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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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No. Barrel must chain to the card upon activation, and at the time of activation, there is no guarantee you'll be taking damage at all. The same is true of Power Bond. Barrel must chain to a card that is going to deal damage upon that card's resolution, such as Ring of Destruction, Magic Cylinder, Hate Buster, etc, and will not work on cards that won't deal damage immediately (Graverobber, Power Bond) or might not deal damage at all.


Ceasefire is an interesting case. If all monsters on the field are facedown and/or all faceup monsters are Normal monsters, Barrel cannot be used, even if there are Effect monsters facedown. However, if there is at least one Effect monster faceup, Barrel can be used, because Ceasefire is certain to inflict damage judging by the present state of the field.

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If I use Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste's effect to gain Stardust Dragon's ability, when I send him him to the Grave to negate a monster destruction, can be be returned during the End Phase?


I'm pretty sure when he hits the grave, his effect becomes innactive to it'd be a "no", but I just want to make sure.

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If I use Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste's effect to gain Stardust Dragon's ability, when I send him him to the Grave to negate a monster destruction, can be be returned during the End Phase?


I'm pretty sure when he hits the grave, his effect becomes innactive to it'd be a "no", but I just want to make sure.


Dragon Knight Draco-Equiste will not have its effect while in the Graveyard, so it cannot activate during the End Phase.

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Morphing Jar 2 is unlimited because it's annoying, but hardly banworthy. It returns all monsters to the deck and then pick up cards til you get the same number of monsters returned, which you summon. Unlike Cyber Jar, the cards that couldn't be summoned go to the graveyard, and you play the monsters facedown, and unless you run a very S/T heavy deck or high level monsters, you'll usually lose, on average, 3 cards.


Gorz can only be activated when your field is empty. After you take battle or effect damage, you Special Summon it and activate the corresponding effect. Tragoedia is right after you take battle damage, regardless of your present field.


Did you have a more specific question regarding Gorz or Trag? I might be misunderstanding.

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This is a maybe obvious question. (thanks evilfusion and darkwolf btw)


If I activate Gold Sarco on any random monster, and then I activate Return from the different dimension, when it's removed in the End Phase, do I still get the monster I removed with Gold Sarco?


Thanks for the help.

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how does shrink works against the following:


Emissary of Darkness Token?


A fluff token powered up by Solidarity or a field spell?


Evil hero dark gaia or Chimeratech fortress dragon which i think states "its original ATK becomes the monster's used to spec summon"?


A Phantom of chaos once it has activated its effect to copy the original ATK of an effect monster?



ALSO, if i have Imperial Iron Wall Active very early in the duel and my opp later on summons Caius, can he still activate its effect? and if it's possible the card is sent to the grave right?


As detailed as possible Pls and THNKu

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