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Kim Jong Un's aunt opens up after secretly living in the United States for 18 years.

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the wife has the right of it here. he might be felling sentimental, but considering how kim jong un's actions are not  that much better than his father's (including killing relatives) this is one of those areas where cutting your losses would do them the most good. he's liable to get himself and his family killed if he continues trying to go back there. i understand he's missing his nephew, but his nephew is currently one of the most ruthless leaders on the planet, wielding enough power to act as he sees fit within his country, and apparently not unwilling to put a couple bodies in the ground.


aside from that though, $200,000? WTF? with that much money they could definitely get themselves off the ground. I wish i could get that much off the bat. I'm not mad that they got it, and good on them for using it to properly become working members of upright society, but i really wish i could get something like that from the government. all i have are assorted bills and a minimum wage that i'm trying to get above.

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Well, this could spark a conflict with Kim Jong Un, and put their lives on the line, since whether he is a relative or not, he is a tyrant and dictator, I believe.....Kim will likely hunt down his relatives, one by one.........


But, It's quite remarkable that they could escape North Korea and live a peaceful life in the U.S, I believe the reason of this reveal is to disillusionize Kim from his dictatorship and make him realize that all of his actions are twisted, to start a new leaf.....

Brave Aunt and Uncle!

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