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Once per turn, during each player's Standby Phase: The turn player declares a Level from among the face-up monsters they control, then sends all face-up monsters they control with a different Level to the Graveyard.



I found this and had never saw it before, it seems pretty decent but im unsure how it interacts with things without levels like xyz...

It feels like it could be relevant eventually. Shame it doesnt stop them from summoning other monsters with a different level for the rest of the turn, but being able to mow down your opponents field everyturn against some decks could be really useful, also it sends to graveyard so Kozmos and similar things cant float out of it.



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Beats synchro, but then again, what doesn't? Xyz don't have level, so this doesn't affect them. 

Maybe if nekroz ever comes back. Just maybe.


Doesn't out the Unicore and there wouldn't be any monsters to send. Even if there are, no worthwhile ones.


It says "with a different Level".


It might just murder Xyz outright, because they don't have a Level to match.


Their Levels cannot be different if they don't have one.

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