

[2]Black Rose Dragon

[1]Thought Ruler Archfiend

[1]Goyo Guardian

[2]Iron Chain Dragon

[2]Ally of Justice Catastor

[1]Magical Android

[1]Armory Arm

[1]Formula Synchron


Pretty much completely generic, without the need of specific levels.

Hm, not the best in my opinion, seeing I don't see some of the monsters, specifically the ones in bold that generic, and I don't see some of these being worth running in 2, but this is good enough to help me as a guideline, so thank you :)

But you did forget a few....

Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier

Gaia Knight, the Force of Earth

X-Saber Urbellum

These just came to mind after you gave the Extra Deck, even though some of these aren't really 'Generic' in some cases, they can make decent fillers. But once again, I still appreciate it.

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I just put together a deck for all levels to be used, thus being completely generic. Formula is obviously one you can take out in favor of something else. I made a note in my previous post also.


Stardust is usually run at 2 because it's considered to have one of the most useful effects of level 8's, Black Rose because it can clear the field, and Catastor because it is the most useful of Level 5's. However, Magical Android is a bigger beatstick. Iron Chain Dragon is only there so you have more targets of level 6, and Formula and Armory are there so you have targets of lower levels. You can obviously take out and move around any cards you need for the specific deck you're making.


The list is basically broken down into the following:

[4]Level 8

[3]Level 7

[3]Level 6

[3]Level 5

[1]Level 4

[1]Level 2

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