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Cyber Angel – Vishnu (910)

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Did someone really just quote the first amendment while discussing a Yugioh card?

No, I used the First Amendment in response to someone telling me to shut up.

Dan you are misinterpreting our attempts to demonstraight how vital Herald is as a combo piece and as a defensive option in Cyber Angels. We are not saying it's a wincon. We are not saying it's the end all be all.


That is not "wanking something off as tier 0"

That is "having a polite discussion about herald and its general application"


You failing to acknowledge it as such is only further proving your own ignorance.

This is the very basis of toxic discussion, so please end it here


Only because the fact that you couldn't spell "demonstrate" made me chuckle.

...and I actually respect you.

Unlike some people.


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It honestly makes me really sad whenever I get reports of this stuff because it's just like... I already have a good idea who's going to be responsible for it too. If you guys could seriously just keep it civil so that I don't have to hand out any more warns, that'd honestly be great. Also if some of you could actually start substantiating for some of the things if you get involved in arguments instead of throwing around childish remarks... Yeah.

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It honestly makes me really sad whenever I get reports of this stuff because it's just like... I already have a good idea who's going to be responsible for it too. If you guys could seriously just keep it civil so that I don't have to hand out any more warns, that'd honestly be great. Also if some of you could actually start substantiating for some of the things if you get involved in arguments instead of throwing around childish remarks... Yeah.

Huh. Since when did Norman become a mod?

Welp, I acknowledged the warning, so whatever.

I'll just say things that rhyme with "Cuck Mack" in the statuses.

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In OTHER news.


After playing against Raidraptor with this/Cyber Angels... lol funk double strix, that's a free win


But really, this card is good. IDK if 1 or 2, due to looping potential, but at least 1.


It seems like, if the decks gets enough more, it's a Shaddolls case, kinda?


It punishes ED summons, a lot. If you don't have backrow to save your ass (or if you only have a single destruction backrow), you WILL be eating 7-8K.


And that can end the game outright.


No, Cyber Angels aren't an amazing deck, but they can make this from a fair few hands (and it can be made from Benten/Idaten + -Ju), and it lets them win T2.

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So you don't bank on herald 100%. That doesn't change anything here. You only negate when you must, leaving a smart player to not get blown out by multiple effects.


Uh, what? Aggressive implies OTKs. Otherwise, the aggressive nature is too passive to win. And what you're describing sounds bad, without backup plans like Herald.


Herald makes Preprep more live, thus enabling builds more, and gives you more options than preprep being a single path to saffira. Neverminding that Saffira + herald boards are strong, and fairly easy to make early. Of COURSE they can outplay it, but Herald isn't about protecting yourself eternally.


Herald of Perfection is a card that reduces the gamestate to "zero", not serves as pure protection. It makes both players grind out resources until it's too low for one or the other to come back with. Which is why, when playing with herald, it;'s about making sure YOU come out on top, not blindly throwing fairies down to stop them.


4-5 cards should never have that much of an impact in a deck that's about constant filtering.


Aggression doesn't necessarily mean OTK to me; it more or less means being fast-paced and able to output a lot of monsters and/or damage in one turn; whether it OTKs or not depends on the deck itself.


I mean, I suppose I can sum it up like this: I'm not saying that Herald is objectively bad or that nobody should run it, but that, overall, I am a player that likes to see for himself what he wants to run and how he wants to build things. I've been playing Cyber Angels a fair amount to the point that I've come to see a strong functionality in my build, without Herald of Perfection, and for me at least it's not just a matter of "I don't like it so I won't run it". No. I put more effort into my decks than just picking and choosing what I do or do not like despite how good it is or is not. So, in terms of defensive strategies, I've come to like the compactness of being able to, say, loop Veiler per turn with Saffira than a strict reduction of the gamestate to 0. I'm saying this more as my style than anything that I'd rather beat my opponent down than reduce the gamestate where I'm at a slight advantage. That's just me.


Also, I will say I don't think you give me enough credit as a deck builder or player. I ain't no sluff at this game ;O



Also yes, this is a good card. The potential to completely steal a game in one turn off of one card is pretty big, and definitely puts the pressure on some players to place more commitment into their fields than simply a couple monsters and a set card in order to better protect against OTK plays. By no means do I think Cyber Angels are really going to go anywhere; as strong as a deck it is, it still is lacking in some fundamental areas that create some glaring weakspots. But, there's definitely potential depending on what they get further down the road.


Somehow, I feel like if this came out maybe... a year or two earlier, this card would've been completely bonkers.

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Aggression doesn't necessarily mean OTK to me; it more or less means being fast-paced and able to output a lot of monsters and/or damage in one turn; whether it OTKs or not depends on the deck itself.


I mean, I suppose I can sum it up like this: I'm not saying that Herald is objectively bad or that nobody should run it, but that, overall, I am a player that likes to see for himself what he wants to run and how he wants to build things. I've been playing Cyber Angels a fair amount to the point that I've come to see a strong functionality in my build, without Herald of Perfection, and for me at least it's not just a matter of "I don't like it so I won't run it". No. I put more effort into my decks than just picking and choosing what I do or do not like despite how good it is or is not. So, in terms of defensive strategies, I've come to like the compactness of being able to, say, loop Veiler per turn with Saffira than a strict reduction of the gamestate to 0. I'm saying this more as my style than anything that I'd rather beat my opponent down than reduce the gamestate where I'm at a slight advantage. That's just me.


Also, I will say I don't think you give me enough credit as a deck builder or player. I ain't no sluff at this game ;O

But doing that doesn't really win the game, and often leads to death. You could put Gem-Knights under aggressive like that, but that doesn't really work. Gem-Knights are an OTK deck, in the end, and "Aggressive" would just cover the turns they can't do that. Aggressive in YGO IS OTK, because it's not aggro if it's not tearing them apart. Big Monsters only mean so much.


I'm not saying you're discounting it on style alone. You were the one that brought up how degen it was, albeit jokingly.


The problem with Veiler is that veiler isn't good. Even without Kozmo, Veiler is getting weaker as the game becomes less and less about power summons that decide turns. Out of the traditional trio, Veiler has aged the worst, by FAR.


Saffira makes it better, but Saffira's best effect is the drawing effect, because it digs you into more spells and other power resources. It's still a +1, but it's a +1 that helps you win. Veiler has just aged badly, and I really think that more 6s that give you options > unsearchable veilers.


I give no one credit without evidence. Not so much denying credit, simply not lending it.


In OTHER news.


After playing against Raidraptor with this/Cyber Angels... lol f*** double strix, that's a free win


But really, this card is good. IDK if 1 or 2, due to looping potential, but at least 1.


It seems like, if the decks gets enough more, it's a Shaddolls case, kinda?


It punishes ED summons, a lot. If you don't have backrow to save your ass (or if you only have a single destruction backrow), you WILL be eating 7-8K.


And that can end the game outright.


No, Cyber Angels aren't an amazing deck, but they can make this from a fair few hands (and it can be made from Benten/Idaten + -Ju), and it lets them win T2.

why did you copy pasta me
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Finally! Cyber Angel Vishnu is here! 

This card is amazing in the fact that you can potentially OTK very easily if the opponent uses an extra deck monster. Unfortunately, I've been trying this card in ygopro and everyone kept using Blue-eyes, Kozmos, Monarchs etc. which doesn't uses extra deck monsters and at the end of the day I just simply played regular Cyber Angels since Vishnu was basically not as useful on those matches. So I can see people running only one copy of this card only, not more because in today's game apparently nobody uses extra deck monsters (for now) except for a few (I'm referring to currently new playing decks). 


Either way, this card's second effect could have been better if it didn't have too many restrictions or if it could negate more things. 


.... now for those getting mad at herald stuff... herald is good with cyber angels because the cyber angels can search herald and refill the hand back with cyber angels (like with daikini). And no, Herald Angels is not Tier 0. Not with the current cyber angels cards right now, although I can see Cyber Angels being Meta in the future if they get the right support (because this deck searches the whole deck so consistency is not a problem).

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But doing that doesn't really win the game, and often leads to death. You could put Gem-Knights under aggressive like that, but that doesn't really work. Gem-Knights are an OTK deck, in the end, and "Aggressive" would just cover the turns they can't do that. Aggressive in YGO IS OTK, because it's not aggro if it's not tearing them apart. Big Monsters only mean so much.


I'm not saying you're discounting it on style alone. You were the one that brought up how degen it was, albeit jokingly.


The problem with Veiler is that veiler isn't good. Even without Kozmo, Veiler is getting weaker as the game becomes less and less about power summons that decide turns. Out of the traditional trio, Veiler has aged the worst, by FAR.


Saffira makes it better, but Saffira's best effect is the drawing effect, because it digs you into more spells and other power resources. It's still a +1, but it's a +1 that helps you win. Veiler has just aged badly, and I really think that more 6s that give you options > unsearchable veilers.


I give no one credit without evidence. Not so much denying credit, simply not lending it.


why did you copy pasta me


Wait what, that didn't show up in my post... lemme get that outta there



Also, after playing Saffira somewhat, I disagree on the draw effect being objectively better. It's good, don't get me wrong, but picking and choosing which effect depends entirely on the situation. I pick the draw effect if there's something I want that I can't search out; usually I pick to recycle a Manju from the grave and plant it back in my hand; and sometimes I recycle Honest entirely if I'm in a position of power; and sometimes I just do the straight -1 on my opponent if I have everything I need and there's nothing really worth recycling. It's more about what situation you're in, and often times the recycle has helped me out more as a means to guarantee what I'm putting into my hand than leaving it up to luck. Unless what I want is something I can't search with Manju.


Anyways, I say Veiler not only because Saffira is able to recycle and keep it live, or because Benten can actually search it out (like Honest), but also because it allows me to better control what my opponent is using to kill my Rituals with. Preferably I want to force them to use destruction or battle so as to keep them protected on the field, but you never know when a pesky Castel will show up to ruin your day.


In general, yes Veiler has not aged well; but in a deck that's able to search it and recycle it, I say; why not? There's always the side-game for decks it's not so great against.

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So let me get this straight


1. Its easily summonable by one of the most searchable, and best Ritual Spells in the game


2. Destroys a ton of monsters on Summon, inflicts heavy effect damage if it does so, and on top of that can attack twice


3. Has a mini inbuilt Stardust effect and can reuse your Rituals


4. People in this game and forum are calling this card "bad"


Seriously WTF guys. This game is just a clusterfuck now so I'm glad I barely play anymore. But the attitude of players in this game are just what makes me so less interested in this game these days


The card is good, damn good. It's basically like Towers. It's a heavy boss monster that can do serious damage.

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So let me get this straight


1. Its easily summonable by one of the most searchable, and best Ritual Spells in the game


2. Destroys a ton of monsters on Summon, inflicts heavy effect damage if it does so, and on top of that can attack twice


3. Has a mini inbuilt Stardust effect and can reuse your Rituals


4. People in this game and forum are calling this card "bad"


Seriously WTF guys. This game is just a clusterf*** now so I'm glad I barely play anymore. But the attitude of players in this game are just what makes me so less interested in this game these days


The card is good, damn good. It's basically like Towers. It's a heavy boss monster that can do serious damage.


Nobody said this card was bad

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After some testing with this thing, it is a bloody game-ender, especially with Idaten as a sac being a nail in the coffin. Dropped this against BW and just laughed. Gives you even more mileage if you drop it on the heels of Dakini, as people will most often sac off any non-ED monsters they have out when Dakini shows up (unless they're playing BA, which the deck can overpower with Idaten).

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