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Which is Your Favorite Overwatch Character and Why is it the Best One?


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So, I noticed there was an Overwatch thread, but it wasn't exactly what I was looking for.  The other thread is a general thread on Overwatch.  My question here is, which Overwatch character is your favorite and why is it the best?





As of right now, I haven't played the game.  But Genji seems to be my style.

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There is no "best" in Overwatch. So I can't give answer to that one.

From the beta I had a lot of fun with most everyone. If I HAD to choose a top 3 or so, I would probably say Roadhog, Junkrat, and McCree. I mained Medic in TF2 a lot, but Mercy was a bit too frail. I love playing her, but only when my team knows how to play and protect their medic.

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