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Yu-Gi-Oh! Rulings Questions

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Did they change the ruling on Hysteric Party, that it can only target Harpie Lady/Sister?


I was told that Channeler/Queen/Dancer can't be any of it's target anymore since they're not a Harpie Lady when summon.

I couldn't find any updated ruling on Party. So I must ask here.


But if that's they case, doesn't that mean that Hunting Ground will only work with Harpie Lady/Sister only too?

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Did they change the ruling on Hysteric Party, that it can only target Harpie Lady/Sister?


I was told that Channeler/Queen/Dancer can't be any of it's target anymore since they're not a Harpie Lady when summon.

I couldn't find any updated ruling on Party. So I must ask here.


But if that's they case, doesn't that mean that Hunting Ground will only work with Harpie Lady/Sister only too?

First off: This is always the case.

Second off, Channeler, Queen and Dancer are all treated as "Harpie Lady" when on the field or in the Graveyard. They are all perfectly valid targets for Hysteric party. Same thing for Hunting Ground.

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Did they change the ruling on Hysteric Party, that it can only target Harpie Lady/Sister?


I was told that Channeler/Queen/Dancer can't be any of it's target anymore since they're not a Harpie Lady when summon.

I couldn't find any updated ruling on Party. So I must ask here.


But if that's they case, doesn't that mean that Hunting Ground will only work with Harpie Lady/Sister only too?


Hysteric Party is only looking for targets in the Graveyard named "Harpie Lady".  All of the newer Harpies and Harpie Queen are named "Harpie Lady" in the Graveyard.  You can summon any of them with Hysteric Party.  The name it has after it is successfully summoned would affect nothing.


You cannot summon "Harpie Lady Sister" with Hysteric Party as it is not named "Harpie Lady" in the Graveyard.


Any monster summoned with the name changed to "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" on the field will trigger Harpie's Hunting Ground, including Harpie Queen, etc.

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I'm right in saying that if Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw is detached to active an Xyz Monsters' effect, then it's effect will activate, since it was sent their by an effect, or am I wrong about this totaly?


A cost is not an effect.  If you're detaching for the cost to activate a card effect, then Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw will not activate.


If you're using it for the effect of Battlin' Boxer Lead Yolke for the effect "If a "Battlin' Boxer" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or by a card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead of destroying 1 of those monsters." then you can get the effect of Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw as this is not a cost detaching it but a Continuous Monster Effect detaching it.

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A cost is not an effect.  If you're detaching for the cost to activate a card effect, then Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw will not activate.


If you're using it for the effect of Battlin' Boxer Lead Yolke for the effect "If a "Battlin' Boxer" monster(s) you control would be destroyed by battle or by a card effect, you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card instead of destroying 1 of those monsters." then you can get the effect of Battlin' Boxer Glassjaw.

Continuous effects that detach are effects, costs are not. Check. So, this means that if a card is unaffected by my opponent's card effects, then he could still use it a cost for something?

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Your new question isn't asked clearly enough for me to answer it.

Alright, I'll give a CC example:

Spell Card

Tribute 1 monster you control and 1 monster your opponent controls; ...

So, if I tribute Glassjaw here, but it was Lanced some time before, can I do that, or not?

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Alright, I'll give a CC example:

Spell Card

Tribute 1 monster you control and 1 monster your opponent controls; ...

So, if I tribute Glassjaw here, but it was Lanced some time before, can I do that, or not?


A cost is not an effect still.  The monster would still be Tributed as it is a cost for that effect.

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Hysteric Party is only looking for targets in the Graveyard named "Harpie Lady".  All of the newer Harpies and Harpie Queen are named "Harpie Lady" in the Graveyard.  You can summon any of them with Hysteric Party.  The name it has after it is successfully summoned would affect nothing.


You cannot summon "Harpie Lady Sister" with Hysteric Party as it is not named "Harpie Lady" in the Graveyard.


Any monster summoned with the name changed to "Harpie Lady" or "Harpie Lady Sisters" on the field will trigger Harpie's Hunting Ground, including Harpie Queen, etc.


Pfft. Freakin newbies lied to me that there's a new ruling on it that it can only target Harpie Lady, and none of the newer Harpies.

Thanks ^_^

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if it is before the semi-colon it is a cost and will never trigger glassjaw. if it is after the semi-colon (or doesnt have one to begin with) like lead yoke or for example scrap dragon/inzektor exa-beetle then it is an effect and will trigger glassjaw.

Yeah I get that now, wolf already explained it. I just didn't know that if costs were considered to be an effect or not.

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The Big Cattle Drive also talks about monsters which are in the S/T Zone right? Lightning Blade for example. Also, does the "or effects" part talk about Spells/Traps, or all effects, it looks unclear to me.


Monsters in the S/T Card Zone are not monsters.  They are Spell Cards.  Spell Cards do not have a Type, Attribute, Attack/Defense, Level, etc.  They cannot be considered for The Big Cattle Drive.


When talking about "effects", The Big Cattle Drive is taking about the Effects of Spell/Trap cards, such as the activated effects of already face-up Spell/Trap Cards like Ultimate Offering,


I don't see how Lightning Blade has anything to do with the asked question.

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If you're talking about something else, be sure to name it properly.

You seriously thought I meant that? I mean, does anybody call Big Eye "Number 11: Big Eye"? I digress, I will next time, but really, if you type in "Yu-Gi-Oh Lightning Blade" on Google, it's literally  the second thing that pops up

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You seriously thought I meant that? I mean, does anybody call Big Eye "Number 11: Big Eye"? I digress, I will next time, but really, if you type in "Yu-Gi-Oh Lightning Blade" on Google, it's literally  the second thing that pops up


If you want a proper answer out of me, you should name the full names of cards.  Many cards that I need to see the card texts of are hard to search for with the wikia's search function and you really need exact names half the time to find something.


I do make the effort to at least name cards fully in most of my answers, you can do the same in your questions.



ZW Lightning Blade.


I'm making a point.  It wouldn't be the first time, especially in regards to new cards that I haven't seen before, where someone would just put half a name and I have to try and find out what they mean because I can't find that name on the wikia because the wikia search is bad.



And yes, i'm THAT old of a player.  That's the first thing I think of when I hear "Lightning Blade".  Remember that my answers speak the way I think.  I'm very methodical and literal (which is a requirement for answering questions due to that being how Yugioh works).   "Lightning Blade" is the Equip Spell Card.  If you don't mean that, say "ZW - Lighting Blade".

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Does Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's effect cancel the attack completely or does the damage step still go through?

Just like how Negate Attack or Dimensional Prison stops the battle from continuing, so will Galaxy-Eyes effect. The same goes in the Damage Step, if the cards are removed, then you stop.

Short answer: No Damage Step.

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Does Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon's effect cancel the attack completely or does the damage step still go through?


Galaxy-Eyes' effect occurs during the Battle Step. This is the timing from attack declaration up to, but not including, the Damage Step. As the battling monsters will no longer be on the Field when Galaxy-Eyes resolves, there is no Damage Step.

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If I have an active Hunting Ground

And I summon a Harpie

Does Hunting Ground trigger first (for me to target a card),

Or does my opponent has the priority to activate a card to my summon first?


If you successfully Summon the Harpie (opponent didn't use Warning or something that negates the Summon), you would be able to activate Trigger Effects or Spell Speed 2 effects in response to your Summon first. In this case, the Triggered effect of Hunting Ground would target a card at Chain Link 1, then your opponent may chain to the effect/Summon.

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Harpie's Hunting Ground is a mandatory Trigger Effect.  It must activate first.  The only time it wouldn't is if you had 2 or more mandatory Trigger Effects activating (in which case you could choose the order).  Either way, when Trigger Effects are activated, it is always in the order of Turn Player's Mandatory, Opponent's Mandatory, Turn Player's Optional, and then Opponent's Optional.  After all Trigger Effects have been built in the chain, then non-Trigger Effects can be activated and added onto that chain.  Since Harpie's Hunting Ground is your mandatory trigger effect (assuming its your turn), then it will activate and be Chain Link #1.

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