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How well do you remember your dreams?


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So after making another status this morning about my dream last night I realized that 3 of my last 7 statuses have been like that, and I make those sort of statuses with a fair amount of frequency. And even when I don't post a status about it here I often talk to people the next morning irl about my dreams.


[spoiler=I searched back through about 50 pages of my statuses and grabbed any dream-related statuses as examples. I also included all the entries I have in an old dream journal I don't really keep up with anymore.]5/24/16

Had a very strange dream where the Diamond is Unbreakable guys would wear corpses like a suit to get into Londor for some creepy Dark Souls ritual. Like, Jotaro would use Crazy Diamond to bust up the body, climb inside, them fix it around him.


One weird part was that the body had to be of someone they knew, and for some reason Koichi's mom and a few others had died. Koichi didn't want his mother's corpse used for this, so for some reason he took her place, as if that's not gonna kill him, and Jotaro got inside Koichi's skin. I didn't get far enough to see how this went for Koichi, but I imagine not well.



Had a dream where I was in a "framed for a crime and forced to move into a nice new neighborhood that's secretly an evil prison camp" sort of scenario, where the evil overseer of the place was Donald Trump.


At one point when I was going to a "medical examination" some big wigs came by and everyone had to stop what they were doing and do some made-up-dream American salute or something, and anyone who didn't do it right got taken away by guys in suits.


In the beginning all of our luggage except clothing was taken away on the prison bus but with the help of a fellow prisoner (everyone else on the bus got killed by a crazy guy we had to fight) and the driver we got ahold of the rest of our stuff, but then on my way to the medical examination Trump messed with my bag and took some stuff, he may or may not have planted a bomb as well to get me to blow up the hospital and get in more trouble or something, I didn't get that far.


Also, the prison bus driver was Ice Cube, so that was neat. 



Had a strange dream that was a crossover of Transformers and the Fate series. Saber riding a Transformer in jet form with the top open shooting an RPG at people is awesome as sheet.



I wake up from my nap and I'm surprised to see that it's a bit after 6. During my nap I had a short dream where I "woke up" and looked at my clock that said 9 before going back to bed so I thought it'd be a lot later.



When your dream is an MLP Equestria Girls setting but the main characters are the Achievement Hunters so it's totally inappropriate.



Had a weird dream, the first part I was in this large city in Japan trying to find a girl that looked like a young C.C., and my only lead was a specific Gameboy Color game in a certain game store, so I was looking through every game store I came upon. In the middle of my searching I ran into Yusuke and Kuwabara from YYH fighting some evil dude. Another part I was collecting human sacrifices with my sister (who wasn't my irl sister) for some evil dude that I think was Black from Kekkai Sensen, though later it worked out we only needed to take strands of hair from people, so we ran around grabbing hair off random kids, including what turned out to be kid versions of the Achievement Hunters.


November 23rd, 2015
- I was in a Dark Souls-esque game when I and the princess I was trying to save was captured by this guy. I was going to be forced to marry him, but I had a plan to jump down from his castle using the dress I was forced to wear as a parachute, but I managed to escape when I was teleported away from his floating island by this mysterious mage. After that I was Lloyd Irving playing through a Tales-esque JRPG where the setting was the Digital World from Digimon and my main quest was to find the mage who saved me, but I got distracted and started finding treasure and fighting monsters.
- I was in hiding from the man who tried to marry me, and the setting changed to an action movie where I was following the lead of this tough guy who reminded me of Bruce Willis. I was sneaking through some factory in a strange city.
- I was on a volleyball team in a Haikyuu-esque setting, but before any volleyball was played my teammates said the first thing to do was organize the pantries in my kitchen, and we did.
- I was playing the Clash Beta in SMITE as Khepri with a team of Anubis, Ra, and one other player. It was only 4v4 instead of 5v5, and no matter what we could not defeat this single Loki and he solo’d the game for his team. For some reason there was no Titan, and the loss was part of a Hearthstone Arena-esque setup. I visited reddit to see if there was anything about removing the Clash Beta as a possible game mode in the Arena run.
- I was playing TF2 in an unknown map. I ran around destroying a lot of buildings with my Maul, and saw an entire RED team get destroyed by the BLU team who proceeded to dance as a group.
- I was cycling through the recent additions to KissManga but almost all of them were very elicit sexual manga, mostly involving men doing strange things to male and female breasts.
November 24th, 2015
- I was playing a shooter where the first part was to get a rocket launcher by shooting this group of guys that had rocket launchers a bunch with explosives until they shrunk down enough and died. Then I went around this school building destroying a bunch of things. Then it became this thing with multiple worlds and multiple Batmans, until we all got together with the original Batman who was a really old man by this point, and we teleported to this island to fight and tame a strange giant bat creature.
- I was Luke Skywalker and was going through this ship with Darth Vader trying to steal some ancient orb from the Ministry of Magic from Harry Potter. Dumbledore was tricked into opening up the seal to their vault which allowed him to get in and take it. After that I followed Darth Vader through shooting and lasers, taking Obi Wan Kenobi’s lightsaber from him as he died and vanished, before confronting Darth Vader in this gymnasium full of other Jedi (who were stylized as muppets), one of which was Jack Skellington. It then took on a first person perspective and I had to match buttons to fight Darth Vader as well as a Simon-esque game where I had to push tons of buttons. After that it switched into SMITE, beginning with me as Khepri. Everyone could buy multiples of the same item, and for some reason I had 3 Breastplates of Valor. There was a Nox as well, and we were team fighting in this big arena. After that I was Thor, and the audience started joining in as various gods such as Ymir, Chang’e, and He Bo. I randomly fought some people that aren’t in Smite, but I got interrupted when one of my friends dropped a figurine on the ground and broke it. It’s tail had come off and was shattered, but he insisted it was fine.
- I was reading some hentai manga, the first about some lady hero that succumbed to this guy’s sexual advances. She might have been married and it may have been cheating. Then I started reading one about this lady on a bus getting filled with milk, and when she came it would cause the two buses to start moving.
- Someone’s 21st birthday was being celebrated and we were at this Australian river adventure-themed bar. At one point we were all playing a game of baseball with glass bottles where I was the final thrower. After that one guy started drowning, and for some reason I was a certified lifeguard and had to do CPR. After that the guy had a crisis where he realized his mom didn’t die from drowning and ignorant lifeguards, but from overdosing on alcohol and drugs at a costume party.
- I was part of a school’s volleyball team, where a lot of the regulars were Haikyuu characters from Karasuno. There was a big fight and some of the Karasuno guys didn’t make it to the regulars. Also, due to the team’s low popularity at the time, a lot of members were always trying to skip out on practice and seeing matches, with many leaving the club. I went to discuss it with the coach, who was my old band teacher from high school, and he was even teaching music to people.
November 25th, 2015
- I was in a mansion with Ciel and Sebastian from Black Butler and some other nobles. We got in trouble for drinking some of this one noble’s wine. For some reason the wine was really viscous and tasted like peanut butter.
- I was with a colony of dwarves in an ice area who went to battle, there was one big guy who everyone liked that was like Hagrid from Harry Potter. He had the wool dwarf hat and beard like I have, and at one point he died in battle and my friend came back with it all bloody and torn up. I started to cry, but woke up. When I went back to sleep he was alive again and then we started having these traditional darwven bets where the loser would shave their beard. My friend lost and had to shave, but then the big guy came in and started to berate us.
- I was in a Pokemon arcade game where Pikachu was trying to learn a 5th.  Ash went back in time to his old self to make Pikachu lose his teeth so he couldn’t learn Thunder Fang so it wasn’t a hassle anymore. After that I tried to get through a Pokemon gym but didn’t have the right HMs to get through it. I wanted to trade some Pokemon in from my other games but didn’t have the right ones.
November 26th, 2015
- Mom and my aunt were trying to wake me up on the couch. They were looking for my face reaction to see if I was smiling or anything but I was face-down and they eventually left me alone.
- A very strange Rick & Morty-esque dream where a guy had to act like a different kind of racist to different groups of people to meet a bet quota, then he had to talk business with a guy when everything started falling apart due to a competitor businessman.
November 27th, 2015
- I was at a really big party with both family, friends, and a lot of other people I didn’t know. We did various things, like play a Mario platformer game’s special stages, and watch partway through an episode of The Heroic Legend of Arslan (though it was very different from the actual show). After that the party disappeared and it became a strange Inside Out scenario where I was with different feelings and personalities, but instead of being inside someone’s head, it was inside a prison. There was Guilt, Envy/Disgust, Sadness, twin Happys that looked like a pair of cherries, and a big buff buy who was only referred to as Herc. Everyone but Guilt wanted to escape, but when the prison break actually happened they all escaped, Guilt on accident. Guilt and I worked together to bring everyone back, but along the way Guilt unknowingly helped this crazy guy in a cardboard box mask kill several people, one Happy included. After that we gathered the others one by one, and when we got back to the prison, it was more like an office supply store. There was this manager guy who was going to take care of everyone and rework the store since there was only one Happy.
November 28th, 2015
- JUNGLE from the K anime made a new clan page accessible through arcade machines with a girl and tan guy doing crazy talk radio show-esque actions. I also ran into some Love Live! girls taking about life philosophy.


It's pretty fun and they make for good stories, and I feel like I've gotten a lot better at remembering my dreams over the years. Anyone else do that a lot? Also, feel free to share some crazy dream stories.

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I think I started writing down my dreams because I'd had some lucid dreams and read that a way to help have them more often was to git gud at remembering your dreams, and while I can't think of the last time I had a lucid dream I've definitely gotten better at remembering my other dreams.

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I post mine in a thread here. But I don't remember them all that well. So that thread is kinda dead. Lmao I love my dreams. Even though they can be weird as f***. I try joting them down if I can manage to remember them. It's better doing as soon as I wake up. 

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I remember dreams I had about 15 years ago but very few dreams I've had recently. I remember when I was about 7 years old having a dream where I could levitate and it was so realistic and vivid I almost convinced myself I could actually fly. I also remember another dream where I died and I was looking down on my dead body, floating upwards as if it was my soul floating up to heaven, but then I realized how far up I was, got scared and went back into my body, thus bringing me back to life.

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  On 5/24/2016 at 3:50 PM, ~British Soul~ said:

I had a dream the other night where a girl I liked was invited to a wedding and she brought me there as her plus 1. Whilst we were dancing, she told me how much she liked me, gave me a kiss before asking me out.

BS is all about dat NTR lyfe.


  On 5/24/2016 at 1:49 PM, Trebuchet MS said:

I forget them within 30 minutes after waking up...

This is the same with me. I've had some cool ones though.

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  On 5/24/2016 at 3:22 PM, Tewt said:

I post mine in a thread here. But I don't remember them all that well. So that thread is kinda dead. Lmao I love my dreams. Even though they can be weird as f***. I try joting them down if I can manage to remember them. It's better doing as soon as I wake up. 

Maybe you could, like, write them down on paper or something when you wake up (or record yourself talking about them) and then copy that onto your thread. ;)


As for me I do remember a good portion of my dreams, but not quite all of them.

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One dream that I had when I was a lot younger, like, 15 or 16 years ago, that's really stuck with me was a nightmare I had. I was one of the three little pigs, and it was a dark and stormy night. We heard strange noises coming from outside so one pig went out to investigate. There was a blinding flash of lighting and he went from being in one spot outside to not being there anymore. Another flash of lighting and the big bad wolf was suddenly right in front of the door. I slammed the door shut, then he slammed it back open, pinning me against the wall with the door. He stuck his head around the door and I woke up right before he ate me. I think it might actually be the only nightmare I've ever had. I've had inconvenient dreams in the past, for example I'm at school and there's a surprise test I hadn't studied for or something like that, but nothing that's ever scared me awake like the three little pigs nightmare.

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I recall a good number of them without writing them down, usually as old as 3 years ago, but these involve similar subject matter i.e. some girl I like/d (not my cousin). I recall a nightmare from since I was around 4 years of age. It involved looking out my window to see a human with a potato head walking down a pathway. I may not recall every dream I have the same day, such as today for instance, but about 30 percent do stick, many of which I may forget after a few days and some I remember better.

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There is a fair number of dreams that stand out but its usually just the end of them that I remember. Always wished that I could remember more than a few seconds out of each one but its not gonna be happenin.

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It's a toss-up, I'll have vivid dreams that I'll forget after a day or there'll be a rare few that stick around. Last night I dreamed I was drowning and later that I was at a pool party without my trunks. And after that, I was with my friends at a water park, but we took a bathroom break in a nasty bathroom before hitting the rides and that's when I woke up.

Dunno why I dreamed all that though, I haven't swam in a while.

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It honestly depends on the dream. If it was outstandingly weird, unsettling/scary, or really just stands out in any significant way; then I remember it pretty well. Sometimes for the best, other times I wish I didn't.


Recently, my dreams have just been like, stress dreams almost. Kinda whatever's on my mind before going to sleep, and the dreams are of very normal things. Usually stuff I'm looking forward to or worried about.

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