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Daesh loses ground

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Could be good news or not depending on if you agree with the US/UK's current agenda. As someone who firmly believes that we have a closer ally in Iran and the Shia over a fundimentalist Sunni Sadia Arabia and as someone who hates Daesh, this is wonderful news for my ears


Edit: I can't post it here (assuming) cause there's some non-pg13 violence in it, but looking at the recent wave of Daesh's propaganda videos, it's not hard to see how they keep getting recruits. You have people living "happily" under islamic law. You have Daesh emerging victorious over the opposition. There's beheading of heathens. And in the mean time you have kids "happily" swimming in a clean river and all


It's not hard to understand why we're struggling against them

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really, the options seem rather clear to me, join iran and solve the problem, solidifying your alliance with at least once country, or sit back and let them fight. nothing to be unsettled about. if they want to save the people inside, the best option is to join a side to end the fighting faster. because neither side is going to give up, so until at least one side is rendered immobile the fighting wont't stop .

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really, the options seem rather clear to me, join iran and solve the problem, solidifying your alliance with at least once country, or sit back and let them fight. nothing to be unsettled about. if they want to save the people inside, the best option is to join a side to end the fighting faster. because neither side is going to give up, so until at least one side is rendered immobile the fighting wont't stop .

Yeah, this really, coupled with the 28 pages of who knows what, I really find it hard to think of SA as our ally. We had a good relationship with Iran, and I don't really see why we can't foster a better one with them now. They need an opponent and they have one w/ SA. I think history will tell us we're on the wrong side of the argument.

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