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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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if i have a face-up black garden on my side of the field and during the damage step my opponent Sp Summon Gorz and his token


will gorz attack cuts in half and his token?


It should. Mandatory Trigger Effects of Spells and Traps will activate during the Damage Step. Gorz and the Token he summons will have its ATK cut in half, but only 1 Rose Token will be Summoned.

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cheerssss to the people on page 198 u really helped me i was stuck on that problem for about 6 days or more and i unlocked it now i can go freely around YCM only 1 thing left how do u post your cards









please need to know for contests and other stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ok' date=' i've asked this before, and i've read it in forums and such.


If i SS a GB monster with GB Darius and play book of moon on that monster, can i then activate the effect?


I tried it on WC10 and the effect fizzled.......



Big Issue with this~


If you Book of Moon the monster Special Summoned by Darius, then the monster is no longer considered to have been Special Summoned by a Gladiator Beast monster, so any effects related to that will not work.


Next, the effect "That monster's effect(s) is negated, and it is returned to your Deck when this card is removed from the field." targets the monster that Darius Special Summoned (The negation is not like Junk Synchron where the negation is placed onto the monster, the negation only lasts as long as Darius targets the monster). If you want to use the Special Summoned monster's effect, then Book of Moon Darius, not the Special Summoned monster.


ah. now i get ya.


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Does Kycoo "negate" D. Fissure and Macro?


No' date=' it does not..


WIth Kycoo, The opponent cannot RFG cards from the Graveyard. D. Fissure and Macro Cosmos send cards to the RFG instead of going to the Graveyard, meaning the cards never reach the Graveyard. So if Macro Cosmos is out and a monster is destroyed by battle, The monster goes from the Field to the RFG. It does not go from from the Field to Graveyard to RFG.


Kycoo cannot do anything to Macro/D. Fissure.


Can you activate Roll Out when your opponent attacks a face-down monster?


When the attack is declared, Yes, but you wouldn't be able to target the face-down monster that's being attacked as face-down monsters are not valid targets for Equips.


When the attacked monster is flipped face-up, it is the Damage Step. You cannot activate Roll-Out during the Damage Step.

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