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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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A theoretical Whangu whose effect is optional on field, Treeborn in Graveyard. Treeborn player insists that they'll keep reviving until Whangu player won't kill it, Whangu player will keep killing until Treeborn stop trying to revive. Clearly, it's unfair that you deny either player a chance to use their effects, so what happens? Game draw since it's unfair to continue in any game state?


If it were me then, nope, you keep going until one of you decides to stop. No one is denying anyone from using their effect, but the game shouldn't end because you're both being stubborn. If its an endurance match, go for it. Eventually someone will crack, get bored, and give up their effect just to get things rolling again.


Its fair to continue, I don't see why you say its unfair and the game must end. Continue to announce your moves until someone stops.

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If it were me then, nope, you keep going until one of you decides to stop. No one is denying anyone from using their effect, but the game shouldn't end because you're both being stubborn. If its an endurance match, go for it. Eventually someone will crack, get bored, and give up their effect just to get things rolling again.


Its fair to continue, I don't see why you say its unfair and the game must end. Continue to announce your moves until someone stops.


That sounds like it could be outstandingly tedious. What if it was in the finals of a tourney or something? Would you just let them repeat the loop for hours or something? @_@ Gawd that situation would suck.

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Then we should all be glad Wanghu's effect is mandatory and Treeborn's isn't.


I wonder if there's any non-theory situation that can be set up like that. We know LADD hates Treeborn Frog, as does Royal Oppression. There aren't that many cards that can be looped during one particular phase, or an optional effect that continuously can negate that action without a cost.

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I special summon Cyber Dragon and my opponent plays Oppression, may I can with E-Controller to sac CyberDra and take control of their monster?


No. Royal Oppression's timing is before Cyber Dragon is successfully Special Summoned. Cyber Dragon is not on the field yet and therefore cannot be tributed yet.

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What about if you could continuosly half your Life Points?

I do get that 100 -> 50 -> 25, but from then I do not know what the numbers would be.


I know its stupid to ask, but sometimes it has ocurred to me (not in terms of LP, but in terms of ATK) that a monster gets to __25 ATK. What if it gets halved again?

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What cards, specifically, may be activated during the Damage Step?

Can cards like Book of Moon and Swallow's Nest be activated during the Damage Step?


I ask this because of a little argument based upon a duel I was watching where one duelist said he can play Swallow's Nest during the Damage Step.

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What cards, specifically, may be activated during the Damage Step?

Can cards like Book of Moon and Swallow's Nest be activated during the Damage Step?


I ask this because of a little argument based upon a duel I was watching where one duelist said he can play Swallow's Nest during the Damage Step.


Neither can be played.


Cards must:

Only be possible during the damage step (Trago)

Be a Counter Trap

Change ATK/DEF

Be a negation effect (Stardust... I think Starlight? This might only apply to monsters).

Have a special ruling.

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Neither can be played.


Cards must:

Optional Triggers and Ignition-like activations of Spell Speed 2 effects whose trigger can only occur during the Damage Step (Trago) or specifically state they can.

Optional Triggers of Effect Monsters CAN be activated, but NOT Optional Trigger-Like or Ignition-Like Quick-Effect Monsters (except ones that Negate)

Be a Counter Trap

Change ATK/DEF

Quick Effect Monster effects that can negate activations or effects

Mandatory Trigger Effects

Have a special ruling (Null and Void).


Stuff like this~

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What will happen if my opponent has 4000LP, I activate Metewor Flare and then chain a 2nd one? Will the 1st one work even though my opponent will have less than 3000LP after the 2nd one resolves?

If your opponent's Life Points drop to 3000 or lower before this effect resolves you will still inflict 2000 damage to them.


In short, yes. The 1st Meteor Flare will still resolve.

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If Fortune Lady Light attacks Ally of Justice Catastor while Royal Oppression is out and Fortune Lady Light is destroyed by Ally of Justice Catastor's effect, then can Royal Oppression be played against Fortune Lady Light's effect?


Ally of Justice Catastor's effect activates during the Damage Step, meaning FLL would activate during the Damage Step. Royal Oppression could not be activated during the Damage Step.

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Tributing for Ritual Spells...




Costs are always listed before the effects you're paying for, usually in the form of "Do this TO (in order to) perform this".


Some cards with costs are hard to discern, especially with similar texts. "Lightning Vortex" states the first "Discard 1 card.", then "Destroy all face-up Monsters your opponent controls.". "Morphtronic Map" states "Return 1 "Morphtronic" card from your hand to the Deck." then "Destroy 1 card on the field, and draw 1 card." Both use two completely separate sentences to list their effects.


It is ruled that Lightning Vortex is a cost, and Morphtronic Map is not a cost, but there's no way to discern this by their texts. Generally, two individual sentences would mean two separate effects. The way Lightning Vortex is worded now, Discarding should be an effect, not a cost.


In any case, as for Ritual Spell Cards, the very first thing it states is what its effect is, which is to Special Summon X Ritual Monster. In this case, Tributing is not a cost of activating a Ritual Spell Card.

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