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Do Guys Prefer Girls With Makeup?


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I'm not saying women are going out to deceive people, I fully understand that they're simply putting their best foot forward when applying makeup. what i am saying is that applying makeup to a degree where you are miles apart from your actual appearance (not light enhancing, extreme makeover) is something that if a woman does happen to be doing so to attract men, could feasibly count as deceiving them. if it's just to look nice, dress up and such, that's whatever, if it's to get a guy, that's another thing entirely. my logic is directed towards a drastic, noticeable change in appearance due to the heavy application of makeup (and probably other means as well). it stands under scrutiny because it is an opinion based upon standard definitions of beauty. it's not 100%, but it is close enough that there is not enough against it to tear down. if it's offensive to you then it's because you are easily offended. i am not stating this as if it's universal fact, i'm stating this as i see it, if you took it as statement of absolute fact, then i ask that you no longer do. As i see it, makeup is fine if applied as a "look good feel good" thing. wanting to look nice is nothing to begrudge. on the other hand, if it is for the purpose of getting a man, heavy application of makeup is just asking for trouble down the line as far as appearance goes. might not end bad, but it's not a good start. 
natural is not easy to pull off, and using makeup is understandable, and respectable, but gratuitous makeup, is simply painting a false picture. people (or at least men) don't get offended by large amounts of makeup, they get turned off. to a decent portion of men, heavy makeup use is somewhat of a turnoff. feel free to do so, i'm not saying you can't. just understand that it doesn't often speak to men the way minimal amounts of makeup applied properly can. your identity is you, and neither i nor the person in that twitter post was telling people otherwise, just understand that people aren't going to praise you just because you're confident or whatever else in your identity, if it's unattractive, overdone, too much, or too far from standard, then they'll tell you so. and sure, have confidence in your appearance/identity, but don't expect people to be nice for it. nobody's holding you up to an unrealistic standard, except maybe you. look at the amount of makeup in the image. she set that standard, she could have stopped at any point in between the before and after, but she went all the way. that wasn't me holding her to that standard, that was her trying to make it to some level of beauty she thought she had to reach. also, i'm not spreading hate, if i was spreading hate i'd have said her cheeks look like they bench press babies. i was pointing out the unrealistic standards she had for herself, and attempting to remind people that the only person holding them to such high standards is themselves. it's fine to want to look nice, but she's in no way built for the standards she appears to have tried to reach, it was a decent attempt, but the effort put into the end result was far too high (assuming it's temporary), people don't have to, and shouldn't need to try that hard to reach a 10.



See but I have yet to meet a woman that get's dressed up for a dorito neckbeard. And if that guy cares so much then he ain't sheet. Look I can hold my ground and over analyze all of the stuff you've said (which was honestly you just rephrasing one thing for like 2 huge paragraphs) but I've already said what I mostly wanted to. I'm not looking for a petty internet fight. 

Also just refer to Nights post. 

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See but I have yet to meet a woman that get's dressed up for a dorito neckbeard. And if that guy cares so much then he ain't s***. Look I can hold my ground and over analyze all of the stuff you've said (which was honestly you just rephrasing one thing for like 2 huge paragraphs) but I've already said what I mostly wanted to. I'm not looking for a petty internet fight. 

Also just refer to Nights post. 

I don't mean 1 guy in particular, that's a possibility, but i mean getting a man in general. dressing up to get drinks at the club and such. night's mistake was assuming that such a makeover would be hunting for only one specific guy in particular, and not for the purpose of getting the best guy available. one guy in particular would not be worth, it, best guy available on the other hand, is the search for the best guy in the (metaphorical) room. the target isn't the Doritos, but the sculpture.

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I don't mean 1 guy in particular, that's a possibility, but i mean getting a man in general. dressing up to get drinks at the club and such. night's mistake was assuming that such a makeover would be hunting for only one specific guy in particular, and not for the purpose of getting the best guy available. one guy in particular would not be worth, it, best guy available on the other hand, is the search for the best guy in the (metaphorical) room. the target isn't the Doritos, but the sculpture.


Ok back to square one, I have only met a few girls that go out and avidly dress up for males. If you're referring to hook up culture that's completely different too! I have hooked up with a good amount of people, and I can assure you that when I've been drunk af at clubs and parties the last thing guys care about is the amount of make up you're wearing. Also literally when are you actually able to see someones face at a club????????????? 

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Ok back to square one, I have only met a few girls that go out and avidly dress up for males. If you're referring to hook up culture that's completely different too! I have hooked up with a good amount of people, and I can assure you that when I've been drunk af at clubs and parties the last thing guys care about is the amount of make up you're wearing. Also literally when are you actually able to see someones face at a club????????????? 

good point good point, which brings us back to the topic at hand: do guys prefer girls with makeup. the answer, from the guys i know, is not really. a little's fine, but a lot's a turnoff.

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I think, if a girl has a little makeup to bring out her... umm... what's the word... good qualities I guess (not the word I was looking for), or to cover blemishes, or to feel good/confident, that's fine.


Where I draw the line is when the girl puts on so much makeup, she seems like a different person.  I mean, imagine marrying a someone who looks like your type, she takes off her makeup and her face is not your type, basically she looks one way, but actually isn't.  Like, holy freak, these type of people people are deceiving the entire world.  Not cool.


I admit, looks are not everything, but they do play a factor.  You marry someone partly for their looks, partly for their personality, then suddenly, you find out their looks are freaking ungodly in your opinion.  Just no... please no...

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I mean, imagine marrying a someone who looks like your type, she takes off her makeup and her face is not your type, basically she looks one way, but actually isn't.  Like, holy freak, these type of people people are deceiving the entire world.  Not cool.

If you are marrying a girl who with your relationship is only held by her appearance, you're funked.

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If you are marrying a girl who with your relationship is only held by her appearance, you're f***ed.

true true, was just using that as an example.  Although, I have seen a real life couple get married after knowing each other for two weeks.  Everyone assumed they would be divorced, but despite a shock to the system as they got to know each other, they are happily married years later.

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true true, was just using that as an example.  Although, I have seen a real life couple get married after knowing each other for two weeks.  Everyone assumed they would be divorced, but despite a shock to the system as they got to know each other, they are happily married years later.

Speaking of which, orange juice was on sale at the grocery store today.


Yes, of course guys judge off of appearance, but in a world where that is the case, faulting someone for trying to improve their own appearance - whether for themselves or others - is ridiculous.

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Speaking of which, orange juice was on sale at the grocery store today.


Yes, of course guys judge off of appearance, but in a world where that is the case, faulting someone for trying to improve their own appearance - whether for themselves or others - is ridiculous.

Improving your appearance is fine "a little makeup to bring out... good qualities... cover blemishes, or to feel good/confident, that's fine."  Completely changing your appearance... just.... no.


Here is a real life [spoiler=example]




Before and after photo






In fact, here is a link to 27 examples, some are just crazy, others are kinda moderate.


On a personal note: Honestly, after seeing that article, I realize girls suffer some the same facial blemishes I do... now I can make some friends who are girls without feeling like they are perfect princesses who can look down on me cause my face has acne scars.

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If you want to become someone's friend and you think they look down on you, get the funk out of here. Honestly, the problem with people is that they can't stand to look at their flaws as a good thing, and people who only look at their flaws take to succumbing to pain. They want people to be a crutch for their own growth, and rely on their friends to a point that they look up to them as a superior, as someone that they need in their life, instead of someone who wants to be there for people. You guys function like fools, trying to capitalize on each other without regard for yourself when it matters. The attention and time people give you is taken for granted because you guys work for each other and not with each other for something better.


Completely changing appearances doesn't matter. If you don't like people who do, then do have them in your life. Don't judge them because they do, because they are doing the same thing you are trying to do. Find themselves, be comfortable with themselves, and find happiness in life with those around them. What is the problem with people using make up to change their appearance when people can get sex changes, or get rid of giant ass cysts on their face, or make their butts bigger? It doesn't matter, and your opinion means sheet about it. Unless you care so much, then you're insecure about yourself and you're a funking idiot then, too, for taking your pain out of someone else because you can't find solace with the fact that you have flaws.

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It doesn't matter, and your opinion means s*** about it. Unless you care so much, then you're insecure about yourself and you're a f***ing idiot then, too, for taking your pain out of someone else because you can't find solace with the fact that you have flaws.

So... couldn't I just apply this statement to you because of your whole post trashing on me for my opinions?  I mean sheesh, go ahead and state your opinion, but no need to get personal with people who don't agree.


BTW, is it just me, or did P.O.H.'s whole post feel like she was yelling in her mind at the reader?  Idk, I took it like a random parent lecturing me about how my opinion is trash...

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So... couldn't I just apply this statement to you because of your whole post trashing on me for my opinions?  I mean sheesh, go ahead and state your opinion, but no need to get personal with people who don't agree.

You could apply it to me, I didn't disclude myself from it. Most rational of my opinions seem to never include myself, since it is coming from my mouth. But the thing is, this is the belief that takes action when people think that they should get invested in other people's lives over the sanctity of their own personal sentiments. I am part of this, since I am doing the exact same thing. And I am no better, but I am not stimulating myself for the growth of people's desires. The difference is, you're stopping your growth because you don't move past the incandescent thoughts of getting invested in people's desires that harm no one but themselves.

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Improving your appearance is fine "a little makeup to bring out... good qualities... cover blemishes, or to feel good/confident, that's fine."  Completely changing your appearance... just.... no.


Here is a real life [spoiler=example]




Before and after photo






In fact, here is a link to 27 examples, some are just crazy, others are kinda moderate.


On a personal note: Honestly, after seeing that article, I realize girls suffer some the same facial blemishes I do... now I can make some friends who are girls without feeling like they are perfect princesses who can look down on me cause my face has acne scars.

First off it's pretty obvious that that girl is trying to make herself look ugly in the before photo by making a silly face. Second of all she really doesn't do much in the second picture. It's a little eyeliner and letting her hair down, which is literally something most girls do in the morning. It's the same with the 27 other examples you posted. Putting on foundation to even out skin tone, and cover up acne, eyeliner/eye shadow, and actually doing their hair. If that's what you call to much, or trying to trick you than sorry pal, most girls are going to be tricking you.

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As long as you know, you get to see how she looks like without make-up before getting into a commitment like marriage, I think it's fine. It may be a guy's responsibility to not be faltered by something like appearances (and this is a maybe) but then I also feel it's a woman's responsibility to show her true self to her loved one.


If it's just putting on make-up to look good in public then I don't really give a sheet as long as you look nice.

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A reminder that everyone acts differently at first around someone they have interest in to get their attention. The degree can range from trying to be nice, or quiet or not embarrass yourself around someone to straight up acting as smooth as possible. If putting on make-up is considered deceptive, how about we shame players and pick-up artists first.



Ever heard of a trophy wife? Looks and Sex have held a one together

Maybe in hypotheticals, but it'd be real hard to look at a real relationship where one person is considered a trophy-anything and not find something more compelling about it, like money, power, or– god-forbid– genuine love.

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A reminder that everyone acts differently at first around someone they have interest in to get their attention. The degree can range from trying to be nice, or quiet or not embarrass yourself around someone to straight up acting as smooth as possible. If putting on make-up is considered deceptive, how about we shame players and pick-up artists first.



Maybe in hypotheticals, but it'd be real hard to look at a real relationship where one person is considered a trophy-anything and not find something more compelling about it, like money, power, or– god-forbid– genuine love.

I mean "players" do get shamed. Look at the "funk boi" hate in colleges or the seeming anger towards Lads in England


Ok, Absolutes are usually bad, how about saying being a trophy is the MAIN attribute?

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Don't start shaming pick-up artists. It is legit one of the best things you can learn when trying to get more out there, extroverted, and have fun. It is just for a more ulterior motive. Plus, pick-up is a lot of funking fun.


As long as you know, you get to see how she looks like without make-up before getting into a commitment like marriage, I think it's fine. It may be a guy's responsibility to not be faltered by something like appearances (and this is a maybe) but then I also feel it's a woman's responsibility to show her true self to her loved one.


If it's just putting on make-up to look good in public then I don't really give a sheet as long as you look nice.

People will see each other without make up, quite often. If you're hiding anything like that, then you're a horrible person anyways. And, that is a shitty relationship if you haven't seen how someone acts in the morning at least once at the start of a relationship. It isn't responsibility to take make up off. It isn't responsibility for sheet like that. Who cares if you are caught of guard? And a woman who takes off makeup to show their significant other what they look like without it, they aren't showing their true self. They are showing what they look like without make up. Their true self is how they act, why they act, and who they are as a person. Make up doesn't halt that at all. Why are you putting all of this on a funking pedestal, like an arranged marriage? It really is less important than you think.

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