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[TCG] Star Seraph Dracopals

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x1 Master Pendulum

x1 Luster Pendulum

x1 Ppal Monkeyboard

x2 Ppal Silver Claw

x3 Ppal Pendulum Sorcerer

x1 Ppal Joker

x1 Ppal Secondonkey

x2 Ppal Guitartle

x2 Ppal Lizardraw

x3 Star Seraph Stick

x3 Star Seraph Chair

x2 Guiding Ariadne

x1 Summoner Monk

x2 Maxx "C"


x2 Instant Fusion

x1 Raigeki

x1 Upstart Goblin

x3 Pendulum Rising 

x2 Twin Twister


x2 Chaos Trap Hole

x3 Solemn Strike

x1 Solemn Warning



x1 Dinoster Powerful

x1 Norden

x1 Ignister Prominence

x1 Majester Paladin

x1 Number 38: Hope Harbinger

x1 Stellarknight Constellar Diamond

x1 Stellarknight Delteros

x1 Utopia

x1 Utopia Lightning

x1 Evilswarm Ouroboros

x1 Castel

x1 Diamond Dire Wolf

x1 Emeral

x1 Evilswarm Nightmare

x1 Abyss Dweller



Inspired deck build after I got 2-0'd in locals with it and after my friend built it earlier. Stick/Chair/Monk/Secondkey + Arise -> Sorcerer guarantees a free Monkeyboard for initial setups, and that's pretty much one way to open and get resources. The Seraphs help give R4 power by introducing Delteros, which if summoned first successfully, can basically guarantee you a win if you can continue spamming monsters without no worries of trap cards. Not only does it pop backrow and other non-floating intrusions, but upgrading into Diamond can completely shut down the BA matchup. Likewise, the Seraphs can get Ouroboros, which also has many uses for removing thing in hand or graveyard mostly to avoid your opponent returning or having resources. Either way, it's a consistent +2/3 if you Seraph with a Pendulum Summon/Arise/Monk/Insta Fuse setup. The Stick pop can also give you a benefit by popping Ariadne, which gives you access to your counters, so it's an additional +1. With this variant, Ariadne is more live again since Delteros/Stick pop or Twister pop or Sorcerer pop with Arise can make Ariadne worth as a 2-of. It's been pretty successful overall, with some clog issues often as a drawback.


This deck is pretty much a sample projection of the evolution of Dracopals in the current meta, and I'm sure that there are definitely more variants like this that have already come up. Playing this myself has already given me some Pepe vibes when played at the best extent; it's pretty much the feeling that Ariadne is much more consistent again alongside sidebar R4 spam that doesn't need to involve Pendulums as an initial setup at all. Comments?

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After some testing of this specific engine, what made you choose Star Seraphs over Unicorn and Raccoon? I know that Star Seraphs add a really big power play to the deck, but drawing Pendulum Rising without a Star Seraph can suck, and Star Seraphs aren't recyclable in the same vein as Unicorn. Lack of Iris/etc also makes me think that it's not as consistent since you're relying on one play to fetch both your scales.

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TER plays with Wizard?


Well it's definitely possible, but extra space is pretty tight as it is. I can probably cut a Hope Harbinger, but if I were to be serious with this deck I need room for a Dante for Ghost Reaper as well. TER seems more fit for removal bait and Diamond Dire already does that; going into Norden will always be valuable and is more likely of a priority.



After some testing of this specific engine, what made you choose Star Seraphs over Unicorn and Raccoon? I know that Star Seraphs add a really big power play to the deck, but drawing Pendulum Rising without a Star Seraph can suck, and Star Seraphs aren't recyclable in the same vein as Unicorn. Lack of Iris/etc also makes me think that it's not as consistent since you're relying on one play to fetch both your scales.


The clogs in this deck can suck indeed, but I never picked this over anything, since I have never done that engine. But in my opinion, it would seem more consistent in a Magicians-type build. In this build, it can really suck if you open up a singular Stick/Chair or Arise with no targets or cloggy counter traps, but I still enjoy the payoff when everything comes together. It's not like I really need to depend on the one Arise + non-Pendulum play in order to get the scales as it is seemingly the only play I can do. Through testing, Arise has never failed me getting targets; even Donkey and Monk are good enough as it is. Star Seraphs albeit not Pendulums, are still very fluid because Norden, Monk, and Arise are already good ways of reviving them and Emeral usually shuffles back Norden and/or 2 Chairs so it's good enough as it is.


Personally, I like this more than the Unicorn/Raccoon engine because despite the risks of getting brick hands, the payoff can be absolutely magnificent, and it's much more coherent and fluid than you think. The Seraph engine just opens up more toolbox and power plays that Unicorn cannot touch.

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