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Sonic the Hedgehog: Solar Tides [OOC/Started/Accepting/Co-hosted by Hollow]

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[Logo Credit: Yui]


Look to the morning sky, you will see that which you owe your very existence to.  The sun.  The star that was so thoughtful, that it placed itself the perfect distance away from your lifeless planet.  Feel it's warmth wash over you like the waves of an ocean, bathed in embers.  Let it take you in.  Breath in the cosmic rays, the ones that existed before there was life.  Realize that this solar entity...one that has loved you so dear....is responsible for everything that you hold precious.


Thank It.


Praise It.


Grovel before it.


Tremble before it.


Give your unending loyalty to it


Maybe then...it will spare your life.


After all...it's theirs to do with as they please.



"Long ago...in the time of heroes...the world was always on the verge of destruction.  Our home of Mobius, that sits in the daughter dimension of earth's, has always been a place where conflict reigns supreme.  That all changed though...when the Freedom Fighters purged this world of all the imminent threats.  One of these threats was named...Solaris.  A being that was born from the first flame, thought to rule chaos and destruction.  A being that was branded a deity.  


It was struck down by the Freedom Fighters, after a cataclysmic struggle.  We laughed...god was a joke, and it was destroyed by mere mortals.  The creator was taken from the world it created.  


But what if Solaris...wasn't a god?


What if it wasn't the first flame?


What if it had been...created?


There are old tales...long forgotten...of the true first light.  On Earth...he is revered.  He has many names in that dimension.  Vishnu, Allah, YHVH , Ra...no matter the story or mix in translation, he was worshiped...as he should've been.  On earth...he was the one to give man fire...


On Mobius however...he has been ignored all this time.  The first flame, given to the Mobians, gained a consciousness of it's own...and it was the one that became the beacon of worship.  Sadly...Gwynn is a jealous god...and he has thrown disaster after disaster at that planet...only to be thwarted every single time.  If he wanted to be revered by the Mobians...he would do it himself.  


If not...he could always start anew.


At least...that's what the legend says.  I might have lost some thing's in translation...but I did my best at the time.  However...I feel something is coming.  Something which an untranslated prophecy foretold of.  The days of the old heroes have long since passed...Mobius stands unprotected after a long period of peace.  Maybe a new generation of Freedom Fighters will step into the light."  - Silver the Hedgehog





1. All YCM forum rules apply.  


2. No Guns.


3. No Godmodding or power playing.  Hollow and I are the Rulers here, and what we say goes.


4.You may not have a relation to a canon sonic character since they have long since past.  I will allow bloodline connections however, if feasible.  


5. Chaos Force sensitivity will be restricted in some species and characters.  Not everyone can use chaos control here.


6. No flamming, spamming, or negativity.  


7. A player is allowed a max of 1 character, for the time being.  


8.  Have fun!


9. If you have a question, do not be afraid to post it here or ask Hollow or I in a PM.





Mobius Encyclopedia




[spoiler=Character Application]







Appearance: [A picture or a minimum of 4 lines of description are required.  Regardless, add your height and weight.  Spoilered]


Personality: [Minimum of 4 lines.  Spoilered]


Biography: [Minimum of 2 Paragraphs.  Spoilered]


Abilities/Weaponry: [Any special or unique skills your character possesses.  Separate powers and weaponry.  Spoilered]


Misc: [Anything you didn't tell us in the above fields and want to include.]





[spoiler=Accepted Characters]


Ken the Hedgehog - Mr. Hyde


Axel the Hedgehog - Lvl 19 Hollow


Chimera the Amalgamate - Kazo


Alex the Cat - Wind Rider


Zane the Arctic Wolf - Chaos Sonic


Cynthia the Hedgehog - Blade Mistress




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Maybe. I might. I don't know...

Screw it, noting interest.
[spoiler=Robots are cool]
Name: MS-11 Chimera
Age: Unknown
Species: Metal Series Robot 

Height: 3'3 ft  (10 cm)

Weight: 276 lbs (125.2 kg)

[spoiler=Personality]Unlike many of Eggman's other robots, Chimera has completely free will... something he's not exactly sure how to use. He has a keen sense of sarcasm at his disposal and a dry sense of humor, bordering on that of dry remarks.


Despite the fact that Chimera will fight for the greater good, he still takes pleasure utilizing destructive methods and fighting with powerful opponents (even if they're his allies). He even gets giddy over the prospect of destroying something with excessive force and will shoot at just about anything if given the permission.

He occasionally has moments where he ponders on what his purpose now is. After all, he was built to kill people who where now dead. He does this when he's alone though, preferring not to show anything that looks like weakness. 

[spoiler=Biography]Chimera was the last robot Eggman ever made before dying to old age. His mission was to wait for several years until Sonic and his friends were lulled into a sense of security before activating and killing off Sonic and his friends.


However, due to an error in the programming, Chimera was offline for over 200 years. When he came online, he found the mighty city now in ruins and his targets long dead. He now wanders the world, looking for a purpose.

[spoiler=Abilities/Weaponry]Advanced Weaponry:  His armory consists of rapid-fire machine guns, flamethrowers, lasers blasters and missile launchers, and electric knees.  


Scanners: Chimera can use radio waves to talk with other Eggman robots and has sensors that allow him to detect energy signatures in various objects, areas, and beings, and even lets him analyze biological chances in other beings. 


Somewhat above but not too much Speed: He can move somewhat fast.


Above Average Strength: He is strong, weaker than an Echidna, but stronger than an average Mobian.


Limited Flight: He can fly, but it's limited. Rocket thrusters, yo.


Black Shield: He creates an energy field that protects him from any harm. However, he can not move when he does this.


Water Gun Arm: It's a arm that shoots water.


The Egg Carrier: A large ship the Doctor created. It is very powerful and surprisingly fast for its size.

Theme Song
Battle Theme
In his spare time, he looks for any sort of Eggman robot.
He has a pet Turtloid.
The server is the one that unifies the chaos.


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Hmm...when was the last Sonic RP I was in...


Can't remember...regardless...


Noting Interest


[spoiler=Cold as Ice]




"Seems like your 'frozen' in surprise!"


Personal Information


Name: Zane the Arctic Wolf

Age: 22

Gender: Male

Species: Arctic Wolf




Depicted above is Zane's general appearance (both are here to give clarification how exactly he looks). The shoes, however, generally look much like the way they are depicted in image one. With this being his general appearance, there are some things added to him that he uses as well. For instance, Zane usually wears a pair of goggles and carries a snowboard in some occasions (as depicted here). However, not depicted in the images, is the fact that Zane wears a gray vest that was made in a similar fashion to resemble his ancestor's, and a pair of black jeans.


Zane stands in at 3'6" and weighs in at 86 lbs.





Zane, despite his 'cold' outward appearance, he is a friendly Mobian who is always ready to lend a helping hand to those who really need it. That, and deliver a pun towards those he's around. Zane has a strange habit of throwing out sarcastic puns dealing with cold (these include: "Chill out", "Cool", etc.). However, Zane is also very skeptical when it comes to certain things. He takes things at face value and it will usually take a lot of convincing or on the spot evidence to prove otherwise.


During a fight, Zane gets a bit serious (even though he does continue to carry the puns and sarcasm). He gets serious due to his powers needing concentration and focus. He's the type to act first and think afterwards, though usually this gets him in the tail later. However, whenever he isn't in a fight, or doing anything of importance, Zane loves to snowboard and thinks of it as a way to relax and unwind.





"Just 'chill out' and I'll explain myself to you."


Zane was born in the Northern Tundra, born under the lineage of a hero of the days of the Blue Blur, Sonic...the Arctic Freedom Fighter leader, Guntiver the Arctic Wolf. In the Northern Tundra, Zane would live his life peacefully and without any problems...however, unlike those who came before him...he found the snowy wasteland a bore.


He planned to one day leave the Tundra and move to Metropolis to find himself and even make a name for himself. However, he knew that eventually he would take over the family business of leading the Arctic Freedom Fighters. It was tradition now that Arctic Wolves took leadership in the team...however this time it was different. Rather than Zane getting his fated position, his father kept it. No reason whatsoever mentioned, but this really steamed Zane up. His choice was now made up...


He left the Northern Tundra and his family and friends, to live in Metropolis and be his own wolf. However, Zane's father didn't stop him. He knew that he had to let his son do this, and all he gave him was the a gray vest. Zane knew the style of it...it resembled his ancestor Guntiver's vest. He was told that this would bring him good luck, even if it wasn't the original. The young wolf took it with the greatest honor and left...


Now, Zane lives in Metropolis, hoping that something out of the clear blue will be able to excite him.




Combat Information



Cryokinesis - Otherwise known as Ice Manipulation. Zane was born with this style of Chaos energy ability to shape, create, and control ice through the moisture in the air. However, if the environment Zane is in humid or dry, his abilities of Cryokinesis will be hindered. Currently it is used in the following ways:

  • Ice Floor - Zane creates a coat of ice onto the ground in which his opponents can no longer keep their balance and he can increase his speed by skating/running on it.
  • Ice Projectile - Taking the moisture in the air, Zane can use this and create a sort of throwing icicle at his enemies.
  • *Arctic Prison - Taking the moisture in the air, Zane slams his hands down on the ground as ice starts to erupt around the target enemy, encasing them in ice.
  • *Final Freeze - Literally an ice beam version of the Final Flash.

Average Physical Strength - While not on the same level as Echidnas, Zane is pretty strong and is capable of doing things most Mobians can't (however, he can't punch through things with an ease as those with a higher strength would). However, Zane can use his Cryokinesis to freeze things and allow him to smash/punch things in this manner, if its weak enough however.


Average Physical Speed - While not on the same level as Hedgehogs, Zane can run at a decent speed (not sound barrier breaking). However, Zane's speed can also be increased by the use of his Cryokinesis. By using it, he can skate/run on an icy ground to increase his speed.


Dire Wolf - A newly developed power that lay dormant within the arctic wolves. Thanks to Milo, Zane was able to unlock this new reservoir of power, thus making him the newest legendary Dire Wolf. This form has increased Zane's physical strength and speed, but currently this is the known extent of his powers.






  • Arident Gale - Debuted in Dewdrop, this technique was brought forth with Zane using Finale Freeze and Axel performing a similar move to it, adding his own power into the mix, strengthening the blast with both the normal chaos energy and the cryomantic chaos energy. The technique can be performed when both Axel and Zane are beside one another, or straight across from each other.











  • Pair of goggles
  • Snowboard (Collapsible and usually tucked away in his vest pocket)
  • *Multi-tool - What appears to be the hilt of a weapon. When activated, this piece of tech can use water to form the shape of any tool or weapon that it's user may need. Whilst usually used for reference during smithing, it becomes far more useful when it's creations are frozen solid.




Misc. Information


Zane's Theme | Battle Theme | Evolution Theme (Ver. 1) / (Ver. 2) / (Ver. 3)

  • The server is the one who unifies the chaos
  • Zane is based off the OC character: Vash the Snow Wolf. However, rather than keep the Snow Wolf, I went with relating him to Guntiver the Arctic Wolf of the Sonic Comics, thus changing him completely.
  • Giving Zane Cryokinesis was a play on two facts: 1. That the only surviving member of the old age is Silver the Hedgehog, who used Psychokinesis. 2. Zane is an Arctic Wolf, who lives in the Northern Tundra...surrounded by ice and snow.
  • Zane is a very avid snowboarder and is one of the best in the Northern Tundra.
  • For the progress he's made throughout, a theme was selected for Zane to show off his progression. The theme that was chosen was "Rebellion" from the BlazBlue series. The first use of this theme was the first battle he had as a Dire Wolf in Dewdrop. Whenever this theme is used, it shows off that Zane is developing more and more with his skills.
  • In total, Zane has had roughly about three separate teachers/instructors in his life: his father, Fang the Arctic Wolf, Milo the Hedgehog (more in the sense of him helping unlock the powers of the Dire Wolf), and of course, Axel the Hedgehog.



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[spoiler='The One Armed Thief]5SiEh0a.jpg

"A girl's gotta eat, I'm sure you won't mind missing a few bucks... and rings... and any other valuable thing on you."



Name: Alexandra "Alex" the Cat

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 3'6

Weight: 75lbs


[spoiler=Personality]Alex is more of an "Actions speak louder than words" type of girl and keeps to herself most of the time. Because of her silent nature, she has a hard time making friends and prefers to keep it that way. She feels that the loss of her arm is a loss of dignity, and so covers her shame behind her black cloak. When not on a job, or otherwise unoccupied with anything, Alex is pretty laid back, preferring a nice quiet spot to read or practice with her throwing knives. Her dangerous look hides her inner torment, and she never shows her feelings to anyone.



[spoiler=Bio]Alex has had a very harsh life compared to other Mobians, when she was eight, an enormous fire destroyed her home, taking the lives of her parents and leaving Alex without an arm. The cause of the fire was unknown, but Ricky, Alex's brother, through all the blame on Alex. Ricky left Alex after their recovery in a local hospital, making her fend for herself. Living off the streets, Alex learned that if you want something, you take it, it was the only way she could survive. It wasn't long before Alex became an accomplished thief, even going as far as to steal an ancient echidna artifact, a silver ring that pulsed with chaos energy.

It was after stealing this artifact, that Alex began to feel a change. Her body felt hotter than normal and she felt as if she had formed a link with a much more chaotic power. It was only until she got her hand cut on one her many heists, that she noticed this change, when she tried to bandage her cut, the cloth ignited into ash and Alex watched as the blood from her wound burn as if it were flame. It wasn't long until she started using this for her heists, cutting her hand and then creating a fume of fire to escape the law. She soon earned the title of the "Flame-Blooded Thief" from her victims and from the authorities.



[spoiler=Abilities/Equipment]Burning Blood: Thanks to the power of fire and chaos force within her stolen artifact, Alex can light her and her opponent's blood as if it was oil or gasoline. Alex can use this as a means of closing wounds or as a means of burning the opponent. This power is limited to blood that is fresh and Alex can't light blood inside a body.


Stealth: Through years of sneaking and stealing, Alex has become a master of stealth and can naturally blend into the shadows.


Acrobatic/Agile: Though not a hedgehog, Alex can move at astounding speeds and agility, though she still can't outrun a hedgehog. She is also an adept climber and jumper.


Throwing Knifes: Alex has deadly accuracy with these sharp weapons, and can be seen practicing her skills with knifes when kicking back.



[spoiler=Upgrades]Bracelet of invisibility: A bangle imbued with powerful magic. This artifact allows it's user bend light to cloak themselves from sight as long as they stay in motion. Suffering damage or attacking will cause the spell to fade, and the user's shadow and presence are still very much detectable.


Healing Warmth: Thanks to Blaze's tutelage, Alex is now able to produce healing embers that she can use to heal her allies.


Cybernetic Arm: Who knew being catnapped by pirates would turn out so well. Thanks to Blake, Roxie's tech savvy crew member, Alex has a shiny new arm. It's also installed with a hidden blade for close range or stealthy combat. The blade sticks out from the base of the palm and can extend up to 6 inches.


(More upgrades to come)



[spoiler=Misc]Despite having no left arm, this has not affected her in any negative way. Though she still finds it uncomfortable. Battle Theme: https://youtu.be/mIhcnV2wVqI


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[spoiler=Number 1 Brother]


"Awwww come on....I wanna punch it already!"

Name: Ken the Hedgehog

Age: 20

Species: Hedgehog



Height: 3'5"

Weight: 90 lbs




You'd think that being a martial artist, Ken would be very level headed.  Ken, instead, is very rash and goofy.  He isn't the sharpest tool in the shed either, but he's quick witted when it comes to humor.  He's always looking for a way to better himself, and constantly bickers with his brother, Bolt, the prodigy.  Although Ken is very hard to handle, he's very loyal.  He has a sense of commitment that has no rivalry.  He has never given up on any objective, or anyone.  Although he is a loyal person, he gets jealous quite easily.  Using those powerful feelings of jealousy turns out to be a great motivator though, and he constantly seeks to better himself through these motivations.  


Ken also loves to fight.  He loves showing his progression as a martial artist with anything that moves, or doesn't.  He prefers to hit trees rather than people, as to not cause anymore lawsuits.  



[spoiler=Biography: ]


Ken grew up in a small town in the western region of Mobius.  He can't quite remember the name of the town, but he sure can remember how it looked when it turned to ash.  Ken grew up along his twin brother Axel, who was better at everything than he was.  School, sports, you name it, Axel was better than Ken.  On one very hot winter day, around the time the twins were 6, Ken and Axel were approached by an old grey hedgehog.  He explained to the boys that this world was doomed, and to come with him immediately.  While Ken was hesitant to accept this offer, Bolt followed blindly, sensing that this man spoke the truth.  Axel stuck his hand out, trying to coax him in to this wild ride, which worked of course.  How was Ken going to leave his idiot of a brother all alone with a strange man.  They entered a swirling vortex, and as Ken looked back, he saw his whole world up in flames.  


As he aged, Ken was told by his now mentor and father-figure, Silver the Hedgehog, that an old god named Solaris was going to destroy this world, just like he had their old world.  Silver would train the boys in the way of combat, as he had chosen the two boys on account of their sensitivity to the Chaos Force.  Axel was a natural in the ways of the Chaos Force, but Ken's dreams of being his brothers better were not going to be realized, the old man must have made a mistake with him.  Ken gave up on the Chaos Force, and instead trained his body to the max.  He worked everyday tirelessly, always coming home with bruises and muscle spasms.  He'd hoped that this would gain the respect of his mentor, but he would have to train harder for that.


In his teens, Silver had confessed that he realized that Ken was terrible at controlling his Chaos Force.  However, he could still sense all the built up energy within Ken, and told him that instead of controlling Chaos, he should just set it loose like it was meant to be.  With many months of inflection and harsher training, Ken was finally able to realize his potential. In every being, there are inhibitors spread throughout the body that block the natural flow of Chaos Force.  Through unlocking each of them, the user is endowed with great physical power.  Since Ken was the first to semi master this technique, he named it Chaos Flow.  He is now a fair sparring partner against his brother, but still trains to this day.  





Enhanced Physical Strength and Endurance:  Ken has trained his body to be more capable than that of many other Mobians.  He has a very vigorous workout routine, and one hell of a sparring partner in his brother.  With his devastating kicks, he has been seen kicking thick tree trunks in half.  


Advanced Speed: While not fast enough to break a sound barrier of any type, Ken still has the ability to become a blur to the untrained eye.


Chaos Flow:  Training his body to it's limits has allowed Ken to break down those limiting barriers though sheer force.  There are 7 Chaos Inhibitors throughout the body, and unlocking those grants the user unimaginable boosts to their abilities.  However, unlocking those natural inhibitors will surely cause strain on the users body, and they will suffer major damage upon locking the inhibitors back up.  







Theme - Riled Up

-Ken has dyed some parts of his hair red, in an attempt for he and Axel to be told apart from one another.

-Ken's vest is weighted with 25 lbs.  It restrains him while also providing a workout.  

-Ken is the older sibling, but only by two minutes and thirty-six seconds

-Ken prefers to use his legs while fighting.  

“The server is the one that unifies the chaos”






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[spoiler= One With The Force]


“The server is the one that unifies the chaos... Ken, what if that doesn't mean what we think it does?”


Name: Axel the Hedgehog

Age: 20

Species: Hedgehog




Height: 3'5"

Weight: 78 lbs




A quiet storm, Axel has always had an intensity about him that can be off putting to others. His words hold a weight to them that often gives the impression that he is well versed in whatever he is discussing even when he's not, and his habit of starring off into the distance as if he is peering into another world takes a while to get used to. Generally all business by nature, with sense of humor that could only be comparable to that of monk, Axel tends to be the butt of most of his brother's jokes and will often times resort to taking shots at Ken's intelligence when he feels he's being bullied. 


Despite his usually alien and sometimes even cold demeanor, Axel bares some similarities to his brother at heart. He loves a challenge, and is will often times find himself helping those in need, even after stating that the situation has nothing to do with him. He holds a very deep infatuation with the Chaos Force, and believes all matters regarding it are of the up most importance; even going as far as question his loved one's opinions if they conflict with what he feels from the Chaos Force. 



[spoiler=Biography: ]


Axel had always knew he was destined for something... different. Though he had always seemed to best his brother in any challenge that Ken would so obnoxiously  thrust upon him, Axel found himself looking towards the stars. No matter where he was, or what he did to silence it; something was always calling out to him. It was only when a certain silver hedgehog appeared before him and his brother, and offered to take them away from their world, did Axel realize that chaos was what had been whispering in his ear all those years ago. 


With Silver as his adopted father, Axel learned to use his connection to the chaos force, and whilst Ken showed no a talent with chaos at all, Axel became infatuated by it. Whilst his brother trained his body to the max, Axel found himself exploring the vastness of the Chaos force; learning to commune with it and channel it to be an extension of his very being. As the years went on, Axel studied the techniques and virtues of the chaos masters of old, doggedly using stories from Silver to try and learn from such users as Shadow the Hedgehog.  


With his brother as his rival, Axel has been constantly pushing the limits of what he can do with the power of chaos, and Silver has stated many times that he suspects the boy will unspeakably powerful.







Chaos Force Sensory: Born with a keen awareness to the Chaos force, Axel is able to sense sources of chaos energy with ease. This sixth sense grants Axel a strong awareness of his surroundings at all times, to the point that it seems as if he had 360 degree vision. Through mediation he is able to expand these senses to great lengths, allowing him to seek out powerful artifacts or even people with varying levels of accuracy. 


Chaos Control: Whilst not particular fast or strong for a hedgehog,  Axel has learned to use chaos control without the aid of an artifact. He uses this to teleport short distances to compensate for his lack of advanced speed, and fire small a energy blasts to make up for his lack of strength. 


Chaos Blade: Through intensive studies of the chaos spear technique, Axel learned to take the basic fundamentals of forming solid weapons with chaos energy and use it to create vibrating blades of bright blue energy at will. Whilst it does lack the range of Chaos Spear, Axel is able to extend this blades a surprising distance, and the their constant vibrating gives the Chaos blade an effect similar to a chainsaw. 





- Axel has a monstrous sweet tooth. 

- Axel thinks Ken's hair looks stupid.

- Axel idolizes Shadow the Hedgehog.

- Axel can't swim.



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  • 1 month later...

Under several conditions:

1) You change your name to Hollow #2.

2) You catch up on the story so far and create an app.

3). That app is accepted.

The first condition is the only one subject to negotiation. Oh, and welcome to the site~

Double oh, and be sure to read the database!

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[spoiler=Air Ride Expert]

Name: Cynthia

Age: 21

Species: Hedgehog

Height: 3'8"

Weight: 77 lbs.




​"What's wrong? You can't even keep up with someone like me?"



[spoiler=Personality]Cynthia is a very competitive Mobian, as she always wants to show that she's the best at everything. Though this may make her seem arrogant and maybe even selfish, Cynthia can be very nice and friendly at times and even a bit encouraging. But when it comes down to it, Cynthia almost always wants to make a competition out of a situation, in an attempt to show what she's capable of. On a side note, Cynthia can be a bit skeptical at times which leads her to being rather suspicious towards others, which could be the reason as to why she has very few friends. Getting to know Cynthia she actually is nice person, and will come through even in the toughest moments. She also has a creative mind, as she can be seen doodling in a notebook when she has freetime.



[spoiler=Bio]As far as she could remember, Cynthia always wanted to be the best Extreme Gear rider on Mobius. If nothing else, she at least wanted to be the best athlete. Cynthia wanted to be best at everything, of course this could stem from the fact that she was picked on by others when she was younger for her unusual ability. A hedgehog, a mobian usual a kin to speed, possessed an ability that an echidna was more likely to possess, this made Cynthia look like a freak to others while growing up. She felt that she needed to show that she was good at a lot of things just so she would seem impressive, rather than being seen as a freak.

One day, she got a lucky break when an Extreme Gear tourney was scheduled to take place in Metropolis. Cynthia took this opportunity to show what she could really do. She got herself an Extreme Gear and began training in order to prepare for the tournament, during this time she would run little time trials around her hometown and with each trial she got faster and faster. During the tournament, Cynthia showed her capabilities right from the start and she even managed to reach the top three. With her love for racing, Cynthia began training for the next tournament. She found a home for herself on the outskirts of Metropolis and even made a small makeshift track so she could practice her skills for the next tourney.



[spoiler=Abilities/Equipment]Metal Skin: Using her connection with the chaos force, Cynthia can harden parts of her body to make them as hard as tempered steel. This is easily seen as the parts that harden turn into a distinct bluish, grey color.

Metal Morph: Cynthia can also slightly morph any parts of her body that are hardened, making them into any shape she wants. This includes: enlarging her arms to a small extent, turning her fingers into razor sharp claws, and even turning her quills into blades.

Extreme Gear: Cynthia is almost never seen without her extreme gear. With her extreme gear, Cynthia can reach faster speeds than she normally could and can even glide through the air with it to reach areas she couldn't normally.

Athletic: Cynthia trains herself nearly everyday to keep herself fit and agile. This helps her keep control when using her extreme gear and also makes her stronger than her appearance would lead you to believe.



[spoiler=Misc] Theme:

Battle Theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WehYBzYlU6c

Cynthia has a distinct taste for sweets



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey there guys! You're Overlord here with this chapter's patch notes!


Chimera: High pressure water cannon: A gift from Charyb. Chimera can now release a highly pressurized water blast from his palms. Though it boasts a short range, this attack is able to cut through stone with ease, and requires very little preparation... Just add water. 


Alex: Bracelet of invisibility: A bangle imbued with powerful magic. This artifact allows it's user bend light to cloak themselves from sight as long as they stay in motion. Suffering damage or attacking will cause the spell to fade, and the user's shadow and presence are still very much detectable.


Zane: Multi-tool: What appears to be the hilt of a weapon. When activated, this piece of tech can use water to form the shape of any tool or weapon that it's user may need. Whilst usually used for reference during smithing, it becomes fare more useful when it's creations are frozen solid... 


Cynthia did not get any upgrades because she didn't participate in the boss fights. You'll get your chance to earn some loot soon though BM!


Also, we have ourselves a prophecy (yay for foreshadowing~):



"Once again the sun will rise, and it's wake the paths of both light and darkness shall intertwine just as they did in the very beginning. The wheel of fate shall turn again. though the two paths shall be walked by those who were never meant to be…
Seven beacons of hope shall be ripped from the maw of the past. Only to bleed forth the sins of he who resolves to carry their weight on his own. 

True terror will arise from the dark, where it hungers for the light, and those heroes who have walked the road of light and darkness, shall try in vain to reach out for the future.  They will perish. The cycle will be broken, and all paths shall meet in twilight." 

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So, a prophecy...time to decide to crack open this...cue that thinking music!






"Once again the sun will rise, and it's wake the paths of both light and darkness shall intertwine just as they did in the very beginning. The wheel of fate shall turn again. though the two paths shall be walked by those who were never meant to be…"


The sun will rise once again, obviously this is hinting at the resurrection (at full) of Gwynn. Once his 'rise' comes to fruition, it shall open the pathways that those of the light and darkness walk along. As for the two paths being walked by those who were never meant to be...its fairly obvious. This is referring to our little rag-tag bunch of Mobians & EggBot. This is a task that none of the current group was ever meant to bear...not even the twins...even if they were trained by Silver.




"Seven beacons of hope shall be ripped from the maw of the past. Only to bleed forth the sins of he who resolves to carry their weight on his own."


Seven beacons of hope? It's obvious that this is referring to the seven Chaos Emeralds, but being ripped away from the maw of the past? It's a strange wording here. I can only theorize that this means the unearthing and the locating of them. Once again, only speculation. On the other hand, "shall be ripped from the maw of the past", perhaps there is a problem that arises...perhaps one that requires to call forth the emeralds of the past to aid the heroes. Time travel? It's a possibility...


However, "Only to bleed forth the sins of he who resolves to carry their weight on his own"...? Sai, in his theory building, suggested this might point to Nazo (from both "Nazo Unleashed" & "The Wrath of Nazo")...however, I'd like to disagree. I believe...this is referring to our very own emerald loving hedgehog: Axel. Think and take into consideration, WHO he aspires to be like: Shadow the Hedgehog. But, it begs the question...HOW far will Axel go to be like his idol? We've already seen in the past act/episode, that he feels like he needs the emerald...this could point to that.




"True terror will arise from the dark, where it hungers for the light, and those heroes who have walked the road of light and darkness, shall try in vain to reach out for the future.  They will perish. The cycle will be broken, and all paths shall meet in twilight."


True terror arising from the dark, in which it hungers for the light. The balance between light and dark, once Gwynn rises in his full power, will most likely be thrown out of whack. At this point, a being from the dark, one we know not of yet might return to wreak havoc upon Mobius alongside of Gwynn...or possibly have Mobius in the crossfire when he fights against Gwynn. Either way...it doesn't sound great...


"Those heroes who have walked the road of light and darkness", I'm sure refers to not only our team of fighters...but to whoever ally themselves to their cause. Reaching out towards the future, one in where the two terrors of light and darkness are awakened...it will be in vain, because at that point...its a future that will no longer exist. They will perish? Pretty self explanatory...Mephiles' first strike at those with Chaos potential was just a start and an example. It will happen more... Finally, the cycle will be broken...and all paths shall meet in twilight. To that last light...I have no clue. It is the one thing I cannot express to try to understand or know...

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  • 1 month later...

bumping this sheet up since it was on the second page...guess we should start using it a lot more too.  


Feedback would be nice, and maybe ideas of something that you would like to see in the story.  Hollow and I have already planned out a lot of stuff, but we want your input as well.  Ideas for your arc, villains, etc.

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  On 9/30/2016 at 12:23 AM, Mr. Hyde said:

Feedback would be nice, and maybe ideas of something that you would like to see in the story.  Hollow and I have already planned out a lot of stuff, but we want your input as well.  Ideas for your arc, villains, etc.


Time Travel ....what? No, I wouldn't EVER suggest something like that...


Hmm, I'll probably think of something during the weekend and mention it later.

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  • 1 month later...

Got it to work. It's unfinished, but by the end of the day most, if not all of it will be complete.



Name: Gatix the Beetle


Age: 19


Species: Stag Beetle













*Stag Horn: Gatix has naturally grown horns due to being a stag beetle. Gatix can use these horns to stab opponents, and he can also use them to hold small objects. If his horns are torn off, he can regrow them, but it takes a few hours for them to grow back, and costs a lot of energy.

*Clay Morph: Using a close connection to the Chaos Force, Gatix can transport 1 part of his body at a time into clay. Not only does the clay soften blows on Gatix when he uses it, but he can also shape his clay into different forms, such as turning one of his arms into a spear, or turning his horns into clubs.

*Clay Armor: Gatix can also use his Clay Morph ability defensively, and he can spread a part of his body turned into clay all around his body, and he can then harden the clay to make it into temporary armor. When the armor breaks or if Gatix doesn't need the armor anymore, all of the clay goes back to the original part's position and turns back into its respectinve body part.



*Club of Quakes: Gatix carries a powerful steel club whenever he goes into battle. This specific club, while it doesn't have good range by itself, it can be boosted by Chaos Energy to give it the ability to levitate and throw rocks.






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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

[spoiler=Post Host Post Rundown and Instructions!]


Whoowee wasn't that fun for everyone?!  Gosh we're having a swell time!  Now that everyone's done with their own special training, it's time for you to head back to the main chamber of the castle.  React to anything you want on your way there, and when you get into the chamber.


Now we have a Dire Wolf!  Claps for Chaos!


Claps for Wind Rider as well, for becoming a healer (we shall see if she does at least).  Btw Wind, I forgot to mention this in the IC posts, but you can use the oxygen in your blood. and heat it up so that your skin steams and becomes more durable.  Just another use of the lighter side of pyromancy that I totally forgot to explain...Just know that you can apply that at anytime!


BladeMistress, make sure in your next post to gather up all the materials you'd like to use as morphing powers and return to the castle.  I'd like for all of us to be there, and make sure your chosen properties are gooooooooooooooooooooood and fun!


*TiffxChimera intensifes*


Rip Axel



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[spoiler=Surprise Entry!]

Name: Pepsi Hedgehog

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Birthplace: Unknown 




Height: 3'11

Weight: 100

[spoiler=Personality] Pepsi Hedgehog is a pure hearted hero, wishing to spread the joys of Pepsi throughout the Multiverse. He is passionate about this, and will stop at nothing to complete his mission. He is a hard worker, especially when it comes to spreading the joys of Pepsi. For that, he will work night and day until everyone is happy and their thirst quenched.


He views himself as a great hero, one that will vanquish all evil, including the evils of Coca Cola. He protects the innocent with all his might, and strikes down evil without hesitation. Out of battle, he is a happy go lucky and bold man, able to strike a conversation with anyone. In battle, he is a quiet blade of justice, destroying all evil in his path.


[spoiler=Biography] Pepsi Hedgehog was once a normal, everyday hedgehog when he was ran over by a giant runaway Coca Cola can that crushed his legs. The Coca Cola company refused to pay damages, and instead were focused on perfecting their mind control ingredient in their drinks, and to create their perfect solider, Captain Cola. For two weeks, Pepsi Man was unable to walk, and it depressed him greatly.


However, The Pepsi Company, feeling sorry for our hero, had him drink an experimental flavor of Pepsi that healed all his injuries. However, there was a side effect no one could see coming. The Pepsi vitalized him, making stronger, faster, more carbonated, and sweeter than the average human. It also allowed him to create Pepsi from thin air. However, the Coca Cola company caught wind of this, and murdered the scientist behind this formula, the original Dr. Pepper.


In order to avenge his friend and to save the world, Pepsi Man and Dr. Pepper Jr. have declared a never battle for truth, justice, and the Pepsi Way. They will stop at nothing to stop the forces of Captain Cola and Mr. Pibb.  




[spoiler=Abilities] He moves around quickly, running people over, and converting them to good with the power of Pepsi. Pepsi Blade and Pepsi Grenade. Can tap into the Pepsi Force.



Other Information

  • Has no idea how he got here.


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