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Britain and the EU (Brexit)


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So for those who don't already know what this is, there is a debate in the UK about whether to withdraw from the EU or not. This is just a discussion thread for the issue for you guys.


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And cameron said it would cause a world war, and he also said that it would destroy the value of the sterling. It's all fearmongering, the EU sucks and is the worst deal ever.


How so? No I'm serious, why do you think that way, because I'm not picking up a reason to why EU is as bad as you say, contrary to easier traveling between member countries if you're a citizen of a member country, trade agreements between countries, and a cohesive front to help us all thrive as nations


EDIT: As for me, I still honestly dont understand why this is even a topic in Brittain, as the only arguments that I've heard so far echo way to strong to what the extreme right is saying over here in Sweden about, coincidentaly, wanting to leave the EU.

"We want to be self sufficient. The EU robs us off that"


I hate to tell it to you (no I'm not reffering to anyone here, but hey, if the shoe fits, I'm not gonna stop you from wearing it), but we do not live in a time where it's a viable move for a nation to isolate itself from everyone else. If only because of the basic rule "If you're not my friend, you're my enemy"

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And cameron said it would cause a world war, and he also said that it would destroy the value of the sterling. It's all fearmongering, the EU sucks and is the worst deal ever.


Because the pro-Brexit campaign has used nothing but facts and totally reasonable, not overblown and fearmongering comments throughout the entire campaign! This is a dumb thing to have a referendum on because nobody really knows what the effects will be, it's basically a vote between Boris Johnson or David Cameron for PM, and I choose Cameron.

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And Cameron said it would cause ​a world war, and he also said that it would destroy the value of the sterling. It's all fearmongering, the EU sucks and is the worst deal ever.

Not sure how it is the worst deal ever, but I agree that it's scaremongering and such a tactic risks alienating the public as Nicola Sturgeon said.

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I think leaving the EU is far more risky than staying in it. That's one of the only things I think is actually confirmed about the referendum, because we at least have a base idea of how being within the EU functions. But outside of it?


We have no idea how well we can renegotiate trade deals, how the rest of the EU responds (Whether or not more countries vote to leave or not), how public perception of us will shift, how the market will react to the news. How the world economy reacts even to one of the financial capitals of the world leaving a free market.There's so many god-damn variables for no especially substantial reward in theory beyond more independence in our ability to make laws. But said independence relies on our government doing what is in our best interests, which isn't exactly a thing a lot of people have faith in right now. 


We already make more money from the EU than we spend maintaining the EU. We benefits as a result of the migration it enables. We even benefit from a lot of it's human rights laws (Most particularly Labour Laws - Who the f*** wants the Tory government designing a new generation of Labour Laws for workers). Cameron even got us a limited selection of powers that deal with a lot of the issues people had with the EU in some form or another, and secured out 'sovereignty' So, in my mind I don't there's been any proven benefits to leaving that outweigh the risks that are attached to such a big event. 


There's fear and propaganda being slung by both sides, but not a lot of confirmed benefits or disadvantages. 

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We elected a Muslim mayor and tried to ban him from entering the country, I don't think leaving the EU is going to tick off Trump any more, who I'm pretty convinced is just supporting Brexit because he's a right-winger and right-wingers support Brexit on principle, not because he has any real opinion.

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There's been pretty much no actual solid facts or even a solid case on either side. Even if sensible things have been said, they've not been reported in the mainstream media. All I've heard on the news is scaremongering and "this person/organisation supports such and such", which isn't helpful at all. They're trying to get us to vote based on the biased or baseless opinions of Establishment members rather than providing us with the information needed to form our own opinions.


If you want some genuinely interesting and useful commentary on the EU debate, I've found this article:




It has clear left-wing bias, but gives a useful history lesson and actually gives you things to think about. There's probably more on the EU on this blog, so I'd recommend having a browse.

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We elected a Muslim mayor and tried to ban him from entering the country, I don't think leaving the EU is going to tick off Trump any more, who I'm pretty convinced is just supporting Brexit because he's a right-winger and right-wingers support Brexit on principle, not because he has any real opinion.



Nah, Trump doesn't conform


And the US president really has no business strong-arming England anyway

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And the US president really has no business strong-arming England anyway

I don't mean to derail the conversation, but in that case, what about Mexico and other countries? (excluding areas like the Middle East)

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