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Nostalgia's Angels - Cyber Angels

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Senju of the Thousand Hands x3

Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands x3

Honest x2

Gale Dogra

Cyber Petite Angel x2


Cyber Angel Vishnu

Cyber Angel Dakini

Saffira, Queen of Dragons x2

Herald of Perfection

Cyber Angel Benten x3

Cyber Angel Idaten x3


Pre-Preparation of Rites x3

Terraforming x2

Preparation of RItes

Dawn of the Herald

Cyber Machine Ritual x3

Hymn of Light x2

Cosmix Cyclone x2

Ritual Sanctuary x3


Treacherous Trap Hole


Herald of the Arc Light x2

Utopia Beyond

Constellar Ptolemy M7


Dark Rebellion



Silent Honors Ark Knight



Starliege Paladynamo x2

Fairy Cheer Girl

Gagaga Cowboy



Very consistent and capable of insane combos so far, especially if I can utilize Dakini as a finisher in combination with Idaten, Saffira being the main Ritual of the deck and acting as consistency-booster. Comments and criticisms welcomed, I'd love to make this deck better; First time I've used a Ritual deck since I played Gishki, so I'm a touch rusty with them. I'm considering cutting RItual Sanctuary to 2 and Terra to one to make room for stuff like Quaking Mirror Force, but I'm not committed to it just yet.

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It's kinda funny; I was gonna say ya might wanna put Terra @3. The field is pretty critical in this deck's power plays and there's little danger of having no fields in deck since you can recycle 'em.


As for other stuff... I've personally never been a big fan of Senju for this deck. Having the Ritual Monsters at the ready never felt like a problem. How has it worked for you?

You might also wanna try to take advantage of "power spells" (ie. Spells that usually are no net loss in advantage) as much as possible since they'd all be recyclable. Ones that pop into the mind are Raigeki, Upstart, and Instant Fusion. Though probably only IF would be helpful if you're trying to use Vishnu to OTK.


Daigusto Emeral might be worth considering if you do decide to go down the more grind route.

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-3 Senju


+1 Upstart Goblin

+1 Terraforming

+1 Instant Fusion


You already run 3 monsters that searches (Manju, Petit Angel and Gale Dogra which can search twice if you want to), and since you said Saffira is the main Ritual in here, losing 3 Fairies wont hurt Herald that much. Upstart and Terra helps you to thin your Deck and more fuel for Ritual Sanctuary. Instant Fusion lets you play Norden, that can give you access to Fairy Cheer Girl faster. Also, what do you think of adding 3 Pot of Cupidity without removing anything? It is risk since you only run 1 copy of some cards but it always worked for me.

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